Chapter 334: misunderstanding, anger

Tang Xiaowei slept until midnight when she was suddenly woken up by the intense knocking on the door.

Tao Yuyan was also woken up.

Both of them sat up. Tao Yuyan remembered that Tang Xiaowei was afraid of the dark, so she quickly turned on the lights. After turning on the lights, both of them looked at each other in fear.

Tang Xiaowei frowned. "Yuyan, who exactly is knocking on our door?"

Tao Yuyan shook her head. "I don't know, but he knocked too hard. Did something happen outside?"

Tang Xiaowei felt that it was also possible, so she nodded. "Then let's go and take a look."

Tao Yuyan nodded, thinking that this was not bad.

So the two of them got off the bed and walked to the door.

However, when Tang Xiaowei stood behind the peephole and saw who was knocking on the door, she stood there in disbelief.

How could it be Huangfu Qiye?

He shouldn't have appeared here!

Moreover, it was impossible for him to suddenly appear in the middle of the night and know that she was here, so he came to knock on the door.

Who was the one who told him that she was here?

Furthermore, seeing how hard he knocked on the door, it was obvious that he was very angry. She suddenly did not dare to open the door.

She shrunk back in fear.

Tao Yuyan, who was beside her, felt that Tang Xiaowei's reaction was a little strange. She walked over to take a look at the person outside. When she saw that the person outside was Huangfu Qiye, Tao Yuyan was also shocked.

She asked Tang Xiaowei in a low voice, "Xiaowei, didn't you say that you did not see him because your condition was serious and there was a possibility that you could not be cured? Why did he suddenly appear? Moreover, he looks very angry. Do you think he came to look for you because he knew that you were sick?"

"I don't know." Tang Xiaowei shook her head and her face started to turn pale.

She started to be afraid. Huangfu Qiye didn't know about her physical condition.

So, he suddenly appeared. Could it be that he knew that there was poison in her body and was angry that she hid it from him, so he came over?

Before she could figure it out, the knocking on the door suddenly stopped.

Then, there seemed to be sounds of fighting outside.

Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan were stunned. Then, Tang Xiaowei couldn't care less and opened the door.

After the door was opened, he saw that Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue were already fighting in the corridor outside.

On the side, Yuan Qi, Willam and Jack were staring at each other fiercely.

"What are you doing? Stop!" Tang Xiaowei shouted nervously.

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue, who were already fighting, pushed each other away fiercely. They looked disgusted and then looked at Tang Xiaowei.

Ling Yijue explained, "Xiaowei, I was just woken up by the sound of their knocking on the door, and then I realized that they were disturbing your rest, so I made a move."

His explanation was very reasonable.

Tang Xiaowei looked at Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye was also looking at her, but he sneered. "Tang Xiaowei, didn't you say that you would stay in England until we meet in a month? Why? I've only left for less than a day, and you've already forgotten me, and then come to such a place to fool around with your ex-boyfriend. Are you playing a game of two-timing with me? Do you think I'm the kind of man that you can play with whenever you want?"

His tone was distant and cold, and his gaze was sinister. When he looked at her, it was as if he was looking at the person he hated the most.

When Tang Xiaowei was looked at by him like that, she heard him talking about her like that.

She only felt a burst of pain in her heart.

She took a step back in pain. Fortunately, there was a wall behind her so that she could lean against it so that she did not fall to the ground.

She shook her head. "It's not like that. You've misunderstood."

"I misunderstood? At this point, do you still want to quibble? Am I blind?" Huangfu Qiye sneered. He took a few steps forward and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her. His gaze was so cold that it was as if he did not recognize her. There was no longer the gentleness of the past. "Before I came, you were smiling and making out with other men. When I came, you said that I misunderstood you. What do you take me, Huangfu Qiye, for?"

"I..." She was in so much pain that she could not speak, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"You want to cry? You toyed with me, and you still want to pretend to be weak in front of me?" Huangfu Qiye pushed her away angrily and looked at her coldly.

Before coming here and when he kept knocking on the door, he had planned to believe her first and then listen to her explanation.

However, when Ling Yijue came out of the room next to hers and fought with him, Huangfu Qiye didn't want to believe Tang Xiaowei anymore.

If there was nothing between her and Ling Yijue, then Ling Yijue wouldn't act like a protector.


He knew that she had always rejected him and treated him coldly in the past. Two days ago, she had suddenly changed into a gentle and understanding person. She was sweet and moving. She definitely did not mean it.

She was just toying with him.

Tang Xiaowei was pushed to the ground by him. Tao Yuyan rushed over to help her up.

When Ling Yijue saw this situation, his face darkened. He rushed up again and fought with Huangfu Qiye. "Huangfu Qiye, who do you think you are? What right do you have to bully Xiaowei like this?"

The person that Huangfu Qiye wanted to kill the most at this moment was definitely Ling Yijue.

What right did he have?


He would tell Ling Yijue how qualified he was!

He could not make a move against Tang Xiaowei, who had bullied him, but he would not go easy on Ling Yijue. Thus, he fought with Ling Yijue again.

Willam and Jack, who were beside him, saw their young master being beaten up and wanted to come over to help. However, they were stopped by Yuan Qi, so the three of them started fighting again.

Instantly, the entire corridor was in chaos.

Tao Xian also came out. He did not want to join in the chaotic battle of these people. Seeing that Tao Yuyan and Tang Xiaowei were still squatting at the door, he was afraid that these people would accidentally hurt them, so he could only come over. He pushed the two of them into the room and closed the door.

After closing the door, Tao Xian said to Tao Yuyan seriously, "Yuyan, stay with Tang Xiaowei for a while and then ask her what her choice is."

Then, he walked out and stood guard at the door.

And in the room.

Tang Xiaowei was still in pain. Huangfu Qiye didn't trust her, then she was yelled at by him, wronged by him, and pushed to the ground by him. The scene had stimulated her.

She was trembling in pain, and the tears in her eyes finally rolled out.

She didn't know why Huangfu Qiye would misunderstand her.

But she knew that he was very angry right now and wasn't willing to believe her explanation at all.

And she didn't want to explain anymore.

Even though it was painful to be misunderstood by him.

But she suddenly felt that this was an opportunity. If she didn't explain it clearly to Huangfu Qiye, he might continue to hate her and stop loving her.

And just like that, if the poison in her body wasn't resolved...