Chapter 301: Xiaowei, listen to me

He was a little angry at himself for only enjoying the things she had done for him and not realizing that she was seasick.

He really deserved to die!

"I'm not seasick anymore. Don't go back today. I don't want to go ashore." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly shook her head and refused when she heard his words.

Although she was seasick from the car and the plane, and even a little seasick from the sea, at this moment, her pale face did not blame these things at all. It was because she was sick.

The last thing she wanted to tell him was that she was sick, so she could not let the doctor examine her body in front of him.

Otherwise, he would know that she was sick.

"Do you like this place so much?" Huangfu Qiye could hear the determination in her tone and caressed her face with a heartache.

She nodded. "Yes, I like it very much. After lunch, let's go swimming and play in the water. I want to take more photos. I want to take photos in a bikini. Will you like that?"

She proposed with a smile on her face, trying to divert his attention.

As expected, Huangfu Qiye was successfully diverted by her proposal.

When he thought of her wearing a beautiful and sexy bikini in the sea and standing beside him, his gaze immediately changed. Of course, he wanted to take such a group of photos as well.

With such beautiful scenery, it would be a pity if he didn't capture it properly.

"Alright, we'll go swimming and take photos later." He agreed happily.

However, he definitely wouldn't bring Yuan Qi along with him to take photos this time.

This was because he was the only one who could look at Tang Xiaowei if she was only wearing a bikini.

Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that his attention had been diverted.

"Let's eat. Let's see what delicious food you've made." Huangfu Qiye sat down beside her and looked at the food on the dining table carefully.

Then, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the dishes today were very light. They were all his favorite dishes.

He remembered that the dishes she had made before were all heavy-tasting. His stomach couldn't stand it.

But he didn't say anything. He was willing to eat them. As long as they were cooked by her, he was willing to eat them all, not to mention just the taste. Even if they tasted terrible.

But today, she had changed the dishes.

She must have done her homework before she did this.

Huangfu Qiye felt warm in his heart. Why did his Tang Xiaowei make people want to love her more and more?

He suddenly turned his head, held her face, and kissed her fiercely.

Tang Xiaowei didn't expect him to suddenly become like this. However, when she came back to her senses, she didn't reject him. Instead, she kissed him back.

Her first kiss was his. All this time, he had been kissing her. She had never thought of kissing him back in the past.

But now, she followed her heart and accepted him, so she couldn't help but kiss him back.

Her kiss made Huangfu Qiye's entire body hot and dry.

Unknowingly, she was so mesmerized by the kiss that she was pressed onto the bed by him.


After that, when the two of them got up to eat lunch, it was already cold.

Huangfu Qiye kissed her forehead and lips hard and murmured gently, "You rest first. I'll heat up the food before we eat."

She nodded, her face flushed red. She reached out to tuck the hair behind her ear.

However, when she reached out, Huangfu Qiye's big hand held her tightly.

His smile instantly darkened. He stared at the small wound on her finger that was covered with a band-aid. "When did this happen?"

He had just returned and had a conversation with her. After that, he was gentle and affectionate, so he didn't notice that her finger was hurt.

At that moment, when he saw the band-aid, his brows furrowed.

"It's fine. I just cut it accidentally when I was cutting vegetables. I'll be more careful next time." Tang Xiaowei revealed a smile with an indifferent expression on her face.

Huangfu Qiye's brows still did not relax. He held her injured hand and gently kissed the place where the band-aid was. "From now on, you're not allowed to cook anymore. "

His voice was very gentle, but it could be heard that his tone was particularly tough and irresistible.

He was serious.

If he wanted to, he could find any chef he wanted?

So, in the future, he wouldn't allow her to cook and put herself in danger.

Even though he deeply loved the feeling of her cooking for him personally, and felt that the food she cooked was the sweetest and most delicious thing in the world.

However, he was only willing to accept and enjoy it if she wouldn't get hurt.

However, now she was hurt.

So, in the future, he would never allow her to go into the kitchen again.

"I feel that cooking food is very interesting, especially for you. So next time, I'll just be more careful. Don't forbid me from cooking." When she heard that he wanted to forbid her from cooking, she became a little nervous.

These three days had not passed yet. She wanted to personally cook food for him for these three days. How could she be willing to obediently agree to his request?

However, this time, when Huangfu Qiye looked at her wound, it was not as easy to talk about as before.

Even though she acted coquettishly, Huangfu Qiye still frowned. His face was gloomy as he looked into her eyes seriously. "Xiaowei, be obedient, eh?"

Tang Xiaowei looked into his eyes and could not help but be stunned by his fierce gaze.

She bit her lip and could only nod. "Okay."

"Good girl." Huangfu Qiye kissed her wound as if he was rewarding her. Then, he got up and rubbed her hair. "Lie down and rest for a while. I'll go heat up the dishes. They'll be ready to eat in a while."

She nodded.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye take his gaze away from her and walk to the small kitchen.


After lunch.

Tang Xiaowei found many bikinis in the yacht. She chose a more conservative one.

Then, she put it on and, over it, a large thin coat.

At that moment, the warm sunlight outside shone on the entire ocean.

The temperature in the air was warm enough so that one could happily enter the water.

After she changed her clothes, she turned around and saw Huangfu Qiye standing at the door. He leaned against the door and stared at her with a deep gaze.

"I'm done changing. Let's go." She walked over with a smile.

Huangfu Qiye was only wearing a pair of swimming trunks. When he saw her coming over, he stretched out his hand and immediately held her hand tightly. Like that. they walked out together.

At that moment, the yacht had already stopped in front of a beach where the seawater was relatively shallow. The other people on the yacht had long been chased away by Huangfu Qiye. No one knew where they had gone.

There were only the two of them on the yacht.

After they got off the yacht, there was only them on the entire beach and the entire ocean.

After all, she was wearing a bikini today. How could Huangfu Qiye let other men see her like this?

He wasn't crazy!