Chapter 124: he said that he did not want to see her right now

Her pet, little Meh Meh, had a cute name, but it was actually a fierce tiger.

When the two bodyguards on the ground heard this, they were so frightened that their bodies trembled. They wanted to beg for mercy, but after Huangfu Yuner finished speaking, she ran off angrily.

Meanwhile, mother Lin hurriedly brought the two maids along and followed.

On the other side, Tang Xiaowei, who had already gotten into the car and was preparing to go to the hospital, was unable to digest what had just happened for a long time.

As the car drove steadily, she finally calmed down.

"Yuan Shan, you called that girl second miss just now. Is she your young master's sister?" Tang Xiaowei could not help but ask.

Yuan Shan Sat in the front passenger seat.

Hearing Tang Xiaowei's question, she turned around and nodded. "Yes, she is now the young master's sister in name. She is 20 years old this year and her name is Huangfu Yuner. Her character is very bad. Miss Tang, you'd better ignore her if you see her in the future."

"But I don't think she treats your young master as her elder brother. Isn't her feelings for your young master a little strange?" Tang Xiaowei finally knew who that arrogant woman was.

However, she was very curious.

That woman was clearly Huangfu Qiye's younger sister. Why did she act as if Huangfu Qiye was not her elder brother but her man?

The few words that Huangfu Yuner suddenly said just now had shocked Tang Xiaowei the most.

Initially, she had thought that Huangfu Qiye's family looked down on ordinary people. Therefore, when Huangfu Yuner appeared, she felt that it was normal for Huangfu Yuner to dislike her.

However, when Huangfu Yuner told her that Huangfu Qiye was her man, it really scared Tang Xiaowei. She thought that some incestuous things might happen in the Huangfu family.

Yuan Shan's expression changed slightly when she heard that.

She knew that Tang Xiaowei would definitely ask after Huangfu Yuner said those words.

Yuan Shan knew that her young master liked Tang Xiaowei very much. Although her young master didn't seem to confess to Tang Xiaowei, her young master's actions showed everything, didn't they?

Therefore, in order to avoid Tang Xiaowei's misunderstanding, Yuan Shan thought about it and began to explain in detail.

"Miss Tang, the second miss just now was actually not born from young master's parents. She was not young master's biological sister. Her grandfather was a friend of our great-grandfather. After the second miss' parents and grandparents passed away, they did not have any relatives, so our great-grandfather adopted her when the second miss was very young. However, after the second miss slowly grew up, she developed feelings for young master that she should not have. The great-grandfather doted on her very much and did not stop her, which was why she was so arrogant."

Yuan Shan's explanation shocked Tang Xiaowei.

She had thought that Huangfu Yuner was Huangfu Qiye's biological sister, so she had been secretly thinking too much. She had assumed that Huangfu Yuner had incestuous feelings.

But now, after listening to Yuan Shan's explanation, she realized that Huangfu Yuner was not incestuous.

Instead, she was going to snatch Huangfu Qiye from her.

Although Huangfu Qiye had been pestering her, Tang Xiaowei knew very well that Huangfu Qiye was indeed very popular.

She was silent for a long time before she asked Yuan Shan again, "Does your young master have any reaction to Huangfu Yuner's thoughts?"

Yuan Shan heard this and she immediately revealed a serious expression. "Of course he does. Young master hates Huangfu Yuner very much. Every time he sees her, he turns a blind eye. If Huangfu Yuner wants to get close to young master, she will be beaten up. Young master hasn't seen old master for a long time because he doesn't want to see Huangfu Yuner."

"Oh, so that's how it is." Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief.

She needed Huangfu Qiye's sincerity, so before she completely felt that he loved her, Tang Xiaowei was naturally happy that he was not attracted to other women.

At first, Yuan Shan was worried that Tang Xiaowei would be angry. Now that Tang Xiaowei knew the truth and revealed a smile, Yuan Shan also heaved a sigh of relief.

Soon, they arrived at the hospital.

Accompanied by Yuan Shan, Tang Xiaowei walked into the hospital.

A bodyguard had long ago asked which ward Huangfu Qiye was currently staying in.

Tang Xiaowei finally arrived at the door of Huangfu Qiye's ward with Yuan Shan's company. Her originally calm heart became nervous again.

She recalled the scene in the bathroom last night.

She yelled at him, and he left angrily.

After that, she didn't know what he did, but he actually had a high fever and entered the hospital.

At that time, she yelled at him because she was worried about the child in her belly. At the same time, it was because she felt that she hadn't completely accepted him yet.

And she didn't dare to tell him about the pregnancy at this moment because of those terrifying dreams last night.

She gritted her teeth and made up her mind. The pregnancy was still the same as the original plan. If they could get married, she would tell him on the wedding day as a surprise for him.

After she thought it through, she knocked on the door.

Soon, she heard footsteps coming from inside.

Then, the door of the ward was opened.

However, it wasn't Huangfu Qiye who appeared at the door, but Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi was also shocked by Tang Xiaowei who suddenly appeared at the door of the ward. "Miss Tang, why are you here?"

Tang Xiaowei looked into the ward. "I heard from Yuan Shan that your young master is sick, so I came to see him. Is he better now?"

"Young master, he..." Yuan Qi wanted to tell her everything when he heard Tang Xiaowei asking about his young master.

However, before he could say anything, a cold growl came from the ward. "Yuan Qi, shut up and tell her to go back. I don't want to see her now!"

Yuan Qi was stunned, and so were Tang Xiaowei and Yuan Shan at the door of the ward.

Tang Xiaowei heard it clearly. The voice just now was indeed from Huangfu Qiye.

What did he mean by saying that he didn't want to see her now?

Was he still angry?

Was it because she refused to take a bath with him last night?

Yuan Qi also came back to his senses and reached out to close the door. "Miss Tang, you heard it too. Young master doesn't want to see you now. You should go back first."

Tang Xiaowei already had feelings for Huangfu Qiye, but it was not to the point where she loved him to the point of not caring about anything.

But in the end, she still cared about him, so now that she knew that he was sick, of course she wanted to see him.

However, he rejected her so firmly that he said he didn't want to see her even before she entered.

She hadn't completely fallen in love with him, so naturally, she couldn't lower herself to beg him to receive her.

"Alright, since he doesn't want to see me, then I'll go back." She held back the bitterness in her heart and took one last look inside the ward. Unfortunately, she couldn't see anything, so she had no choice but to turn around and prepare to go back.

Yuan Qi also closed the door of the ward, isolating her from the people inside.