Chapter 274: Do you feel uncomfortable?

Tang Xiaowei heard clearly that the other students had gone to P.E. class, which was why the classroom was so quiet.

She also stood up and didn't even bother to ask him what else he needed to bring back to his office. She was ready to go to P.E. class.

"Aren't you going to ask me what I need to bring?" Huangfu Qiye held her hand and stared at her coldly.

He was still as overbearing as before, but there was no tenderness in his eyes, only coldness.

Tang Xiaowei felt a chill run down her spine when he looked at her.

"I should go to physical education class. Professor, please take note of your responsibility. Let me go. I don't want to have any scandals with the professors in the school," she said lightly, looking very serious.

"I'm afraid you can't go to physical education class because I've already asked for leave for you. I said that you're sick and not feeling well, so I'll send you to the infirmary." Huangfu Qiye suddenly pulled hard, and she immediately threw herself into his arms.

The wound on his chest had not fully healed, and this time, he furrowed his brows again, but he still did not let go of her.

Tang Xiaowei's eyes widened in shock. "You're asking for a sick leave of absence for me? I didn't give birth at all."

She wanted to say that she was not sick at all, but she suddenly remembered that her heart had been in extreme pain just now, and she had even vomited blood in the washroom in the library. No matter how hard she tried, she could not say those words of denial.

"Follow me." Huangfu Qiye did not notice her abnormal behavior. He held her hand tightly, forcefully pulled her hand, and walked out of the classroom.

Tang Xiaowei's thoughts were distracted by whether she was sick or not, and she forgot to struggle. She could only follow him out of the classroom.

Huangfu Qiye pulled her directly to his office in the school.

After entering the room, he immediately locked the door.

In addition to the studio where he worked, there was also a luxurious lounge.

Tang Xiaowei was pulled into the lounge by him. He turned on the water at the sink and pulled both of her hands over. His tone was cold and hard. "In the future, other than me, no one is allowed to touch your hands. Do you understand?"

Tang Xiaowei was dazed and confused, so he helped her wash her hands clean.

She only came back to her senses when he took a clean towel and wiped the water droplets on her hands.

She grabbed the towel and said stiffly, "I'll do it myself."

Huangfu Qiye was furious when he saw her like this.

He didn't grab the towel. Instead, he walked to the side, pulled out a chair, and sat down. He stared at her darkly.

Tang Xiaowei wiped her hands clean, put down the towel, and wanted to leave.

Because the atmosphere here was too depressing.

She could feel that Huangfu Qiye must be angry. Moreover, he had suppressed his anger in his heart. He should be looking for an opportunity to vent it out.

And she herself was not feeling well. She did not want to be his punching bag at all.

She tucked the hair that had spread over her face behind her ear with her fingers. Only then did she raise her head and look in his direction.

"I should go back."

After saying this, she planned to leave his side.

Huangfu Qiye did not say anything. His expression was still cold.

However, when she walked up to him and was about to leave, he reached out and grabbed her waist, pulling her onto his lap.

"You want to leave? Do you think I brought you here just to let you wash your hands, Huh?" His voice was deep and charming, but also cold.

His big hand started to gently rub her calf. "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"What do you mean?' 'She frowned. She felt that his question was strange and wanted to pull his hand away.

"You were punished to stand in class just now. Did you forget?" His voice was gentle and lingering in her ears.

She finally understood why he wanted to rub her calf. It turned out that he thought that he had punished her just now, so now he felt that something was wrong, right?

She didn't notice this at that time. Now that he had rubbed her calf, she was indeed a little uncomfortable. After he rubbed her calf for a while, she felt much better.

"Then what exactly do you want to do?" Tang Xiaowei pushed his hand away and looked at him somewhat angrily.

"What do you think?" He frowned. "You promised me that you wouldn't let other men touch you. Then what happened just now? Why did you hold hands with that man?"

He stopped rubbing her legs and withdrew his hand.

So that was why he was angry.

Then, he punished her for standing up, not because she couldn't answer his question, but because he punished her for holding hands with Ling Yijue just now.

Tang Xiaowei thought of what she had said before. She actually didn't want to give him a chance. She didn't expect that he would still want this chance. Moreover, he even remembered that he wouldn't allow her to meet other men in the next three years.

She thought about how she seemed to be sick now.

Suddenly, her tone became a little unpleasant. "What does it have to do with you whether I want to hold someone's hand or not? You and I don't have anything to do with each other now, do we?"

"Tang Xiaowei!" Huangfu Qiye's eyes instantly turned gloomy. He gritted his teeth and stared at her. The strength of his arms around her increased a lot, as if he wanted to tear her apart, alive.

She frowned in pain. "Let go of me!"

"Say that you were just spouting nonsense, and I'll let you go." Huangfu Qiye was not so easy to talk to.

Her words just now had greatly angered him.

If it was not for his good control, he might have already thrown her to the ground.

She actually dared to say that they were not related.

Her body was his, and her heart was also his. They once had a child. Although the child was no longer there, they had experienced so much. Now, she was just fooling around and he was just playing with her.

Unexpectedly, she was addicted to playing and dared to have an affair in front of him.

She held another man's hand in front of him and dared to tell him that it had nothing to do with him.

If this woman didn't love and spoil him, how could he hold back his anger and not beat her up?

"I was very serious just now. I didn't talk nonsense." Tang Xiaowei didn't look at him, and her tone became cold.

"So, you have taken a fancy to that kid?" Huangfu Qiye suddenly pushed her to the ground in anger, stood up, and looked down at her.

Originally, if she had been willing to say that she was talking nonsense, or to say a few soft words to explain to him clearly, then he wouldn't have been so angry.

However, she didn't have the slightest intention of repenting, and even said that she was very serious about holding hands with that man.

Huangfu Qiye felt that he hadn't protected her well before, and that was why she had been hurt by Huangfu Yuner. Therefore, he had always felt that he had let Tang Xiaowei down, so he had always wanted to treat her well and coax her back.

However, he didn't have that much patience. He simply couldn't accept the feeling that she was clearly by his side, yet he couldn't keep her.