Chapter 368: "He's also a terrifyingly domineering man. "

She vaguely remembered that her illness flared up last night and she had been in excruciating pain in the bathroom.

When she finally saw Su Jin, she was in so much pain that she fainted in his arms. She could not care less at that time and she was not conscious either. Thinking about it now, she instantly felt very awkward.

But now, she was lying on the bed. It was not in the bathroom that she remembered from before, nor was it in Su Jin's arms.

The clothes on her body had also been changed, and the blood stains on her body had been cleaned up very well.

She wanted to know what had happened after last night.

She called the maid over to ask, and only then did she know what had happened after she fainted yesterday.

That included Doctor Lu who had promised to save her in the palace, and Su Jin who seemed to be very worried about her. The maid had helped her change her clothes.

She immediately got up and went to look for Ling Shitian, wanting to ask whether Doctor Lu could cure her or not.

She found Ling Shitian in a restaurant.

Ling Shitian was eating breakfast. When he saw her coming down, he said with a smile, "Little rosette, you're awake? Tell them what you want to eat and let them prepare it for you."

He pointed at the maid and chef beside him.

Tang Xiaowei casually said a few breakfast items, then pulled out a chair and sat beside Ling Shitian. She asked anxiously, "Uncle Tian, tell me the truth. Is this doctor Lu a member of the Song family?"

Ling Shitian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Little rosette, why would you ask that?"

Tang Xiaowei supported her chin with her hand. She said, "I just asked the maid about what happened after I fainted yesterday. Then, I found out that Doctor Lu came over and that you seem to know him. And because you seem to be in a much better mood after Doctor Lu came, I suspect that he's a member of the Song family."

"You little genius; you're not too stupid. That's right, he's from the Song family. He used to be my classmate and also your parents' classmate. Although he's from the Song family, he's not a bad person. He promised to save you. "So, this time, we came here just like you said. Our luck is very good." Ling Shitian smiled like a loving old man.

Unfortunately, because he had been injected with blood charm before, he looked like he was only around 30 years old. This made his demeanour a little strange.

"Really? Then I can rest assured, right?" Tang Xiaowei was also very happy after hearing it.

A hint of worry flashed in Ling Shitian's eyes. Although Song Zhi was a member of the Song family, Song Zhi had never come into contact with this kind of poison. He did not know when he would be able to produce an antidote.

However, he did not want to scare little rosette, so he nodded. "Don't worry. With Uncle Tian and that old man Song Zhi around, we won't let anything happen to you."

They both deeply loved Tang Xiaowei's mother, Shangguan Yu. Therefore, towards Shangguan Yu's child, Ling Shitian and Song Zhi both had the idea of protecting her and watching her grow up healthily.

Tang Xiaowei and Ling Shitian had breakfast together. Ling Shitian went back to his room to deal with his matters.

Tang Xiaowei found the Song family easily. Moreover, the Song family did not hate her, and they were even willing to make an antidote for her. She had also asked clearly. Song Zhi was not the one who poisoned her grandmother, and he was also not the one who did evil to her parents. Therefore, Tang Xiaowei could finally relax and rest all day.

Su Xiaoqi, on the other hand, would come to play with her every day.

Because Su Xiaoqi often came, Su Jin would also come occasionally.

However, very soon, Tang Xiaowei began to feel that Su Jin induced in her a terrifying feeling.

Su Jin actually kept staring at her, and his gaze was very strange, making her feel as if she could not run away if he had his eyes on her.

He stared at her, not afraid of being discovered by others. Every time she turned around and found that he was looking at her, she would panic. However, he still revealed an amiable smile, and his gaze never left her.

She felt that Su Jin, who appeared to be gentle and amiable on the surface, was actually a terrifyingly domineering man.

After all, he was a prince, and she was living in their house at the moment. Therefore, Tang Xiaowei did not dare to chase him away.

Therefore, every time Su Jin and Su Xiaoqi came over, Tang Xiaowei would casually greet him and he would ignore her.

Her illness was still acting up every day. After Doctor Lu took the blood and left that day, he rarely appeared again. He would occasionally come over to check on her body and tell her to rest well before leaving. She did not know when he would be able to produce the antidote.

She had been waiting.

Hence, she waited for more than 20 days.

Then one day.

Su Xiaoqi said that there was a place on the island with an especially beautiful scenery. She wanted to bring her out to take a look. She said that it would be very boring to see her stay in the palace the whole time.

It was already noon when her illness acted up. Thinking that the next time her illness acted up would still be at night, Tang Xiaowei nodded and agreed to go out with Su Xiaoqi.

The place they went to was a beautiful mountain villa.

This place was private, which meant that it belonged to the royal family. Hence, the security was tight. Other than the people from the royal family who would occasionally come, no one else could enter.

It was also because Su Xiaoqi liked Tang Xiaowei very much and treated her like her own sister that Tang Xiaowei was able to enter.

However, when Tang Xiaowei and Su Xiaoqi got off the car when they arrived at their destination, they realized that a car was approaching from the small road behind them.

It was a silver limited-edition custom-made sports car. The car stopped not far away from them, and Su Jin got out of the car in a dashing manner.

"Xiaoqi, Xiaowei, why didn't you call me when you went out? I can still be your escort when I'm here, can't I?" Su Jin smiled wickedly and walked elegantly in front of the two of them.

Tang Xiaowei smiled.

Su Xiaoqi jogged forward and hugged her brother's arm. She smiled and said, "Brother, I thought you'd have a lot of things to do today, that's why I didn't call you. You won't blame me, right?"

Su Jin patted his sister's head and said in a doting tone, "Silly girl, of course not."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Tang Xiaowei with a gentle gaze. During this period of time, he realized that she was becoming more and more attractive to him. Due to her poor health, she was always gentle and quiet, but it was this gentleness and quietness that made him feel that she was not like other women at all.

After all, he was a prince. The other women who wanted to get close to him were the kind of people who would go all out to seduce him.

He did not like women with that kind of personality at all. Instead, what he liked was Tang Xiaowei's quiet and beautiful personality.

"Xiaowei, shall we go in together?" He smiled gently at her. The smile in his eyes had already reached the bottom of his eyes.

Tang Xiaowei smiled and nodded.

Therefore, the brother and sister walked in front while Su Xiaoqi held her brother's hand and said something, chattering and innocent and cute.

Su Jin smiled as if he was listening attentively.