Chapter 260: I don't want to accept such a person

Fortunately, he didn't ask.

After that, Ling Yijue sent her back to her room, gave her the bowl of rice noodles, and left.

Tang Xiaowei sat in her room with the bowl of rice noodles in her hand, her mood a little unstable.

Although she was still hungry, she only felt a bitter taste when she ate the rice noodles.

She didn't finish the rice noodles. After eating half of it, she lay on the bed.

Tao Yuyan was still sleeping. Tang Xiaowei didn't want to wake her up, so she closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep.

On the other side.

After Ling Yijue sent Tang Xiaowei back to her room, he had just walked to the elevator door and was about to return to the sixth floor.

He saw the sound of hurried footsteps coming from the stairway next to the elevator. Then, the slightly panting Huangfu Qiye ran up from the bottom of the stairs.

When Ling Yijue saw him, he immediately revealed a cold smile. "Xiaowei has already gone back to her room to rest. You're too late."

After saying that, Ling Yijue also directly entered the elevator and closed the elevator door.

Huangfu Qiye had just seen Tang Xiaowei enter the elevator on the second floor with his own eyes. Now that he saw that there was no one in the elevator and there was no one in the corridor, so what Ling Yijue said was true.

Although he still did not understand why Tang Xiaowei, who had promised to accompany him, suddenly left, Huangfu Qiye did not want to disturb her since she had already gone back to her room to rest.

He frowned and turned to go downstairs.


The next morning.

Tang Xiaowei woke up very early.

When she got up, Tao Yuyan also woke up.

They did not go downstairs immediately after washing up.

Tang Xiaowei left Tao Yuyan in her room, ready to discuss something with her.

"Yuyan, although the poison in my body has been cured, since I have become Uncle Tian's adopted daughter, I have no reason to return to our country. I want to find a school here to learn."

Tao Yuyan knew that Tang Xiaowei loved to study. Previously, she was poisoned, so she did not return to home to continue her lessons. When school started, she did not go back either.

It was quite troublesome to go back now.

"Xiaowei, have you really decided?" Tao Yuyan's matter was Tang Xiaowei's matter. She would not stop Tang Xiaowei from doing whatever she wanted, but she was still a little worried.

"It's fine. I'll go and talk to Uncle Tian about this matter in a while. He should be able to help me settle it." Tang Xiaowei smiled lightly.

She did this because she wanted to continue her studies, but at the same time, she also wanted to learn how to cook poison.

Therefore, if she went to school here, she could attend classes normally, and she could learn how to cook poison during the weekends.

As long as she had a skill in the future, she would definitely not be as helpless and bullied as before.

Although Uncle Tian would definitely have a lot of poison, she really hated Huangfu Yuner. For such an enemy, she felt that using the poison she made to take revenge was the most satisfying way.

"Alright, when you've settled these matters, I should go back to class." Tao Yuyan smiled.

"Mm, don't worry." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Tao Yuyan thought of Huangfu Qiye's request for her help and couldn't help but ask, "Xiaowei, regarding Huangfu Qiye's matter, will you still forgive and accept him after knowing that he was wronged you?"

The smile on Tang Xiaowei's lips froze.

Originally, she had forgiven him and planned to give him a chance three years later.

However, when she thought of how shrewd he was and how he had concealed another matter that had hurt her, she felt a chill in her heart even though that matter had not harmed her body.

Her expression became serious as she looked at Tao Yuyan. "Yuyan, I can only tell you about this matter. I will not accept him now, and perhaps I will not accept him in the future."

"Why?" Tao Yuyan was surprised.

Clearly, Xiaowei had called her earlier and said that she loved Huangfu Qiye.

If that was the case, then this was just a misunderstanding. Why was Xiaowei unwilling to accept Huangfu Qiye again?

"Yuyan, would you love a person who hid something from you and caused you to lose something precious?" Tang Xiaowei's smile was self-deprecating. "I don't want to accept such a person."

"What did he hide from you? And what did he cause you to lose?" Tao Yuyan was very shocked.

"Yuyan, I will only tell you about this matter. Don't tell anyone else, not even him. I don't want to cause any more trouble." Tang Xiaowei didn't want to talk about it.

Tao Yuyan knew Tang Xiaowei's personality. If she didn't want to talk about it, she would feel worse if she was forced to do it. She might even do something extreme.

Therefore, Tao Yuyan had no choice but to not mention this matter, and she didn't speak up for Huangfu Qiye anymore.

After all, this matter still depended on Tang Xiaowei's opinion. Now that she heard Tang Xiaowei's opinion, she didn't want to accept Huangfu Qiye, so Tao Yuyan could only support Tang Xiaowei.

"Xiaowei, since your poison has been cured, you will stay here to study. Ah Xian and I only asked for two days of leave, so we have to go back today." Tao Yuyan held Tang Xiaowei's hand, reluctant to part with her.

"Okay, I will send you back later. We will study hard in the future, and we will meet again during the holidays." Tang Xiaowei had things to do, so she did not have extra time to spend with her friends, therefore she did not leave Tao Yuyan.

Tao Yuyan had been very busy recently, and she had long fallen behind in her homework. Therefore, when she knew that Tang Xiaowei was in good condition and had an adoptive father to protect her, and Ling Yijue had become her brother, she was not worried about Tang Xiaowei anymore.

Therefore, after having breakfast in the castle, Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan left together to meet up with Tao Xian.

When she saw Tao Xian, Tao Yuyan did not notice Tao Xian's gaze, but Tang Xiaowei did.

Tao Xian's gaze was like it was about to eat someone. He swept his gaze over Tao Yuyan's body, as if he wanted to take a closer look to see if she was missing a single hair.

Tang Xiaowei was secretly shocked. She felt that Tao Xian was being too exaggerated and overbearing.

She did not know if Tao Xian had discovered Tao Xian's feelings for her.

However, before Tang Xiaowei could finish sighing, Tao Xian took Tao Yuyan's hand and said domineeringly, "Yuyan, I've already booked a plane ticket. I'll be back in a while."

Tao Yuyan nodded. "Mm, I came back to tell you that we're going back today."

Tao Xian had booked a plane ticket early in the morning, but he didn't tell anyone about it. Therefore, he wanted to leave at this moment because he saw that Tang Xiaowei was fine and the poison had also been detoxified. Therefore, he was afraid that Tao Yuyan wanted to stay and accompany Tang Xiaowei, so he wanted to buy the ticket directly. Then, he would forcefully take Tao Yuyan away.

Now that he heard her gently express that she was willing to go back today, he was a little surprised.

He looked at Tang Xiaowei with a questioning gaze.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly said, "Tao Xian, when I was poisoned in the past, my recovery was all thanks to you guys taking care of me. Now that I have recovered, I can't continue to disturb you guys. I will choose to study in England in the future, so you and Yuyan can go back to class."