Chapter 348: "I didn't mean to be mean to you. "

This woman secretly pinched Wang Yueyue's arm fiercely. "Damn woman, don't even think about finding someone to help you. You're the one who harmed us. You have to be responsible for us. If you continue to shout and scream, you better believe that I'll sell you into a hotel to become a prostitute?"

"How dare you!" Wang Yueyue felt that if she saw Ling Yijue, she would have found someone to rely on. She was not afraid of these six women anymore, so she retorted angrily.

The six women originally wanted to say something, but at that moment, Ling Yijue stopped in his tracks when he heard someone calling for him.

He looked in Wang Yueyue's direction as if he was looking at charity, but he didn't go over. He only paused for a moment. Although the other party knew his name, he didn't know her.

The other party was indeed calling him to save her, but he wouldn't easily make a move for someone he didn't know and didn't care about.

So, he quickly retracted his gaze and continued to walk forward with large strides.

Wang Yueyue was stunned.

She never thought that Ling Yijue wouldn't save her.

However, she thought too highly of herself.

Ever since she went to school, Ling Yijue had never thought highly of her, nor did he know her. She just had a crush on Ling Yijue.

When she saw that he was leaving, she was afraid that she would really be dragged away by these six women. If she did not listen, she might be sold by them and become a prostitute in a hotel. After all, she was injured now and did not have any strength. This was also a tourist area. It was very chaotic. If she was sold by someone, she might not be able to go home for the rest of her life.

She shouted at the top of her voice, "Ling Yijue, I just came down from the mountain. I saw Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye together."

The louder she shouted, the more ambiguous she sounded. "If you save me, I'll tell you what the two of them did on the mountain."

Hearing that, Ling Yijue finally stopped.

A few seconds later, he strode to Wang Yueyue's side.

His handsome face was not only cold, but also a little unhappy. "You said you saw the two of them together? What did they do?"

"Do you want to know? Then you have to save me first. These women want to harm me." Wang Yueyue quickly took the opportunity to threaten him.

Although Ling Yijue was the person she liked, she liked her life more at that moment.

Ling Yijue heard this and sneered. "Are you threatening me? Do you think you have the right to threaten me?"

After saying that, Ling Yijue sneered. He no longer looked at Wang Yueyue and turned around to leave. He brought his men and quickly walked up the mountain.

No matter what Wang Yueyue saw, Ling Yijue would know after he went up and asked.

He hated being threatened the most, so even if Wang Yueyue really knew something, he would not bother to find out.

After Ling Yijue left, the six women hurriedly grabbed Wang Yueyue and got into a black car next to them. After the car door was closed, the women began to beat her up. "Damn woman, you dared to yell at us just now. Did you think that handsome man would save you? You b*tch, you only know how to seduce and seduce people. You're shameless."

"Yes, I was scared to death just now. I thought you were going to be saved. After all, you haven't paid the medical fees that you owe us. It's fine now. No one will save you. You have to pay the medical fees before we will let you go."

"Go to the hospital now. If you dare to disobey us, we will kill you in this car and throw you into the river."

Wang Yueyue listened to the woman's voice and felt totally defeated by them. She began to hate Ling Yijue again.

If he had saved her just now, she would not be bullied by these people.

To think that she liked him so much. How could he treat her like this?

Wang Yueyue began to curse non-stop. In the end, she almost cursed everyone around her.


In the hotel.

Tao Xian was angry for almost a day. When it was time for dinner, he could not help but want to knock on Tao Yuyan's door.

However, when he opened his door and was about to knock on Tao Yuyan's door, Huangfu Qiye and Ling Yijue had sent people to guard the room because Tang Xiaowei was also staying there.

However, there was no one there at the moment.

In that case, could it be that Tao Yuyan and Tang Xiaowei were no longer in the room?

Tao Xian was extremely nervous and immediately went to call Tao Yuyan.

The call went through very quickly and Tao Yuyan picked it up, but her tone was a little nervous. "Ah Xian, what's the matter?"

"Yuyan, where are you now?" Tao Xian had already returned to his room. He was standing in the hotel room. The lights were not turned on inside, and the sky outside had already begun to darken. Just like his mood, it had always been gloomy.

"I'm now with Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye on the XX mountain not far from the hotel." Tao Yuyan did not like to hide and lie, so she did not lie.

Tao Xian frowned slightly when he heard that. "Why didn't you tell me you were going out?"

"You seemed to be very angry before. I felt that I shouldn't have disturbed you. Are you going to be angry, too?" Tao Yuyan felt a little uncomfortable when she heard the anger in his tone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be angry with you. Tell me your exact location and I'll come up the mountain to look for you immediately." Tao Xian hurriedly apologized and then carefully wrote down her address.

Tao Yuyan felt that she didn't really want to see him. Moreover, she recalled the incident between her and him. She suddenly didn't want him to come and look for her.

She fell silent.

Tao Xian didn't hear her voice. After all, they had been together for more than ten years, and he still somewhat understood her.

She was definitely unwilling to tell him her address.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me. Then I'll come over myself. See you later, Yuyan." Tao Xian gently hung up the phone and then quickly walked out of the hotel.

On the other side of the mountain, Tao Yuyan was sitting alone on a rattan chair, holding her phone in a daze.

She didn't know why, but she didn't want to see Tao Xian and was afraid to face him.

However, after she didn't want to tell him her detailed address, he said gently that he would definitely find her. She felt warm in her heart.

Especially at that moment, the sky was gradually turning dark. Just now, Xiaowei was taken away by Huangfu Qiye's people, and there was no one to accompany her. She was so lonely. If Ah Xian came, would she not feel lonely?

At that moment on the peak of the mountain.

In the most luxurious hotel.

At the door of the presidential suite, Tang Xiaowei stood there.

After Tang Xiaowei went up the mountain, she had dinner with Tao Yuyan and booked a room for herself. As for David and the others, they would take care of themselves.

After eating dinner, she had been distracted by her nervous mood.