Chapter 331: Master, this little one is blind

After Xiao Mei returned to her previous position.

She saw that the girl who had been kidnapped by her brother yesterday was currently eating the cake that had just been served on the table with her friend.

Xiao Mei glared at the girl with hatred. This little girl had been saved, but her brother had been captured.

These girls were not dead or injured, and they could still come out to eat with smiles on their faces. Why must her brother be locked up?

She had to let brother Qiang teach these foreign tourists a lesson!

Tao Xian's gaze had always been on Tao Yuyan. However, all of a sudden, he keenly felt a malicious gaze on Tao Yuyan.

At the same time, because Xiaomei's gaze was looking in the direction of Tao Yuyan and Tang Xiaowei, Ling Yijue also felt that there was something wrong with the gaze. It was aimed in the direction of Tang Xiaowei.

Thus, Ling Yijue and Tao Xian both looked in the direction of Xiaomei.

They looked over coldly and found an average-looking woman who was dressed seductively with a venomous gaze staring in the direction of Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan.

Xiaomei did not know why that extraordinarily handsome young man would suddenly look at her.

Moreover, before she became infatuated, she felt that the two men were looking at her as if they wanted to kill her.

She immediately lowered her head in fear and did not dare to look at the girl who was kidnapped by her brother yesterday.

Ling Yijue and Tao Xian saw that the woman with a vicious gaze lowered her head and felt that there was something wrong with this woman. Therefore, Ling Yijue gave Willam a look and asked him to keep an eye on her.

After that, Ling Yijue's gaze once again landed on Tang Xiaowei.

Tao Xian came here this time and it was very urgent. He did not bring anyone with him. He was alone.

Therefore, at that moment, seeing that Ling Yijue had already arranged for people to keep an eye on that strange woman, he did not waste any time to care about her. He also looked back at Tao Yuyan.

Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan were enjoying their dessert, completely ignoring everything around them.

Therefore, the two girls did not notice the abnormality of Xiaomei and the discovery of Ling Yijue and Tao Xian.

Until five minutes later.

The door of the dessert shop was suddenly opened, and more than ten men rushed in. Each of them held a machete in their hands and looked aggressive.

"Xiaomei, where are you?" Among these people, the man at the front was big and muscular. He had a fat head and big ears. He looked to be about 40 years old.

As soon as he entered, he shouted at the top of his voice.

Although Xiaomei didn't like this brother Qiang, he had some influence. She was especially short of such influence.

Her brother was a kidnapper and was considered a small leader in this area. He could protect her and let her have a good life.

However, now that her brother was locked up, and he might not be released for the rest of his life, she was naturally afraid. Of course, she needed to find a backer.

Therefore, no matter what kind of person brother Qiang was, as long as brother Qiang liked her, she would be able to use him.

Hence, she immediately stood up. Because she had a backer, she did not feel that the two handsome men's gazes were scary anymore.

She arrogantly walked in front of brother Qiang and threw herself into his embrace. She said in a sweet voice, "Brother Qiang, you're finally here. The person who caused my brother to go to jail is that girl over there and the two men beside her. They glared at me just now, so you have to teach them all a lesson."

When brother Qiang heard that, his gaze followed Xiaomei's hand and saw Ling Yijue, Tao Xian, and Tao Yuyan.

He only felt that they were two young and handsome boys and a girl, so he snorted coldly at once. He said arrogantly, "Don't worry, Xiaomei. I don't need to do anything to this kind of kid. My brothers can beat them up. As for the two girls, I'll also get someone to teach them a lesson."

Xiaomei was extremely happy when she heard that. "Brother Qiang, you're so good. Xiaomei really loves you too much."

Brother Qiang was extremely satisfied and waved his hand. He said, "Brothers, go and teach those two men a lesson and avenge Xiaomei. Then, capture that woman and make her pay for causing Xiaomei's brother to go to jail. I'll reward her to you guys for playing with her."

After brother Qiang finished speaking, there were a few men dressed like hooligans behind him. They held machetes and arrogantly walked towards Ling Yijue, Tao Xian, and Tao Yuyan.

This group of people thought that they were the most arrogant people in the area. No matter who it was, they would be taught a lesson by them.

However, before they could reach Ling Yijue and Tao Xian, they were suddenly kicked away by three Englishmen at the side. A few hooligans were kicked far away, and the surrounding tables and chairs were knocked away by their bodies They fell to the ground, and their injuries bled.

The people who kicked them were naturally Willam, Jack, and David.

The three of them blocked the way to Ling Yijue and Tang Xiaowei, and glared at brother Qiang and the others with cold faces.

Brother Qiang and the others were stunned. They didn't expect these three foreigners to be the helpers of those young men and women. Moreover, these three foreigners didn't look like they were to be trifled with.

They remembered that there seemed to be more than ten foreigners at the entrance of the dessert shop, and they immediately began to feel afraid.

Could it be that those foreigners outside were also in cahoots with these people?

If that was the case, then didn't they make a big mess?

Just as they were thinking this, the bodyguards outside the door indeed blocked the door, and then began to clean up brother Qiang's subordinates. Their methods were cold-blooded and cruel.

The men behind brother Qiang were quickly beaten to the ground, almost all of them dying.

Brother Qiang was so scared that his legs went soft and he immediately knelt on the ground. "My lords, it's my fault for not recognizing Mount Tai. I'm sorry, please spare me."

Xiaomei was also stunned.

She thought that Tao Yuyan and the others were just ordinary tourists.

But now, it was obvious that they were not people to be provoked.

She also knelt down. But because she was afraid, she kept trembling and could not say anything.

Ling Yijue, who had been silent all this time, finally stood up. He walked to the front of Willam and the others and looked coldly at the hooligans in front of him. His lips curled into a cold smile. "What did you say just now? You want to beat me to the ground? Ha, this is the first time I've heard such a joke."

Only then did brother Qiang realize that although the man in front of him was young, his aura and temperament were very sinister and terrifying. It was as if he could kill someone at any time.

He was extremely afraid. At the same time, he thought that the other party had so many capable subordinates.