Chapter 253: one-on-one Talk

Just the thought of Tang Xiaowei being carried out by Tao Xian in the surveillance video, with her body covered in blood, made him feel that he should not cry out in pain.

She was the one who was hurt the most and in the most pain.

It was him who did not protect her well, so everything was his fault.

Ling Shitian had not returned to the company when he received a call from the people in the castle, saying that Huangfu Qiye had brought his people to the castle.

However, these people stayed for a while before leaving, leaving only a girl on the fifth floor to accompany the young miss.

Ling Shitian asked the people in the castle not to stop them and did not cause any trouble. Instead, he just asked people to keep an eye on them.

Then, when it was dark, he and Ling Yijue returned.

After returning, he originally wanted to go and see little rose directly. However, the moment he entered the living room, he saw Huangfu Qiye sitting on a sofa in the living room with a noble bearing.

Seeing that he had come, Huangfu Qiye's bodyguard immediately went forward and said in a respectful tone, "Mr. Ling, our young master has something to discuss with you in private."

Ling Shitian was silent for a few seconds when he heard that.

Ling Yijue, who was behind him, was actually very angry when he saw that Huangfu Qiye was still here. However, when he saw that Huangfu Qiye was only wearing a coat and that his chest and abdomen were all bandaged, he felt that it was strange.

Huangfu Qiye seemed to be fine yesterday. How did he become like this all of a sudden?

Ling Yijue did not know that Huangfu Qiye was injured because when Huangfu Qiye was injured, he was locked in the room by Ling Shitian.

At that moment, seeing that Huangfu Qiye did not leave, but his injuries were so serious, Ling Yijue thought that Huangfu Qiye had hurt Xiaowei, and immediately felt that he deserved it.

"Father, don't you love Xiaowei the most? This hypocrite, he lied to Xiaowei, and even hurt Xiaowei with another woman. Why are you still willing to let him stay in the castle?" Ling Yijue said coldly, looking at Huangfu Qiye with killing intent.

Ling Shitian was originally considering whether he should talk to Huangfu Qiye alone.

After all, this young man was the heir of the Huangfu family, and he was not an ordinary person. Yet, he was stabbed by his adopted daughter.

When he heard his adopted son's words, Ling Shitian's expression changed immediately.

The little rose that he loved the most actually had someone who dared to hurt her!

He looked at Huangfu Qiye coldly. "Mr. Huangfu, is what Ah Jue said true? You hurt my little rose?"

Huangfu Qiye frowned slightly. It was because of Ling Yijue and also because of Ling Shitian's affectionate words.

"Mr. Ling, what I want to talk to you about is related to this matter. I think it's better for us to find a quiet place to talk alone." Huangfu Qiye stood up, even though he had bandages on his chest and abdomen Therefore, just wearing a coat was a little inappropriate, but his domineering aura was considerable.

Ling Yijue stared at him fiercely, and Huangfu Qiye also glanced at him coldly.

Their auras were equally matched.

Ling Shitian only felt that he was in a bad mood. Since he had accepted his little rosette as his adopted daughter, then no matter who it was, they were not allowed to hurt her.

Therefore, he felt that it was fine to talk alone and see the situation.

"Mr. Huangfu, please come to my study," he said coldly and took the lead to enter the elevator.

Ling Yijue revealed a surprised expression because he did not expect his father to actually agree to talk to Huangfu Qiye alone.

He suppressed his anger and left calmly.

Huangfu Qiye brought Yuan Qi to Ling Shitian's study.

An hour passed.

Huangfu Qiye came out of Ling Shitian's study and the expression on his face was no longer as gloomy as before.

He walked into the elevator, and his fingers trembled. He wanted to press the button for the fifth floor to see her, but in the end, he pressed the button for the second floor and went to the guest room he was staying in.

As for Ling Shitian in the study...

After Huangfu Qiye left, he immediately called David over and handed him a video. "Go and find someone to see if it's real or if it's been processed."

David took the video and immediately left.

The video that Ling Shitian took was the one that Tao Yuyan had taken from Tang Xiaowei. Although it was a copy, the video was definitely real.

However, Ling Shitian was still not completely at ease.

Especially since he had just talked with Huangfu Qiye for an hour.

Only then did he know that Huangfu Qiye and Xiaoqiang were really a couple before. However, they were separated because of the misunderstanding in the video.

Moreover, it could be seen that Huangfu Qiye really loved Xiaoqiang. Ling Shitian felt very distressed.

Now, there were two young talents. One was his adopted son, and the other was the heir of the Huangfu family.

These two people loved Xiaoqiang. He had to help Xiaoqiang keep an eye on her.

Not long after, David came back and told Ling Shitian that after a special inspection, the video was real.


Tang Xiaowei was in a bad mood, so even if Ling Shitian came back and wanted to see her, she would not see him.

Of course, she would not see Ling Yijue or Huangfu Qiye.

Even for dinner, she almost did not have the mood and strength to eat it.

Fortunately, Tao Yuyan was by her side, so she comforted her and ate some dinner.

After eating dinner, Tang Xiaowei lowered her head and reached out to hug Tao Yuyan's waist. "Yuyan, sleep with me tonight, I'm very afraid of being alone."

Tao Yuyan naturally did not object.

The night was getting darker and the surroundings gradually quieted down. It was already late at night.

Tang Xiaowei had originally fallen asleep with Tao Yuyan in her arms. Her eyes had been closed the whole time, but she could not fall asleep no matter how hard she tried.

As Tao Yuyan had rushed over on the plane today and had accompanied her for a long time, she had been holding on and was really too tired.

Therefore, Tao Yuyan fell asleep very quickly.

However, Tang Xiaowei could not fall asleep no matter how hard she tried.

In the end, she simply did not sleep.

She felt very thirsty, and her stomach was a little hungry because she had eaten too little.

Helpless, she could only quietly make no sound. Then, she got off the bed, left the room, and prepared to go downstairs.

In the castle, there were only people keeping watch outside at night. It was pitch-black downstairs, and there was no one at all.

Tang Xiaowei was originally afraid of the dark. When she came out of the elevator and found that it was pitch-black downstairs, she was actually quite afraid.

She thought that everyone should have fallen asleep by now, so she didn't care too much. She turned on the lights downstairs and walked into the kitchen.

The kitchen in the castle was very big, especially since the kitchen she entered was specially made for the owner of the castle, so it was naturally even bigger.

She really wanted to eat some warm food.

So she opened the refrigerator to see what could be eaten inside.

She thought that since the castle and the kitchen were so big, there should be a lot of food in the kitchen.