Chapter 306: Disgusting Business

However, they didn't know whether Zhang Wei had succeeded or not, and whether Zhang Wei had been beaten to death by Tao Xian.

The few men rushed into the private room, and the bar manager also blocked the door.

They coldly said to Tao Xian, "Sir, our bar has received a report that you caused trouble here, so you can't leave for the time being. You can only leave after we check that nothing has happened inside."

"Don't let them go. We want to call the police. He injured our friend." Before the bar manager finished speaking, Zhang Wei's friend who had just rushed into the private room had already found Zhang Wei, who had been beaten unconscious Therefore, although they were a little afraid of Tao Xian, they thought that they could not offend Zhang Wei, so they spoke anxiously.

When the bar manager heard this, he looked at Tao Xian with an even colder gaze. Then, the two of them immediately came forward and blocked Tao Xian. "Sir, please follow us to the security room. In a while, we will call the police to explain the situation just now. We need to hand you over to the police."

"Do you think that you alone can stop me?" Tao Xian's lips curled into a cold smile. It was clearly such a sinister smile. It was clearly such a wicked smile. It was clearly a smile that looked like it would kill. However, when this smile appeared on his face, it made people feel that this smile was especially suitable for him. At the same time, it shocked the people around him. For a long time, no one dared to make a sound.

After a few seconds, the two bar managers immediately threatened him loudly, "Who do you think you are? How dare you threaten people when you are causing trouble in our bar? Don't you know that this is the Mu family's bar?"

Tao Xian sneered, "Get lost!"

At that moment, Tao Yuyan was obviously controlled by the drug. She was in his arms and was squirming restlessly. Tao Xian only wanted to leave and take her away. He did not want these people to see her acting strangely.

However, the people from the two bars were not willing to move aside.

That was because the men who went to look for them just now said that the people in the private room were not ordinary people and could not be offended.

They had gone to investigate and found that Zhang Wei's uncle was indeed the police station's director. They did not know who Tao Xian was, so of course, they would help Zhang Wei deal with Tao Xian for the sake of a long-term client like Zhang Wei.

If Tao Xian was not still holding Tao Yuyan, he would not have been able to put her down. Then, he would have long beaten up these two people who did not know their place.

At that moment, the door of a private room at the side opened and a man in black walked out. He walked over and coldly taught the two bar managers a lesson. "What are you arguing about? Don't you know that young master Mu is in the private room at the side?"

The moment the two bar managers saw the man in black, they immediately showed a respectful and cautious expression. "Good evening, brother Hei Zi. We didn't do it on purpose. It's just that something happened here. Someone caused trouble in the bar and even injured a customer, so we're dealing with it."

The man called Hei Zi heard this and frowned. "Who exactly is causing trouble here?"

The two managers immediately pointed at Tao Xian.

Hei Zi looked at Tao Xian and immediately thought of the information the young master had asked him to look up. He immediately greeted Tao Xian nervously. "Mr. Tao Xian, why are you here?"

Hei Zi's gaze landed on Tao Xian who was still hugging a person wrapped in clothes. He saw the long hair that was exposed, and he was sure that it was a woman. That was why the manager of the bar said that Tao Xian was causing trouble here. Could it be that he had snatched someone else's woman here?

Hearing Hei Zi actually greet Tao Xian, the two bar managers and Zhang Wei's friends in the private room were all shocked. They were unable to regain their senses for a long while, and their mouths were wide open.

Tao Xian had just heard the manager of the bar mention something about young master Mu. At that moment, Tao Xian seemed to have seen this man in black appear beside Mu Yisen before, so he immediately knew who owned this bar.

He originally did not have a good impression of Mu Yisen. Now that Yuyan was framed in his bar, if he had not come quickly, Yuyan would have been molested. Therefore, Tao Xian hated Mu Yisen even more.

He sneered, "Why am I here? You should go and ask your master. Does his bar specifically allow others to do these disgusting things?"

Hei Zi naturally heard that Tao Xian was belittling his master.

He was a little angry and wanted to deny it.

At that moment, the door of the private room beside them opened again and a handsome man in a black suit walked out.

When Hei Zi came out just now, the door was not closed, so he heard the sound from outside.

So he planned to come out and see what had happened to make Tao Yuyan's younger brother so angry and belittle him.

Mu Yisen was very curious about what had happened, so he walked out and walked in the direction of the few of them.

Seeing him come over, Hei Zi immediately bowed his head respectfully. "Young master, you're here."

The bar manager at the side also greeted him respectfully, "Boss."

Mu Yisen did not even look at them. His gaze met Tao Xian's. In the air, it was as if the smell of gunpowder was spreading.

The two men were equally tall and handsome. Their temperament and aura did not lose out to each other.

"Mr. Tao, I don't quite agree with what you just said. After all, my bar is an extremely formal place. Why would you throw dirty water on me without any reason?"

"Formal?" Tao Xian sneered. "If it's formal, why would Yuyan be drugged here?" Tao Xian really wanted to punch Mu Yisen to the side. His bar had these things that could not be seen by others. He actually had the nerve to say that it was formal.

Was this kind of person a hypocrite?

"What? What did you say? Yuyan was drugged?" Mu Yisen's originally cold smile immediately stiffened. He looked nervously at Tao Xian and could not help but ask worriedly.

Tao Xian saw him like this and was very repulsed. He snorted coldly, "What else could it be?"

The eyes of the two men were burning with intense flames.

The surroundings were quiet. No one dared to step forward and make a sound.

Mu Yisen's gaze was quickly attracted to the body in Tao Xian's arms that was moving about but was tightly hugged by Tao Xian.

Tao Xian was so angry that he said Tao Yuyan had been drugged. That was why he was causing trouble here.

So, the person in his arms was Tao Yuyan?

Ever since Mu Yisen accompanied Huangfu Qiye to look for Tang Xiaowei and got to know Tao Yuyan, he felt that his heart could not help but think of Tao Yuyan often.