Chapter 351: he began to look for other women

Not only did he leave the bathroom, but he also left the room and closed the door very hard.

In the bathroom, after hearing the sound of the door closing, Tang Xiaowei's entire body went limp and she fell to the ground.

Her heart was still in pain. She had just been able to stand up, but her willpower had allowed her to hold on.

Now that he had left, she really could not stand.

Because of the pain in her body and because she had really lost him, she cried on the ground, unable to control herself.


50 minutes later.

Huangfu Qiye did not come back.

She finally stopped feeling pain and stood up. After cleaning up the bathroom, she dragged her weak body out of his room and returned to the room where she and Tao Yuyan were staying.

She did not meet anyone on the way back.

The room where she and Tao Yuyan were staying was empty. It was as empty as her heart.

She took a shower and changed her clothes. She forced herself not to be sad and prepared to go to sleep because she was leaving the next day.

However, just as she was about to go to sleep, her phone rang.

She took the phone and saw that it was Tao Yuyan calling.

Tang Xiaowei picked up the phone and her voice sounded weak. "What's wrong, Yuyan? "

"Xiaowei, are you asleep? I'm outside in the garden. Ah Xian has been pestering me. Come and save me." Tao Yuyan's tone was urgent, and it sounded like she was asking for help.

Tang Xiaowei originally felt so uncomfortable that she just wanted to sleep. Because her heart hurt so much when she fell asleep, she couldn't think so much.

However, her good friend was being pestered, and she had come to her for help. It was impossible for her not to help.

So, she packed up and rushed downstairs.

However, when she slowly came down from the stairs upstairs, she heard waves of laughter coming from the restaurant downstairs.

It was a group of beautiful young women playing a game.

And she also saw a group of sofas in front of those women. At that moment, there was only a single, handsome man sitting on the sofa. And this man was Huangfu Qiye, whom she had completely rejected just now.

At that moment, his expression was still very unsightly, but his gaze looked at those women as if he was entranced by them.

Tang Xiaowei's footsteps couldn't help but stop for a moment.

Her heart began to throb.

It turned out that what he said about not loving her was true.

They had just separated, and he had just made things clear to her, when he started to look for other women. If one wasn't enough, he even found a group.

When she was with him previously, he didn't have any other women at all. She had thought that he more or less liked her, but it turned out that it was all her wishful thinking.

Even so, she still loved him and could not forget him. For his sake, even if it made her sad, she did not want him to know that she was sick and did not want him to worry.

She realized that even if she wanted to hold back, she could not. A tear flowed out of her eyes.

She was afraid of being discovered, so she quickly turned her head and wiped it off with the back of her hand.

When she turned her head back, she found that there were already two women sitting next to Huangfu Qiye. There was a smile on his face, and both of his hands were holding the two women. One of the women smiled sweetly as she got closer and closer to him.

In the end, from Tang Xiaowei's angle, she saw that woman kissing Huangfu Qiye.

Tang Xiaowei didn't feel any pain even when her nails dug into her palm.

She finally understood that it was too rational of her to choose this moment to separate from him.

Because he had never loved her.

In this way, she didn't feel any guilt.

She retracted her gaze and hurriedly ran down the stairs. However, she accidentally twisted her ankle on the last step.

She almost fell to the ground.

The moment she fell, Huangfu Qiye, who was still hugging the other women, froze. In the next second, he wanted to push away these women and go over to help her.

Tang Xiaowei didn't want to stay here any longer.

She ignored the pain in her feet and heart and immediately stood up. She limped out.

After she ran out, Huangfu Qiye's face darkened. He angrily pushed away the women beside him. "Get lost, all of you get lost!"

The people around, especially the beautiful women, all retreated in fear. They didn't dare to do anything.

Huangfu Qiye Sat on the sofa in frustration, his face still unsightly.

He had deliberately found those women to provoke Tang Xiaowei. He had not expected that she really did not care. Even though he had pretended to kiss one of the women, even though it was fake, he knew that from Tang Xiaowei's point of view, it must be true. However, Tang Xiaowei still did not care.

So, Tang Xiaowei really did not love him?

He was actually very worried about her just now. He had even called a doctor over, wanting the doctor to go into the bathroom to bandage her wound. After all, there was too much blood in the bathroom just now. He was really worried about her.

However, the doctor that he called was reminded of her cold and indifferent look, so he could not open his mouth to let the doctor in.

When he saw her come down just now, she seemed to only be a little pale. She should not have suffered any serious injuries, right?

Huangfu Qiye thought a lot, and in the end, he was really irritated.

Then, he stood up and walked out.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei had just run out of the hotel when she came to the lawn outside.

At that moment, the sky was very dark. There were only a few dim lights on the lawn, so she was a little afraid. Because her foot was twisted, she walked very, very slowly.

The scene of Huangfu Qiye kissing other women just now was still stimulating her. She couldn't help but think about it. Every time she thought about it, her heart would ache.

At that moment, a group of people suddenly walked in front of her.

The man in front of her walked quickly to Tang Xiaowei. The next second, he grabbed Tang Xiaowei's wrist. "Xiaowei, what happened to your foot? I saw that you aren't walking normally."

Tang Xiaowei just raised her head. Seeing that it was Ling Yijue, she shook her head. "I'm fine. I just accidentally sprained my ankle."

"I've sprained myself. How can I be fine? Don't go. I'll carry you." Ling Yijue immediately bent down and carried her.

Tang Xiaowei originally wanted to struggle and reject him.

However, from the corner of her eyes, she saw a tall, handsome, and familiar figure walking over. She stiffened her body and let Ling Yijue carry her. Then, she whispered, "Ah Jue, you must help me later."

Her tone was serious, nervous, and even hurried.

Ling Yijue didn't understand at first, but he felt that her entire body was stiff. Moreover, when Huangfu Qiye was approaching, his eyes darkened. He probably understood something.