Chapter 336: Why didn't she come to see him?

Tao Yuyan could only whisper from the side, "Xiaowei, I've just asked Ah Xian. He said that the people who fought yesterday were all seriously injured and were sent to the hospital. He said that they won't die."

Hearing that, Tang Xiaowei suddenly stood up and walked to the door in a few quick steps. She was not only nervous, but also very worried.

She did not expect that the fight yesterday would be so fierce. They were all injured and went to the hospital.

Why didn't she hear anything at night?

She wanted to go to the hospital to take a look.

Not only to see Huangfu Qiye, but also to see Ling Yijue.

After all, it was all her fault. Yes, it was her fault.

But when her hand touched the door, she didn't have the courage to open the door and go out.

Yes, she wanted to go and take a look.

But at this moment, Ling Yijue knew that she didn't like him anymore, and he wouldn't force her.

But Huangfu Qiye misunderstood her. He definitely wanted to ask her an answer.

And at this moment, she simply couldn't give a perfect answer.

Therefore, she suddenly lost her courage and strength. She retracted her hand and slowly walked to the bedside.

Finally, she sat on the bedside and began to be silent.


At that moment, in the hospital.

The VIP ward's floor was completely reserved, but it was divided into two parts.

Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue each forcefully reserved half of the floor, and the bodyguards they brought automatically formed two walls in the middle of the corridor, completely blocking the middle.

Huangfu Qiye had originally only brought Yuan Qi over last night, but he still made a call and gathered a group of bodyguards.

At this moment, he and Yuan Qi were both seriously injured and were lying in the ward.

On the other side, Ling Yijue, Willam, and Jack were not much better. The three of them were also covered in injuries.

When they were first sent here, they had not fainted yet. After that, they only fainted during the surgery.

At this moment, the sky had just turned bright, and Huangfu Qiye woke up in the ward.

He sat up and realized that he was lying in a white room. His clothes had been changed, and there was a needle in the back of his hand. He was receiving an infusion.

He was the only one in the room.

He pulled off the needle roughly and got off the bed. He was about to leave when he realized that his arms and abdomen were in pain.

Although the places where he had been stabbed by Tang Xiaowei with scissors were much better, they were not completely healed. He had also injured those wounds when he fought with Ling Yijue yesterday, so it was normal for him to be in pain.

He frowned slightly. He remembered that when they had been sent to the hospital together, Ling Yijue had not been killed by him. He had only been injured.

He had to go and see if that person was dead. It would be good if he was dead. If he was not dead, he would find an opportunity to kill him. He actually dared to snatch a woman from him. He really did not want to live anymore.

There was also the most important thing. He had to talk to Tang Xiaowei alone.

He had been too angry last night. He had fought with Ling Yijue without even having a proper talk with her.

When he thought of the matter of him being hospitalized after being injured in a fight, his frown became even more serious.

He was injured, so why didn't Tang Xiaowei come to the hospital to see him?

Could it be that she went to see Ling Yijue?

"How dare she!" Huangfu Qiye cursed in a low voice. His face was gloomy. If Tang Xiaowei knew that they were injured and were hospitalized, but did not come to see him, but went to see Ling Yijue, then he would definitely not let that woman off!

He opened the door of the ward and walked out.

The group of bodyguards at the door heard the sound of the door opening and saw him coming out. All of them greeted him respectfully, "Good Morning, young master."

Good morning?

Good my ass!

He didn't feel good at all.

"Where's Yuan Qi?" He shouted unhappily. In the past, his most capable subordinates were Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan. However, ever since that b*tch, Huangfu Yuner, hurt Xiaowei and escaped, Yuan Shan had also disappeared.

Until now, he still couldn't find Huangfu Yuner and Huangfu Haoming, so he didn't know whether Yuan Shan was alive or dead.

Right now, Yuan Qi was the only personal bodyguard by his side. Therefore, when he came out, he naturally wanted to find Yuan Qi.

The bodyguard next to him hurriedly and carefully answered, "Young master, Yuan Qi was also injured in the middle of the night yesterday. He is now in the ward and hasn't woken up yet."

"Damn it!" Upon hearing this, Huangfu Qiye's expression became even uglier. Then, he directly waved his hand to call over the bodyguard who had just spoken and instructed, "You, go and see if there's anyone from Ling's place who has come to see him."

"Alright, young master. This subordinate will do it immediately." The bodyguard obediently turned around and left.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye heave a sigh of relief. Yet only then did he feel his abdomen becoming more and more painful.

He could only return to the ward and lie down. Then, he took out his phone and began to call Tang Xiaowei.

The call was quickly dialed.

However, no one picked up.

Huangfu Qiye frowned. He did not give up and continued to wait for the other party to pick up.

At that moment, in the hotel, the originally quiet atmosphere was suddenly broken by the ringtone of the phone.

Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan looked at each other. Because they had not rested for half a night, and because of the terrible things that happened last night, Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan did not look too good.

Tang Xiaowei could tell that it was her ringtone.

She had no choice but to get up and get her phone.

However, when she saw that the caller ID was Huangfu Qiye, her hand stopped.

Her heart began to beat wildly. She bit her lip, not knowing whether she should answer it or not.

If she did, he would definitely question her about what he had misunderstood.

But after thinking for so long, she still did not know what to say to him.

She held the phone, but it was as if she was holding a hot potato, her fingers shaking uncontrollably.

"Xiaowei, why aren't you picking up the phone? Could it be Huangfu Qiye?" Tao Yuyan, who was beside her, saw that she was in a daze and asked softly.

Tang Xiaowei nodded. "Yes."

"Then have you thought about how to answer him?'' Tao Yuyan's voice was as gentle as water.

Tang Xiaowei shook her head. "Not yet. I really don't know what to do now. I'm afraid that I'll delay him, so I want to take this opportunity to let him misunderstand completely. This way, even if I die in the future, he won't be deeply hurt and in pain. But I'm also afraid that I won't die in the future, and my body will also become healthy. So if I reject him now, when I survive and see him with another woman in the future, I'll definitely be in worse pain."

"Then you'd better think it through and meet him again to explain things clearly." Tao Yuyan thought about it and could only think of this method.

Tang Xiaowei thought about it and agreed. Then, she didn't pick up the phone and turned it off.

When her phone was turned off, Huangfu Qiye realized that he had called, but no one had picked up.