Chapter 256: Stop Fighting, everyone stop!

"I don't believe it." Huangfu Qiye was stunned for a few seconds when he heard her say she didn't love him, but he immediately retorted, "Do you really not love me just because you say you don't love me? I will never forget what you confessed to me before. Don't try to deny it!"

"I am trying to deny it now!" Tang Xiaowei didn't expect him to remember it so clearly.

However, she realized that she was in a mess now. She couldn't promise him anything at all, and she really didn't want to talk about matters of love.

Therefore, it was better to cut the Gordian knot and not keep him hanging.

Therefore, rejection was the best choice.

Huangfu Qiye's expression became a little ugly because of her words. He gritted his teeth and stared at her. "Tang Xiaowei, don't think that just because you've acknowledged an adoptive father, I won't dare to take you away. I won't let you go back on your word. You clearly love me. If you dare not love me, I'll make you fall in love with me again."

"Are you crazy?" Tang Xiaowei yelled at him angrily.

"You just found out?" Huangfu Qiye sneered.

Tang Xiaowei was forced into a corner by him. At that moment, the elevator door suddenly opened and a person walked out. It was Ling Yijue.

His eyes were burning with fire as he stared at Huangfu Qiye who was holding Tang Xiaowei's hand tightly. He said coldly, "Huangfu Qiye, what are you doing? Let go of Xiaowei!"

Ling Yijue couldn't sleep in the middle of the night. He planned to come out to get some fresh air, but he didn't expect to vaguely hear the voices of Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye coming from the fifth floor.

Thinking that Huangfu Qiye also lived in the castle, he hurried downstairs.

Unexpectedly, when the elevator door opened, he really saw Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei, just when Huangfu Qiye was holding Tang Xiaowei's hand tightly.

How could Ling Yijue bear this scene?

He rushed out of the elevator, clenched his fist, and was about to hit Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye naturally wouldn't stand there and let him hit him, but he was afraid of accidentally hurting Tang Xiaowei, so even though he couldn't bear to let go of her hand, he still let go of Tang Xiaowei and dodged Ling Yijue's attack. He also turned around and attacked Ling Yijue.

After being let go of by Huangfu Qiye, Tang Xiaowei originally wanted to leave immediately.

However, when she saw them fighting, in the end, it was also because of her.

She remembered that Huangfu Qiye was injured, so he definitely couldn't beat Ling Yijue.

She hurriedly said, "Stop fighting, both of you stop!"

Ling Yijue and Huangfu Qiye were already entangled with each other, and both of them looked like they wanted to kill each other.

When they suddenly heard her voice, the two of them could only stop and let go of each other. Then, they looked at Tang Xiaowei.

"Xiaowei, I knew you would feel sorry for me." Huangfu Qiye smiled at Tang Xiaowei.

Ling Yijue frowned in anger. "Xiaowei, this person is the one who poisoned you. Why don't you want to take revenge on him? Didn't you say you wanted to kill him with your own hands?"

Tang Xiaowei had never told Ling Yijue who her enemy was. She only said that she wanted to kill him with her own hands.

At that time, she did think that her enemy was Huangfu Qiye.

And Ling Yijue also had the same guess.

But now, Tang Xiaowei already knew the truth. The murderer was not Huangfu Qiye, but someone else.

She saw that Ling Yijue was so anxious and angry about her matter. Although she did not know why he guessed that she thought Huangfu Qiye was the murderer, now that she knew the truth.. So she was afraid that Ling Yijue would continue to have thoughts about Huangfu Qiye in the future.

Tang Xiaowei could only hurriedly explain, "Ah Jue, you misunderstood. He is not the one who poisoned me."

"Really? " Ling Yijue was completely shocked.

This news was not what he wanted.

However, he was willing to believe Tang Xiaowei unconditionally.

Therefore, when he thought of Huangfu Qiye pestering Tang Xiaowei at this moment, and that Huangfu Qiye was no longer the suspect of the murderer, then Huangfu Qiye was his love rival.

Ling Yijue really could not accept this change.

It was already very difficult to regain Xiaowei's heart, and now he had a powerful love rival!

He really felt that he was extremely unlucky with this kind of luck!

"It's true. He's not the murderer, so don't treat him like this in the future. He didn't do anything wrong. On the contrary, I, I stabbed him..." The more Tang Xiaowei spoke, the more powerless she felt.

She took a deep breath and suppressed the bitterness in her heart. "Stop fighting. It's already very late. Everyone, go and rest."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to leave.

However, Huangfu Qiye went up and grabbed her hand again. She had just explained for him, and he was really touched.

Because of this, he was even more reluctant to part with her.

He grabbed her hand and said in a lingering tone, "You still said you didn't love me. Then why were you worried about me just now?"

"Let go of me." Tang Xiaowei really couldn't stand Huangfu Qiye's overbearing and forceful attitude.

She had just explained, but he was actually so thick-skinned that he came over to grab her.

"Aren't you hungry? The rice is already cooked. Are you not going to eat?" Huangfu Qiye changed the topic, and his tone was full of indulgence. "Go down and wait for a while. I'll cook rice for you."

"I..." She wanted to say that she was not going to eat it.

However, after Ling Yijue had a general understanding of the current situation, he immediately said sarcastically, "You're going to cook the rice for Xiaowei? Can you eat the rice cooked by a young master like you?"

After mocking Huangfu Qiye, Ling Yijue looked at Tang Xiaowei and said gently, "Xiaowei, are you hungry? I remember that you like to eat rice noodles the most, so I'll immediately make a bowl of rice noodles for you."

After saying that, Ling Yijue immediately went downstairs, as if he was afraid that others would rob the kitchen.

Tang Xiaowei did see the rice noodles in the kitchen just now, but it was dry and had not been soaked, so she felt that it was troublesome and did not prepare it.

When she saw Ling Yijue rushing over to give her some rice noodles, she was stunned, and she did not even have the chance or time to refuse.

Huangfu Qiye saw her staring blankly at Ling Yijue's back, and he suddenly felt that he had nowhere to vent his anger.

He held her hand tightly, and the two of them walked into the elevator. "The fried rice I cook will definitely be better than the rice noodles he makes. You'll know when you eat it later."

"Ah?" Tang Xiaowei widened her eyes in confusion after hearing that.

She had just cried. Her eyes were red and moist.

Huangfu Qiye's heart itched and his heart ached as he looked at her.

He suddenly lowered his head and kissed her gently on the eyes.

"You're not allowed to eat the food he made. Otherwise, I'll take you away and you're not allowed to stay here anymore. I'm a man of my word!"

Tang Xiaowei felt a little uncomfortable when she heard that.

She really didn't like his domineering attitude.

Especially in this situation, he was still so overbearing. She really felt that she couldn't breathe.

She reached out to push him away and deliberately yawned. "Actually, I'm not that hungry. I want to go back to sleep."