Chapter 317: fainted

It was very light, but she would never be able to forget it.

"Okay." She endured the pain and nodded.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye have no choice but to turn around and leave.

He went to the side of the helicopter. Yuan Qi immediately took the phone and handed it to him, saying something in a low voice.

Huangfu Qiye's expression instantly turned ugly. Then, he took the phone and started to answer the call.

After that, he and Yuan Qi boarded the helicopter together.

He even waved at her and gave her a cute flying kiss.

Tang Xiaowei looked up in a daze, her whole body stiffening as she watched him leave with the helicopter until they were further and further away.

Finally, the helicopter disappeared from the castle and could not be seen in the sky.

Only then did her body soften and she squatted down, hugging her knees and crying.

Sob, sob, sob.

She squatted on the lawn and cried like a pitiful little animal.

Ling Shitian was extremely worried, but he did not want to go up and disturb her.

At this time, she needed to vent, so he would let her vent.

On the sixth floor of the Castle, Ling Yijue, who had been watching the situation outside from the window, was shocked when he saw Tang Xiaowei suddenly squatting on the ground after Huangfu Qiye left, as if she was crying.

However, he didn't know about Tang Xiaowei's illness. He only thought that Tang Xiaowei was sad because she couldn't bear to part with Huangfu Qiye.

Therefore, Ling Yijue was even more angry. His face was dark and he pulled the curtains angrily, never looking at the situation outside again.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know how long she had been crying.

She was really sad.

They were finally separated.

Her heart was so painful that she could hardly breathe.

Her heart began to ache faintly, and soon, the familiar feeling of the attack came from her body again.

She covered her mouth and nose, but she couldn't cover the blood that kept flowing out and the dry vomiting in her throat.

Perhaps it was because she was too tired, or perhaps the attack this time was too serious, she suddenly felt very dizzy. Soon, her vision turned dark, and she fell onto the lawn, closing her eyes tightly.

Before her consciousness completely disappeared, she thought sorrowfully, am I going to die?

If I die like this, I really won't be able to see Huangfu Qiye.

Thinking of this, her heart hurt even more.

And she also didn't have the strength to continue, helplessly falling into the darkness.

Ling Shitian had been watching her from the side. Seeing that she suddenly fell, he ran up anxiously. "Little rosette, you... Heavens, how did this happen?"

He ran over, wanting to see what exactly happened to her. But just as he came over, he saw that her face was covered in blood, and her clothes were also covered in blood. Ling Shitian was almost scared to death.

This was the first time he had seen Tang Xiaowei's condition flare up.

Although he had never been a good person and often drank blood, he had seen and taken part in some bloody and violent scenes before.

However, at that moment, the child he cared about had suddenly become like this. Of course, he would be scared.

He nervously picked up Tang Xiaowei and ran into the infirmary in the castle.

"David, get ready immediately and gather all the doctors here!" He ordered as he ran.

David, who was beside him, hurriedly nodded and took out his phone to contact them.

In the past two days, many experts and doctors had moved into the castle. They were all top-notch in the industry. These were the people that Ling Shitian had spent a lot of money to hire.

Their goal was to treat Tang Xiaowei.

The entire castle instantly became flustered.

Everyone could feel Ling Shitian's anxiety and anger. Everyone was doing things carefully.

Meanwhile, Tang Xiaowei was quickly sent into the examination room.

Ling Shitian had been standing by her side the whole time.


On the sixth floor, in Ling Yijue's room.

After he closed the curtains, he threw a fit of anger and smashed everything in the room. Then, he angrily called Willam over. "Go and get me some wine. The more, the better."

Willam saw that the room had been smashed to such a state by the young master and that the young master looked like he wanted to kill someone. He instantly did not dare to say anything and hurriedly went downstairs to look for wine.

However, when he reached the first floor, he saw many servants and some nurses in white coats running around as if something big had happened. The atmosphere was serious and tense.

He felt strange and immediately pulled a maid and asked coldly, "What happened? Why are there suddenly so many nurses?"

"It seems that miss suddenly fainted." The maid saw that the person who grabbed her was Willam, who was beside the young master, so she did not hide it and told him what she had just seen.

"Miss fainted?" Willam frowned when he heard that. Wasn't miss Tang Xiaowei?

The young master liked Tang Xiaowei so much, but it seemed that the young master did not know that Tang Xiaowei had fainted.

Thus, after taking a lot of wine, Willam rushed upstairs, wanting to tell Ling Yijue about Tang Xiaowei fainting.

The door was opened, and Willam handed the wine bottle in his hand to the young master who had almost gone mad. He opened his mouth and said, "Young master, the wine is here, and I just heard..."

Ling Yijue snatched the wine bottle, and the anger in his eyes was completely exposed. "Shut up!"

After saying that, the door was fiercely closed by him.

Willam was shut outside the door. Although he still wanted to tell the young master about Tang Xiaowei's situation, he didn't dare to knock on the door again.

He sighed helplessly and could only hunch his head.

He might as well wait until young master was in a better mood before telling him.

On the other side.

After Ling Yijue received the wine, he immediately opened the lid and directly took the wine bottle and poured it into his mouth.


He and Xiaowei were clearly each other's first love. Could it be that just because he had no choice but to break up with her previously, he now no longer had the chance to be together with Xiaowei?

Huangfu Qiye was such a dangerous person, why would Xiaowei like him?

Liking Huangfu Qiye was like wanting to be with an unsafe bomb. Had Xiaowei not been hurt by Huangfu Qiye before and learned her lesson?

Why was it useless for him to do anything now?

"Xiaowei, what do you want me to do so that you can return to my side again?" Ling Yijue's eyes were red. The anger that could not be extinguished made him unable to calm down.

As if he did not care about his life, he crazily drank up more than half of the bottle of wine in the bottle. The wine was all over his body. After he finished drinking, the bottle was ruthlessly smashed to the ground.

The next second, he picked up another bottle and started to pour himself.


When Tang Xiaowei woke up, she found that she had already returned to her room on the fifth floor.

And there were many people in the room.

Other than Ling Shitian who was sitting on the sofa, the others were butler David, a few maids, bodyguards, and some men and women in white coats.

She frowned slightly, not knowing why there were so many people in her room.