Chapter 251: She didn't want to believe Huangfu Qiye

"He is the adopted son of the owner of this ancient castle, Ling Shitian, Ling Yijue. He was Miss Tang's boyfriend in high school."

"Ling Yijue? That's him?" Huangfu Qiye frowned.

Then, he suddenly realized that his entire body didn't hurt anymore.

If he continued to hurt, his woman would really be snatched away by his ex-boyfriend.

If he were to ask Huangfu Qiye at this moment, what kind of person did he find the most annoying?

Huangfu Qiye would definitely answer loudly, "F*ck, ex-boyfriend is the most annoying, so of course, this kind of person is the most annoying."

"Immediately find out all his weaknesses!" Huangfu Qiye did not have the strength to go out personally, so he could only order Yuan Qi.

When Yuan Qi heard this, he immediately replied in a low voice, "Young master, there isn't have much information. His biggest weakness is that he's Ling Shitian's adopted son. Another weakness seems to be... liking Miss Tang."

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he immediately glared at Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi was stared at, and he hurriedly lowered his head in fear.

However, what he said was true and not a lie.

"No one is perfect. It's impossible for him to only have this weak point. Go and investigate carefully. You must find out his fatal weakness." Huangfu Qiye pushed Yuan Qi away and walked towards the elevator.

Yuan Qi saw that his young master was injured and was not recovering, but he still insisted on coming down to see Miss Tang. Looking at his young master's current state, he must have seen that something unpleasant had happened to Miss Tang. Moreover, it sounded like his young master had made up his mind to stay here temporarily and was unwilling to leave.

Yuan Qi sighed helplessly and did not dare to leave this place. He could only make a call and get someone else to investigate Ling Yijue.


After Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye separated, she no longer had any thoughts of going out for a walk.

She ran straight back to her room.

After running back to her room, she closed the door tightly and leaned her back against the door tightly. Her entire body could not help but tremble.

Her heart was especially chaotic right now.

It was even more chaotic than when Huangfu Qiye appeared last night and explained to her.

He explained again just now with a sincere attitude. Even though he was stabbed by her, he didn't show any anger or desire for revenge. This meant that he was willing to be stabbed by her.

This made her even more flustered.

She said that she wouldn't believe him.

However, although she said that, she couldn't help but doubt in her heart

Could it be that she was really wrong about everything before?

Could she believe that the man who appeared with Huangfu Yuner and injected poison into her was just a substitute that looked like him and that Huangfu Yuner had found?

Was that really the case?

She stayed in the room alone until the sun gradually set.

At that moment, Ling Shitian and Ling Yijue had not returned.

Tang Xiaowei had been in a daze in the room until she heard Louann knocking on the door and shouting outside.

"Miss, are you free now? Mr. Huangfu, who stayed here yesterday, said that he brought two friends for you, surnamed Tao. These two guests are downstairs now. Do you want to go down and meet them?"

Tang Xiaowei sat on the carpet with her back to the door.

Her eyes lit up when she suddenly heard Louann say that.

It was Yuyan and Tao Xian, wasn't it?

She didn't want to believe Huangfu Qiye, but she was willing to believe Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian.

It was the two of them who took care of her when she was poisoned and suffered a miscarriage.

If they were downstairs now, she would definitely want to meet them.

She immediately stood up, but because she had sat for a long time, her head was a little dizzy. She shook her head and waited for a few seconds before she slowly recovered.

After opening the door, she anxiously asked Louann, "The two guests who just came, is the girl among them very beautiful? She has a gentle look and long black hair?"

"Yes, yes, that's right." Louann hurriedly nodded.

Tang Xiaowei no longer doubted it, and then she ran out in her slippers.

When the elevator reached the first floor, she felt flustered and nervous.

When the elevator stopped and the elevator door opened, she was still standing inside, a little afraid to move her feet and walk out.

But at that moment, there were already people waiting at the elevator door.

"Xiaowei, it really is you." Tao Yuyan's surprised voice sounded.

The next second, she had already rushed into the elevator and hugged Tang Xiaowei.

In the elevator, Tang Xiaowei felt her vision blur and did not react at all.

By the time she reacted, Tao Yuyan had already hugged her and cried, "Xiaowei, do you know that you suddenly disappeared in the hospital? We have been looking for you for more than a month." She sobbed. "Fortunately, we have finally found you."

Tang Xiaowei comforted Tao Yuyan by patting her back. Just as she was about to comfort her, she suddenly saw a large group of people standing at the elevator door.

Huangfu Qiye, who was injured and bandaged, as well as Tao Xian, as well as Huangfu Qiye's brothers, Mu Yisen and Zhou Chen, whom she had met in the Huangting Hotel. Of course, there was also Huangfu Qiye's sidekick, Yuan Qi.

These people were all extremely handsome. At that moment, they were all staring into the elevator.

She really felt a little pressured.

Hence, she hurriedly reached out and closed the elevator door, locking herself and Tao Yuyan inside.

"Xiaowei..." just as the elevator door was about to close, Huangfu Qiye's anxious voice sounded.

The next second, Yuan Qi rushed up and stopped the elevator door from closing.

Tang Xiaowei frowned and looked at them. "I want to talk to Yuyan alone, can't I?"

When she said this, although she looked at the people outside, she didn't look at Huangfu Qiye. Instead, she looked at the furniture beside him. She did not want to see him. Just looking at him made her feel annoyed.

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye could only compromise when he heard her say this.

The others did not say anything. Yuan Qi also retreated.

Only then did Tang Xiaowei close the elevator door again. Only the two of them were left in the elevator.

However, before they had the time to say anything, the elevator reached the fifth floor.

Tang Xiaowei directly held Tao Yuyan's hand and walked into her room together.

After entering the room, she closed the door and walked to the sofa to sit down Suppressing her nervousness, she said with a faint smile, "Yuyan, something happened when I suddenly left the hospital because I met Ah Jue. He said he could help me find the antidote, so I didn't want to disturb you, and I left with him."

"Then have you been cured?" Tao Yuyan hurriedly walked to Tang Xiaowei's side and held her hand worriedly, looking at her.

Tang Xiaowei nodded. "Yes, it has been gone for almost a month."

"Really? That's great." Tao Yuyan was a little excited.

Tang Xiaowei also smiled, but her emotions were clearly still nervous. "Yuyan, you clearly know that Huangfu Qiye hurt me. Why are you with him and his friends now?"