Chapter 355: Sad sobs

As long as there is something to eat.

So, she got out of bed and found that her sprained foot no longer hurt. After all, it was only a minor sprain. Yesterday, she saw a doctor and applied some medicine. Now, she could walk normally.

She went to the bathroom to wash, then changed her clothes and went downstairs.

When she went downstairs, she found that it was very quiet.

She simply went to the restaurant to sit down and wait. During this time, her cell phone suddenly rang.

She picked up her phone and realized that it was a picture sent from an unknown domestic number.

She originally did not want to pay attention to it because it was sent by someone she did not know.

However, when she saw the picture, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Her fingers trembled and she almost could not hold her phone.

The picture that she suddenly received on her phone was a screenshot of a newspaper. On the screenshot was a somewhat blurry picture and a large paragraph.

In the blurry picture was a young and pure girl. She was hugged by Huangfu Qiye's arm and was smiling very sweetly. Huangfu Qiye seemed to be feeding her. They were secretly photographed in a dessert shop.

Under this photo, there was a long report written by a reporter. The title was a few big words: Huangfu Corporation's CEO's girlfriend!

It was written in the report that the reporter had personally interviewed Huangfu Qiye. He had admitted that this young model who had just debuted was his girlfriend.

Tang Xiaowei's hand loosened, and tears immediately fell from her eyes.

Although she didn't know who had sent this screenshot to her.

However, she finally believed that Huangfu Qiye really didn't love her.

Previously, Wang Yueyue and Tang Qianqian had scolded her, saying that she was only Huangfu Qiye's mistress and not his girlfriend. This was because Huangfu Qiye had never admitted that he had a girlfriend in front of others or on the news.

And he had said it himself yesterday that he did not love her. If he did, he would have married her long ago. He would not have dragged it out until now.

Only now did she completely believe that not telling him of her true feelings, so she wouldn't hurt him, was the right decision. It turned out that she was the only one who had been giving her love.

It turned out that Huangfu Qiye really didn't love her, so he didn't admit it to her.

But now, just as they separated, he admitted that someone else was his girlfriend.

She sat on the chair in a daze, as if she had lost her soul, and her tears kept falling.

Ling Yijue personally made rice noodles and knew that she was in the restaurant. When he came in with the rice noodles, he saw this scene.

She cried again.

But that night, she had cried because she was in pain.

At that moment, she seemed to have lost her soul and was sobbing sadly.

Ling Yijue seemed to have heard the sound of something falling to the ground in the restaurant. He put down the bowl in his hand and quickly walked over. He saw the phone on the ground.

He picked it up. As the phone was not broken, he immediately saw the picture displayed on the screen.

He immediately went to the web page and started to check. As expected, he quickly saw that the news was real.

He didn't know what he was thinking. Perhaps he wanted Tang Xiaowei to see Huangfu Qiye's true nature clearly. He handed the news he found directly to her. "If you don't believe that picture, there's still the news and his interview here."

Tang Xiaowei came back to her senses.

She pushed his hand away.

How could she not believe it?

If she didn't believe it, she wouldn't be so sad.

Although those photos were blurry, she had been with Huangfu Qiye for so long. She wouldn't mistake him.

The man in the photos was indeed him.

She knew that Huangfu Qiye really did not love her and had already found another woman.

As expected, she could not bear such pain.

She did not dare to look at it again, nor did she want to look at the news about him.

She stood up, wiped her tears, and asked, "Where's Uncle Tian?"

"Father went out, " Ling Yijue answered, as he put away his phone.

Tang Xiaowei stumbled out of the restaurant and ran back. She took the phone from his hand and immediately called Ling Shitian.

As soon as the call connected, she asked anxiously, "Uncle Tian, have you found the whereabouts of those people?"

"Xiaoqiang, what's wrong with you? You're not in a good mood." Ling Shitian also heard that something was wrong with her.

Tang Xiaowei still insisted on asking the same question, "Uncle Tian, quickly tell me, have you found the whereabouts of those people?"

"Xiaoqiang, don't worry, Uncle Tian will be back at noon. I'll tell you when I'm back, okay?" Ling Shitian realized that she was very excited and quickly comforted her.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei could only agree, "Okay, then I'll wait for Uncle Tian to come back for lunch."

After saying that, she hung up the phone.

Then, she was ready to leave the restaurant.

Ling Yijue held her hand. "Xiaowei, you haven't eaten the rice noodles that I cooked for you. Do you want to eat it? It tastes the same as the ones at school."

Hearing his gentle voice, Tang Xiaowei felt that her stomach was starting to hurt from being hungry for too long. She nodded and said 'Thank you', then sat down.

After that, she began to eat the rice noodles in silence.

Indeed, the taste of this rice noodles was indeed very similar to the one she had eaten at school before. It was even more delicious than the noodles there.

She knew that this was definitely not something that the chefs here could make easily. It must have been someone who had eaten the rice noodles at school, then added some sauce and made it again.

And this person was very likely to be Ling Yijue.

She did not expect that Ling Yijue would still be willing to treat her so well at this time.

Tang Xiaowei finished all the rice noodles and all the soup. Then, she smiled bitterly at Ling Yijue. "Ah Jue, thank you for being so good to me. But in the future, I don't want to trouble you anymore. Don't bother with me anymore. Go find your own happiness."

Ling Yijue grabbed her hand. "Xiaowei, you were angry about Huangfu Qiye just now, but you suddenly called father to ask about the people who you're looking for. What does the person you want to find have to do with your sudden separation from Huangfu Qiye?"

He didn't care that she kept asking him to find his happiness, because he had heard this many times and was already immune to it.

What he cared about was that she seemed to be acting a little strange now.

Ling Yijue's sharp premonition made him feel that there was something wrong with Tang Xiaowei's abnormal behavior, so he thought about it again and asked her this question.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned.

She didn't expect that Ling Yijue could think of so many things, and it was very close to the truth.

However, she did not want to tell him. She did not want him to worry about her.

She did not want to drag him down. Instead, she wanted him to find a girl who loved him, and one who he loved, to live a happy life.