Chapter 126: He was so angry that he wanted to kill her?

The bodyguards around Huangfu Yuner also knew how terrifying Huangfu Qiye was.

Therefore, the bodyguards lowered their heads in fear, and the maids trembled in terror. Even Huangfu Yuner's favorite housekeeper, Mama Lin, took a few steps back in fear.

Huangfu Yuner was unwilling to accept the fact that the people around her were so frightened. She stood at the door of the ward and shouted in disbelief, "Brother Ye, it's Yuner. I'm really worried about you. Just let me come in and accompany you. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much."

"Yuan Qi, I'll give you half a minute. If you don't shut them up and make them leave, you know the consequences!" Huangfu Qiye's angry voice came from by the window.

Yuan Qi knew that his young master was really angry today.

He took out his phone and immediately called all the bodyguards over who were guarding the hospital.

Instantly, more than 20 bodyguards stood in the corridor in a dark mass, each of them looking fierce.

Yuan Qi ordered coldly, "Throw all these people out of the hospital!"

When Huangfu Yuner heard this, she immediately became angry. "Yuan Qi, you're just a lackey. What right do you have to treat me like this? I'm the second miss of the Huangfu family. How can you so casually besmirch my noble identity?"

Yuan Qi sneered. "I'm sorry, second miss. I only listen to young master Yu. Whether you're noble or not has nothing to do with me!"

After Yuan Qi finished speaking, he immediately shot a look at the 20 bodyguards.

Those bodyguards immediately stepped forward. Then, Huangfu Yuner, who had been so extremely arrogant a second ago, was immediately brought out of the ward like a rag doll along with the bodyguards, maids, and butlers she had brought with her.

Half a minute later, the corridor returned to its previous silence.

A minute later, Tang Xiaowei, Yuan Shan, and the others who were downstairs saw Huangfu Yuner and her people being dragged across the floor by a group of bodyguards with a defeated look on their faces. The crowd in the hospital automatically made way for them.

Very soon, these bodyguards threw Huangfu Yuner and the others directly out of the hospital's entrance and stood guard there. It seemed that Huangfu Yuner would not have a chance to come in again.

On the way to the hospital, Tang Xiaowei heard Yuan Shan say that Huangfu Qiye hated Huangfu Yuner very much, so every time Huangfu Yuner pestered him, he would beat her up.

She thought it was too exaggerated.

Now that she had finally witnessed it with her own eyes, Tang Xiaowei truly believed that Huangfu Qiye really hated this Huangfu Yuner.

Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief. Then, she suddenly stood up and said to Yuan Shan, "Let's go upstairs."

"Ah? Aren't we going back? Why are we going upstairs again?" Yuan Shan was surprised.

Tang Xiaowei could only explain, "I still feel that I have to go and see if he's doing well before I feel at ease to go back."

She meant what she said.

She had wanted to go and see Huangfu Qiye just now, but he had coldly rejected her.

Now that she saw that he was even more ruthless towards other women, Tang Xiaowei knew that Huangfu Qiye was really good to her.

Her heart was moved, so she naturally wanted to go and see him.

Although Yuan Shan was still worried that her young master would refuse to see Tang Xiaowei like just now, Tang Xiaowei wanted to see her young master, and Yuan Shan would not stop her. Thus, they once again came to the door of Huangfu Qiye's ward.

At that moment, in the ward.

Huangfu Qiye was still standing by the window.

He did not feel anything about the arrival of Huangfu Yuner and the fact that Huangfu Yuner was thrown out by him.

The only thing that made him uncomfortable was that even though Tang Xiaowei had been chased away by him, how come he had not seen her walk out of the hospital door ever since she left?

From where he was standing, he could clearly see the entrance of the hospital door, which was also the exit.

If Tang Xiaowei had listened to his words and left, she would have already gotten into the car and left the hospital.

However, he had been watching from this position for a long time, only to see Huangfu Yuner and the others being taken out.

Clearly, Huangfu Yuner had only come after Tang Xiaowei had left. Why had she left first?

Huangfu Qiye was angry, angry at Tang Xiaowei.

Yet, he was still worried about her.

Could it be that she hadn't left the hospital yet and was in danger somewhere?

Just as his thoughts were running wild, the sound of light footsteps suddenly came from behind him, slowly approaching him.

He had been too deep in thought just now and had not noticed his surroundings at all.

Now that he suddenly heard these sounds, he snapped back to reality.

On the surface, his identity seemed noble and enviable, but at the same time, it was also very dangerous. He would often experience assassination attempts.

Therefore, most of the time, whether he was abroad or at home, his vigilance would be particularly high. Just now, he was only thinking about Tang Xiaowei's matter, so he had neglected it.

However, now, he really felt that something was wrong behind him.

He did not hear Yuan Qi's voice, and just now, there was only him and Yuan Qi in the ward. However, it was very obvious that Yuan Qi would not take such steps when he was beside him.

He grabbed the gun by his waist and suddenly turned around. He pulled out the gun and aimed it at the person behind him.

His face was gloomy, and he was almost about to kill the person behind him with a single shot.

Tang Xiaowei had just knocked on the door lightly and then softly begged Yuan Qi, which was why she got the opportunity to come in and see Huangfu Qiye.

However, she expected to find him lying on the bed or resting. Instead, he was standing by the window in a daze.

She did not make a sound, nor did she want to disturb him. Therefore, she came over quietly, wanting to wait for him to slowly regain his senses.

Unfortunately, just as she walked behind him, she saw him turn around and pull out his gun, aiming it at her forehead.

She was so frightened that her face turned pale, and her whole body trembled as she stood rooted to the ground.

Was he that angry?

He was actually so angry that he wanted to kill her?

Not only was her face pale, but her heart also began to hurt like crazy.

"Are you so angry that you want to kill me" She clenched her fists, trying to calm herself down. Unfortunately, her entire body was trembling from top to toe. Because of fear and the discomfort in her heart, her tears were even more uncontrollable and large.

When Huangfu Qiye saw that it was her and that she was crying, he quickly put the gun away. Then, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why would I kill you? I didn't know it was you."

His voice had softened a lot compared to when he chased her away. At the same time, because of her crying, he was a little nervous.

After hearing his explanation, Tang Xiaowei finally heaved a sigh of relief.

She was really scared to death just now.

She thought that she would really die from his gun, and she would suddenly disappear from this world just like that.

Fortunately, he put the gun away.

However, he said that he didn't know who it was, so who did he think it was that made him draw the gun?

"Is there someone chasing after you, so you..." That was why he carried a gun with him, and he was so vigilant, and his skills were especially neat.