Chapter 132: He fiercely pushed her away

But now, she knew clearly that she loved Huangfu Qiye.

"How can I love him? We are just ordinary classmates. We really just met by chance." Tang Xiaowei's eyes were serious, not like she was lying.

"If you don't love him, then who do you love?"

Just when Tang Xiaowei thought Huangfu Qiye wouldn't continue to ask this question, he threw another question

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, her whole body suddenly trembled. She hurriedly lowered her head and bit her lips tightly.

Love who?

She loved him. Could she say it?

No, she wouldn't say it.

From his reply and expression in the morning, she knew that he hated her.

If he hated her, it would be even more impossible for him to like her.

If he loved her, it would be even harder to talk about it.

So, if he didn't love her, why should she expose her heart and let him trample on it?

If Huangfu Qiye knew that she loved him and that he did not love her, he would definitely find her ridiculous and think of ways to torture her, right?

Previously, although he had been pestering her and wanted her to marry him, she knew clearly that he did not want to marry because of love. He probably wanted to marry her for other reasons.

Otherwise, he would not have appeared by her side so inexplicably in the beginning and spent some money to forcefully imprison her.

Huangfu Qiye really wanted to know who she loved, so he immediately interrogated her.

However, she did not answer him. Instead, she lowered her head and thought about something.

He was furious.

What else could she be thinking about?

She must be thinking about the man she loved!

Damn it, the woman he raised was in love with another man in his heart. Just thinking about it made him angry.

"Get away from me!" He pushed her away fiercely, afraid that he would not be able to help himself and beat her to death.

Tang Xiaowei was pushed away by him. His actions made her believe that he really hated her, and it was impossible for him to love her.

She secretly laughed at herself. Then, she restrained her previous emotions and quietly hid in a corner.

Huangfu Qiye angrily shouted at her. However, he only saw her shrink her body and move further away from him. His mood became even worse.

She actually dodged him so nimbly!

His fists were clenched so tightly that cracking sounds could be heard. Suddenly, he gloomily said to Yuan Qi, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, "Get someone to deal with that man!"

"Yes, young master." Yuan Qi was not surprised when he heard this. He was just about to nod and agree.

Meanwhile, Tang Xiaowei, who had just calmed down, immediately became anxious.

She suddenly grabbed Huangfu Qiye's arm and stared at him in disbelief. "Didn't I already say that I have want nothing to do with him? Why are you still dealing with him?"

"Since it has nothing to do with him, then why are you nervous?" Huangfu Qiye pulled her finger away, looking extremely cold.

Tang Xiaowei was almost forced to cry by him. "We are just ordinary classmates. You can't deal with him just because of this. I don't want to implicate him because of me."

"I won't kill him, okay? If you dare to suffer for another man again, try it!'' Huangfu Qiye heard the faint sound of crying in her tone and became even angrier.

"Can't you just let him go and pretend that he never showed up?" Tang Xiaowei didn't want to cry. She was just too nervous and sad in her heart, so she suddenly choked.

Seeing that his tone was a little more relaxed, she wanted to persuade him again. She didn't want to implicate Zhou Yufeng because of her, and then be taught a lesson by Huangfu Qiye.

"If you don't want him to die, then shut up." He really didn't want to hear her voice now.

She opened and closed her mouth to beg him for another man. The more he listened, the more he wanted to kill her.

Tang Xiaowei was frightened by his anger and finally didn't dare to speak again.

She could only take a deep breath and withdraw her hand, moving to the side. She didn't dare to get close to him, nor did she want to get close to him.

She was in a bad mood.

Huangfu Qiye's mood was even worse than hers.

He had promised not to kill that man, but Tang Xiaowei still stayed far away from him, as if she would die if she got close to him.

Although he was angry and told her to stay away from him, if she was not willing to leave and was still willing to come closer, he would definitely not be as angry as he was now. Perhaps he would feel better, and he would not push her away again.

However, she did not come closer.

On the way back, the atmosphere in the car was always cold. The two of them remained silent until they reached the entrance of the winery.

After the car stopped, Huangfu Qiye ignored the argument just now and forcefully grabbed Tang Xiaowei's arm to get out of the car.

He walked very quickly and pulled her inside, almost not caring if she would fall.

Tang Xiaowei followed behind him. She was very tired and her footsteps were unsteady, but she did not dare to say anything.

However, just as she reached the entrance of the hall, a group of people walked towards her.

It was Huangfu Yuner, the butlers and maids and bodyguards beside her. No matter where she went, she always brought these people with her.

The moment she saw that Huangfu Qiye had returned, she immediately came forward with a smile and deliberately ignored Tang Xiaowei, who was pulled by Huangfu Qiye. She greeted Huangfu Qiye in a delicate manner, "Brother Ye, you're discharged so soon? Why didn't you tell me and let me pick you up?"

Huangfu Yuner did not care at all that Huangfu Qiye had ordered Yuan Qi to throw her out of the hospital in the morning.

At thiat moment, she was all smiles, as if she had never been chased away by Huangfu Qiye in the morning.

When Huangfu Qiye saw that someone was blocking the way, he did not even look at Huangfu Yuner. He only said in a deep voice, "Yuan Qi, clear the obstacles!"

Yuan Qi immediately brought a few bodyguards forward and forcefully pulled Huangfu Yuner away.

Huangfu Yuner was instantly unhappy. She angrily pushed away the bodyguards who wanted to pull her away. Her gaze followed Huangfu Qiye closely. "Brother Ye, how could you do this to me? Yuner didn't do anything wrong. I heard that this little woman of yours stayed outside for a whole day and didn't come back. She seems to have been fooling around with some wild man. She should be the one who was chased away. She secretly betrayed you when you were sick in the hospital. This woman is really despicable. Why don't you let me help you kill her?"

"Yuan Qi, throw her out of the winery and don't show her face!" Huangfu Qiye frowned and his face darkened when he heard that.

He finally looked at Huangfu Yuner, but his gaze was like a knife, as if he was going to skin her alive.

Huangfu Yuner was caught by Yuan Qi after he looked at her like that. She immediately panicked. "Brother Ye, quickly let them release me. I know I'm wrong. I won't say this again. Brother Ye, please let me go. I came here this time to choose more wine for grandfather. I haven't chosen any wine yet. You can't chase me away now."

Huangfu Yuner saw that she had failed to sow discord between Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye and had almost been chased away. She was immediately scared, so she revealed all her trump cards.

As long as she said that she came here not because she wanted to play, but because she wanted to choose wine for grandfather, Huangfu Qiye couldn't force her to leave.