Chapter 344: fine, you can scram now

Tang Qianqian, this b*tch, what the hell does she know?

Why would she appear in the Tang family? It was all because of Huangfu Qiye!

She angrily pushed Huangfu Qiye away.

It was because he had sent her into the Tang family back then. Moreover, it was because he had always given benefits to the Tang family, and even gave Tang Qingxuan a very good job, that she was able to grow up.

Although he was the bad one, he was also the good one.

However, she was still a little angry.

Although she was angry, she no longer wanted to fuss about the matter of him sending her into the Tang family back then. After all, Tang Qingxuan and his wife treated her quite well.

The only bad thing was Tang Qianqian's family.

She jumped down from Huangfu Qiye's leg and rushed to Tang Qianqian in a few steps. She pushed away the bodyguards and looked at Tang Qianqian with a cold face.

"Tang Qianqian, you said that I only dared to treat you like this because of a man. Well, since you slandered and insulted me, then I won't let them beat you today. I'll personally beat you to seek justice for myself."

Tang Qianqian had already been released and no one was holding her back.

She heard the sound of those people, including Wang Yueyue, being slapped from behind. Just hearing these sounds made her feel afraid.

Then, she looked at Tang Xiaowei in front of her. Tang Xiaowei looked much thinner than before, and she was not very tall. If she fought with Tang Xiaowei, it would be much better than being slapped by those tall bodyguards.

Therefore, she opened her mouth and said with a face full of calculation, "Tang Xiaowei, since you mentioned it, I also want to mention something. If you hit me, no one is allowed to hit me again. Moreover, I can't just stand there and wait for you to fight. I want to fight you alone."

"Fight alone?" Tang Xiaowei sneered. "As you wish, I will fight you alone. If you lose, kneel down and apologize to me. Also, scold yourself for all the words you just said to me. Don't ever appear in front of me in the future."

"Okay, I promise you." Tang Qianqian agreed immediately.

Anyway, when she saw Tang Xiaowei's appearance, she felt that she could beat Tang Xiaowei to the ground in less than two minutes.

"I won't agree!" However, just when Tang Qianqian was secretly happy that she could beat Tang Xiaowei easily and not get slapped, Huangfu Qiye's cold voice rang out.

Then, he got up from his chair and quickly walked to Tang Xiaowei's side. Then, he reached out and pulled her into his arms. He looked at Tang Xiaowei and said in a low voice, "Xiaowei, let my bodyguards deal with this kind of person. Don't dirty your hands."

Tang Xiaowei pushed him away and said seriously, "If I don't beat this kind of person with my own hands, she will think that I'm relying on a man to bully her. In that case, I'll let her lose to me today."

"Xiaowei, don't be willful." In Huangfu Qiye's memory, Tang Xiaowei was just an ordinary girl. Even when she was studying, she rarely fought with others.

Now that she was still very thin because of the poison, Huangfu Qiye was naturally even more worried.

He didn't know that Tang Xiaowei had been learning taekwondo for more than half a month when she was in Ling Yijue's villa, and she was very serious about it.

Tang Xiaowei gave him a reassuring look and said coldly, "I don't like people to stop me, so don't try."

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye looked at her and suddenly realized that her eyes were clear and firm, and she didn't look like someone who wasn't confident at all.

Although he was a little uncomfortable that she wouldn't listen to him and insisted on fighting with someone.

However, he subconsciously believed that she would protect him well and teach the woman next to him a lesson.

Tang Xiaowei secretly heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that Huangfu Qiye had stopped pestering her.

Then, she looked at Tang Qianqian.

She just really wanted to beat up Tang Qianqian. This woman always provoked her and bullied her in the past. She had also always said bad things about her. She had long suffered enough.

She actually said that she wanted to have a duel alone today, so let's do it.

"Tang Xiaowei, then I'm going to start." When Tang Qianqian saw that Huangfu Qiye had promised them a duel, she knew that her chance had come. Then, without waiting for Tang Xiaowei to speak, she suddenly said something, and in the next second, her fist hit Tang Xiaowei's face.

She felt very embarrassed when Tang Xiaowei humiliated her just now. She wanted to take advantage of this duel alone to beat Tang Xiaowei to vent her anger.

Tang Xiaowei had practiced taekwondo before. Although she hadn't practiced it for a long time, she had put in a lot of effort.

Moreover, she had used the moves she had learned before and easily beat Lisa, Anna, and the others to the ground so they were unable to get up.

Therefore, when Tang Qianqian thought that she could beat Tang Xiaowei to the ground with her first move, and her nose was bleeding all over her face, her hand was grabbed by Tang Xiaowei.

If she were to turn around, her body would lean forward and fall to the ground. Then, Tang Xiaowei's fists would continuously land on Tang Qianqian's back.

Tang Qianqian was completely dumbfounded.

By the time she reacted, Tang Xiaowei had already given her two big slaps and kicked her to the side. Her cold gaze was as if it was going to kill someone. "Tang Qianqian, you can kneel down and admit your mistake to me now. Then, you can scold yourself for all the words that you just said to me. After that, you can get lost. You are also not allowed to appear in front of me again. How about it?"

Tang Xiaowei's appearance was like a cold-blooded thug.

Tang Qianqian expected that her cousin, whom she had always bullied with her parents whenever she wanted to bully her, would be weak, kind, and useless.

But today, her cousin had become so powerful, and her personality had also changed a lot.

Not only did she know kung fu, but her expression had also completely changed. It was as if if she did not do as she said, if she provoked her in the future, she would definitely be killed by her.

Tang Qianqian secretly shivered, then she nodded in fear. Then she hurriedly admitted her mistake. "I'm sorry, Xiaowei. It's my fault. I shouldn't have bullied you all the time, and I shouldn't have scolded you either. I'm the slut. I'm the mistress of a rich man. I'm sorry."

"Okay, you can scram now. Remember, don't appear in front of me in the future." Tang Xiaowei looked at Tang Qianqian coldly.

Tang Qianqian really felt scared now. Then, she hurriedly got up and stumbled down the mountain.

However, just as Tang Xiaowei had said, because Huangfu Qiye was supporting Tang Xiaowei, although she was afraid of Huangfu Qiye, Tang Qianqian still looked down on Tang Xiaowei.

However, things were different now.

She was really afraid of Tang Xiaowei.

Because Tang Xiaowei could also emit the same kind of terrifying aura as Huangfu Qiye.

This kind of aura would make people feel cold all over and not dare to resist.

And just now, it was Tang Xiaowei who had personally taught her a lesson, so she felt that Tang Xiaowei was not someone to be trifled with.

Tang Qianqian ran away with her ashes and soon disappeared without a trace. She did not even dare to bother with her friend Wang Yueyue.