Chapter 372: could she be pregnant?

The cured meat in her hand fell onto the dining table. She covered her mouth in discomfort and lowered her head to retch.


Her actions scared Su Jin, who was looking forward to it, and Su Xiaoqi, who was about to eat the skewers.

Su Jin frowned and quickly put his arm around her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Su Xiaoqi put down the skewers she was about to eat and looked at her worriedly. "Sister Xiaowei, is it really that bad?"

After saying that, Su Xiaoqi glanced at her brother in disgust.

Tang Xiaowei retched for quite a while before she felt slightly better.

Only then did she realize that Su Jin was hugging her shoulders. She hurriedly pushed her away and explained awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I might be feeling a little sick to my stomach, so I can't eat the barbecue anymore. The barbecue is still very good. It's my fault."

She sat back down on the chair and pulled out a tissue to cover her mouth. Her face was pale.

Su Jin did not mind that she did not like the food he grilled. He was just worried about her health.

Hearing her words, he felt a little relieved. Then, he moved all the food that would make her want to throw up away so that the smell would not reach her.

Tang Xiaowei noticed his small movements and gave him a faint smile. Then, she stood up and said, "You guys continue eating. I'm going to the bathroom to wash."

"Someone, lead the way for Miss Tang." Su Jin immediately instructed the maid beside him.

Thereupon, a maid came forward and led Tang Xiaowei to the bathroom of the villa.

On the lawn, Su Jin and Su Xiaoqi were sitting opposite each other.

Su Xiaoqi was eating the delicious barbecue while scolding her brother, "Brother, no matter how bad your cooking skills are, you can't make sister Xiaowei throw up just by smelling it. I know you rarely cook, but you're too weak this time."

After saying that, Su Xiaoqi even bit off a large piece of roasted potato chips that were very golden in color.

Mmm, delicious. She narrowed her eyes happily because of the delicious food.

Su Jin's expression was indifferent. He did not explain whether the barbecue was delicious or not. He looked at his sister's eating style and said, "Aren't you afraid of gaining weight after eating so many potatoes?"

"brother, can you shut up? " Su Xiaoqi was angry and glared at Su Jin.

So what if she liked eating potatoes? So what if she gained weight?

"You take your time to eat. I need to go to the washroom, too." Su Jin suddenly stood up and turned around to walk into the villa.

Su Xiaoqi was stunned at first, then she secretly laughed.

Was brother going to accompany sister Xiaowei?

She especially liked sister Xiaowei. It was not only because sister Xiaowei had saved her life before and did not ask her to repay the debt, but also because sister Xiaowei did not treat Su Rou the way Wei Xi treated Su Rou.

Therefore, Su Xiaoqi was used to seeing people like Wei Xi who loved vanity and took advantage of others just because of a small favor. Su Xiaoqi liked Tang Xiaowei even more because she saved someone's life but did not want anything.

Therefore, Su Xiaoqi liked Tang Xiaowei very much.

When they first met on the ship, she had the intention to introduce her brother to sister Xiaowei.

But at that time, her brother didn't have this intention, and sister Xiaowei also didn't have this intention.

However, after spending more than 20 days together, Su Xiaoqi realized that her brother seemed to have begun to care about sister Xiaowei.

This was a good thing.

Su Xiaoqi happily ate the kebabs. She was so beautiful that she thought that her brother might be able to marry sister Xiaowei this year. If they could have the wedding this year, she could even be a bridesmaid. Hmm, not bad.

On the other side.

Tang Xiaowei, who had no idea that Su Xiaoqi was thinking about her, was led by the maid into the bathroom in the villa.

However, when she closed the bathroom door, she stood in front of the sink and used her hands to support the sink. She looked at her pale face in the mirror.

The feeling of nausea and vomiting just now was very familiar.

It was not the feeling that she felt when her illness flared up every day.

Because it was not the time for her illness to flare up. Moreover, there would be blood every time she vomited.

But this time, there was no blood, and there was nothing at all.

She suddenly remembered that she had once been pregnant with a child. That was how it was when she vomited during pregnancy.

It was just that the child was not fated to be with her. It was ruined by that slut, Huangfu Yuner.

But now, her situation was very similar to when she was pregnant.

She remembered that she and Huangfu Qiye had been on his private island for three days.

Because she was on the island and because she felt that her life might not have much time left, she could not get pregnant, so she had never used contraception.

Now, could it be that she was pregnant?

She was very suspicious.

But she could not be sure.

She could only wait until she returned to her residence before she went to find a doctor to take a look.

She turned on the tap and stretched out her hands, which had gradually become thin and pale because of her unhealthy body. Her hands were so thin that there was no extra flesh on them, as if they were just skin and bones.

She began to tremble.

If she was really pregnant...

Could she safely give birth to a child because of her illness?

If she was really pregnant, it was impossible for her to abort the child. Even if she did not go to look for Huangfu Qiye in the future, she would never see him again because he had another woman now.

However, if she really had a child with him, she would not give up.

She did not protect the child before.

If she was really pregnant this time and her body could accept it, she wanted to give birth to the child and raise it by herself in the future.

She took a handful of water and pressed her face into the water. After a few seconds, she raised her head and looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was dripping water and it had become a little red because she had just held her breath.

Only then did she feel a little satisfied. Doctor Lu had promised to treat her.

Therefore, if she was really pregnant, she would definitely be able to give birth to the child safely.

She quickly washed her face clean and wiped the water off her face. After sorting out her emotions in the washroom, she pushed the door open and prepared to leave.

Just as the door was pushed open, she saw a handsome man standing in the corridor.

She was slightly surprised.

Wasn't he outside?

Why was he here?

If he wanted to go to the washroom, he would have gone to the men's washroom next door.

Then, was he standing in the corridor waiting for her?

Su Jin immediately turned around when he heard her voice.

A smile appeared on his lips when he saw her. He asked gently and walked towards her. "Are you feeling better?"

Tang Xiaowei felt much more relaxed when she saw that he was very calm and did not put any pressure on her. "Yes, I'm feeling much better now. Let's go out."

"You can't smell the barbecue here, so it's better if you don't go out. I'll get the kitchen to prepare some light food to nourish your stomach. Let's go to the dining room," Su Jin said flatly and took the lead to walk towards the dining room in the villa. He was walking at a steady pace. It was as if he was matching her speed.

Tang Xiaowei was slightly surprised that he would take care of her in such a manner.