Chapter 120: I like this surprise very much

She deliberately smiled and threw a small 'bomb' out.

Although this 'bomb' was small, it caused quite a stir.

Upon hearing her words, Huangfu Qiye's footsteps, which were about to come over, stopped.

Two seconds later, on the phone and on the path ahead, he roared angrily, "What did you say? Did you run away again? Damn it!"

"I didn't run away. Why are you so fierce?" Tang Xiaowei's ears hurt from the two shouts on the phone. She took her phone away from her ear and after a while, she retorted helplessly, "If I ran away, do you think I would call you?"

Huangfu Qiye was stunned.

She was right.

If she had run away, she would not have called him.

Moreover, Yuan Shan, who he had stayed behind to protect Tang Xiaowei, would also report to him.

But just now, he had not received any news. This meant that Tang Xiaowei was still obediently staying in the forest manor, waiting for him to return.

However, since she did not run away, then what did she mean by saying that he would not see her after he returned to the country?

"I have prepared a surprise for you. Do you dare to walk forward alone?" Tang Xiaowei's light voice rang out again.

Upon hearing this, Huangfu Qiye suddenly raised his head and looked towards the path ahead.

However, it was dark ahead, especially in the distance where it looked even darker and he couldn't see anything clearly at all.

However, in his heart, there was a faint sense of anticipation.

Although he didn't know what Tang Xiaowei meant by these words, he still ordered the bodyguards behind him not to follow him. He walked forward by himself.

Tang Xiaowei stood in the dark and finally saw Huangfu Qiye walking towards her.

The call was not cut off yet.

She suddenly became a little nervous, and her body began to tremble as she stood where she was.

In front of him, Huangfu Qiye subconsciously felt that something was wrong when he heard her ask him if he dared to go forward himself.

He took a few steps forward and finally noticed that something was wrong.

His eyesight was very good, even though the road ahead was still dark.

However, because he took a few more steps, the distance between him and Tang Xiaowei became closer.

Therefore, he quickly noticed that there was a black shadow standing on the small path in front of him.

The black shadow's height looked very much like hers.

Huangfu Qiye stood rooted to the ground, unable to react for a few seconds.

Thinking of what she had said just now, and seeing the black shadow that suddenly appeared in front of him, how could he still not understand?

He did not expect that this girl would actually secretly run here!

Moreover, no one had informed him.

His heart was filled with both surprise and anger. He quickly ran forward and finally saw her standing there clearly.

Just as Tang Xiaowei was feeling nervous, he suddenly ran over.

Before she could react, the next second, she was forcefully pulled into the man's arms.

"Why are you here? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Huangfu Qiye's tone was filled with disbelief, but at the same time, there was also a trace of caution.

It was as if this was a dream. He was afraid that if he was too impulsive, this dream would disappear.

Tang Xiaowei was held tightly by him, and she almost couldn't breathe.

It took her quite a while to regain her senses. She was already in his arms, so there was no need to be nervous anymore.

Indeed, after being held in his arms, the nervousness in her heart had slowly disappeared.

"If I said that I wanted to give you a surprise, would you believe me?" She deliberately asked in a light voice.

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye gently pushed her away. There was still some shock on his face. "Surprise?"

"Yes, don't you like my sudden appearance?" Tang Xiaowei didn't prepare anything. The surprise she was talking about was herself.

However, after she said these words, she began to feel a little unsure.

Would he be satisfied with such a surprise?

Or would he...?

However, before she could finish her wild thoughts, Huangfu Qiye's kiss had suddenly taken away her sense of reason.

He had suddenly kissed her. This was beyond her expectations.

She stood rooted to the ground and didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

On the dim path, there were trees on both sides. There were many bodyguards not far away, but no one came to disturb them.

Her eyes widened in shock, only seeing his handsome face.

Her body subconsciously accepted him, and she did not push him away in disgust like before.

She realized that deep down, she did not hate this kiss.

Had she unknowingly accepted him to such an extent?

After a long time, he finally let go of her. She was slightly panting, and he was also slightly panting. Then, without waiting for her to say anything, he directly picked her up and walked out of the path. "I really like this surprise."

Tang Xiaowei only regained her senses after a long while. What was he talking about?

He said that he liked this surprise, so he wasn't angry. He probably wouldn't punish Yuan Shan for not reporting to him.

She lowered her head and thought to herself that there was still some meaning in coming to France to look for him.

For example, when he saw her just now, although the light was very dim, she could clearly feel that he was happy to see her, and there was also some excitement in him.

So, if she continued to spend more time with him in the future, she would be able to read his heart even more, right?


Tang Xiaowei was carried back to the villa he lived in by Huangfu Qiye.

After entering the bedroom, he directly put her on the bed, but he did not intend to leave. Instead, he lowered his body, and his tall body was like a barrier, shrouding her in a shadow.

"Tell me, why did you think to have Yuan Shan hide your secret surprise and come here to see me?"

When he saw her suddenly, other than being a little worried that she would get hurt and think that she was disobedient, he felt more surprised.

He admitted that he really felt the surprise that she intended.

But now, after he calmed down, he realized how dangerous it was for her to suddenly appear here.

What if she didn't want to visit him, but secretly thought of a way to lie to Yuan Shan and then leave his side?

There were too many ideas in her little head.

He was really worried that if there was a day in the future when he didn't notice, she would think of a way to leave his side and disappear.

The surprise that she gave him today was indeed very enjoyable and satisfying.

However, she was actually able to make Yuan Shan listen to her words today and did not tell him in advance that she was coming to France. Such a situation was not under his control, making him feel that it was too dangerous.

"I've long heard that France is very beautiful. Moreover, I didn't want to stay in the manor every day back home, so I thought of coming here to play. I'll treat it as a vacation." She did not dare to say that she wanted to test his sincerity, so she could only think of a lie.