Chapter 296: Her actions made him a little crazy

She shouted, "Tang Xiaowei, how can you be such a vicious person? How can you treat your savior like this? I've really misjudged you! If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have saved you."

She deliberately smeared Tang Xiaowei, hoping that Professor Huangfu would be able to see clearly Tang Xiaowei's true colors.

Unfortunately, no matter what she said, it was useless.

Because this time, she had completely misjudged the person.

Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei were not fools that she could play around with.

"Take her down immediately and entertain her well!" Huangfu Qiye's expression instantly turned extremely ugly as he glared angrily at the bodyguard who was grabbing Anna.

As a result, Anna's mouth was covered by someone's hand and was quickly dragged down.

After Anna left, Huangfu Qiye carefully looked at Tang Xiaowei. He said, "Don't be angry because of that kind of person. I know you're very good. You're not a vicious person. She's the one who went crazy and got close to you with a purpose. That's why she went crazy and spouted nonsense."

"I know." Tang Xiaowei smiled at him. "Don't worry. I'm not angry because of her. It's not worth it. She didn't really want to be friends with me. She said she helped me. In fact, I've been suspecting that she and Lisa probably did it together when I was locked in the bathroom that day. Moreover, she stood up to help me in the teacher's office. She must have done it on purpose. Anyway, I didn't do anything wrong. With her or without her, nothing would happen to me. So she's not the savior she said she was to me. She didn't save my life."

Tang Xiaowei had never trusted Anna, so she would never be angry at a person like her.

Now that her time was limited, she might as well use this time to spend with Huangfu Qiye. It would be meaningless to think about a person like Anna.

"It's good that you can think like that." Huangfu Qiye also smiled. Obviously, she could think clearly and understand, and not be deceived by Anna. She was smart and had her own ability of understanding. This made Huangfu Qiye even more infatuated and fond of her.

"Okay, then let's go back. I'm suddenly a little tired." Tang Xiaowei smiled gently at him. She didn't want to ask what would happen to those girls and Anna, because Huangfu Qiye said that he wouldn't kill people, and he wouldn't hurt those who hadn't bullied her. So she wasn't worried about those girls.

As for those who wanted to bully her or Anna just now, as well as that girl who rushed in front of her and Huangfu Qiye and was extremely arrogant, no matter how they were dealt with, Tang Xiaowei really didn't have the extra mood and time to care about them and pity them.

After all, these people were too arrogant. Sometimes, suffering a little would help them remember.

She took the initiative to hold his arm. "Let's go back."

"I'll carry you back." Huangfu Qiye remembered that she had found the cobblestone path difficult to walk on, so he squatted down in front of her again.

The usually domineering Huangfu CEO was now emitting a strong sense of indulgence.

Tang Xiaowei even felt that if there were no problems with her body and she married him, he would definitely be a wife slave in the future.

Now that she had treated him a little better, he was actually willing to do anything regardless of their past.

She did not refuse and quietly lay on his back.

Sensing that she was lying on his back, Huangfu Qiye immediately got up and carried her back to the main villa.

More than half an hour had passed since they came out, and most of her digestion had also subsided.

He did not want her to tire him out, so it was better to go back and rest.

After returning to the main villa, he carried her all the way in and then went upstairs. Many of the servants in the villa saw this scene and looked at the two of them in surprise and shock. Then, they did not dare to look any longer and hurriedly lowered their heads.

Everyone in the villa sighed deeply. It seemed that the young master really doted on this Miss Tang.

After all, no one had ever seen the young master carry a woman like this.

After arriving at the room upstairs, Huangfu Qiye squatted down in front of the sofa and asked her to come down. After she came down, she directly sat on the sofa. To be honest, his behavior was quite gentle, considerate, and comfortable.

After Tang Xiaowei came down from his back, she saw him turn around and stare at her. She blushed slightly. "Why do you have to stare at me?"

"I think you're very beautiful and attractive today. Come here and let me kiss you." Huangfu Qiye's tone was extremely serious.

After saying that, he reached out his hand and hugged the back of her head. In the next second, the distance between them shortened and his slightly cold lips pressed onto hers.

She closed her eyes and quietly accepted it. She even began to kiss him back slowly.

Her actions made him go crazy.

His strength became stronger and stronger, and the kiss became more and more overbearing.

Her breathing became slightly chaotic.

She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart, as if it was being torn apart by a knife.

Tang Xiaowei's originally slightly red face suddenly turned pale.

She pushed him away with force and then stood up. Before she could explain, she felt some hot liquid flowing out of her nose. She covered her mouth and nose and ran toward the bathroom.

Huangfu Qiye was stunned, so he was a few seconds late.

By the time he reacted and chased after her, the bathroom door had already been closed by Tang Xiaowei from the inside.

He knocked on the door anxiously. "Xiaowei, what's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

He was shocked by her sudden action.

He was worried about her body and whether she would become as cold as before when she came out of the bathroom.

He had not enjoyed her gentleness enough today. He was afraid of losing it.

In the bathroom, Tang Xiaowei's heart hurt so much that she fell to the ground. Her back was pressed against the door. When he knocked on the door, it also shook her body until it hurt.

Hearing his worried voice, she could not go over to get a tissue to wipe the blood that kept flowing out of her nose. She used her sleeve to wipe the blood off her nose. Only then did she grit her teeth and try her best to answer him in a normal voice, "I... I'm fine. I just have a stomachache and suddenly want to go to the bathroom. You can wait outside for a while."

Only after hearing her 'explanation' did Huangfu Qiye heave a sigh of relief.

"Alright, I'll wait for you outside." He no longer knocked on the door, and the worry in his tone also disappeared. It was because he believed her and thought that she simply wanted to go to the bathroom.

In the bathroom.

Tang Xiaowei noticed that the nosebleed this time was getting more and more frequent. Her throat was itchy and she really wanted to throw up.

She forcefully endured the pain in her heart and walked to the bathtub.

She took off all her clothes and turned on the hot water to soak the clothes that were stained with blood. Only then did she walk to the toilet and did her best not to make a sound. She vomited out the blood in her throat.

Half an hour later.

Huangfu Qiye was already getting impatient from waiting.

However, this was not the reason why he was impatient.