Chapter 375: Don't tell him about the baby

There was also a possibility that if he couldn't produce the antidote within this year, the baby she gave birth to might also inherit the poison in her body.

When Tang Xiaowei heard Song Zhi's words, she didn't know whether she should be happy or sad.

As expected, she was still pregnant.

Song Zhi said all this, and she only thought for a few seconds before she made a decision.

She raised her head and looked at Song Zhi with extreme seriousness. "Uncle Song, I originally suspected that I might be pregnant, so I didn't think of aborting the baby. I'll remember everything you said. After that, I'll leave my antidote to you. "

Seeing that Tang Xiaowei had calmly accepted the pregnancy and all his suggestions, Song Zhi felt that she was a good and obedient girl.

His interest in gossiping flared up again. He winked at Tang Xiaowei and said, "Xiaoqiang Wei, can you tell Uncle Song who the father of this child is? It can't be his highness Su Jin, right?"

Upon hearing that, Tang Xiaowei was stunned. Then, she chuckled and said, "Uncle Song, I didn't expect you to be so gossipy. However, this child is indeed not Su Jin's. Su Jin and I are just ordinary friends. The father of this child is someone I love very much. However, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to introduce him to you."

Tang Xiaowei had intentionally neglected to think about Huangfu Qiye during the 20-odd days she had been here.

At that moment, she still felt a little uncomfortable that she had to mention him.

Thinking about him made her think that she was very lucky this time. She should have a chance to survive after meeting Uncle Song.

However, she and Huangfu Qiye would never have the chance to be together again.

Ever since he started looking for other women, she had decided not to look for him anymore.

It was fine to call her too haughty. In any case, she rejected people with unclean bodies. Even if she loved him, she would not accept it.

She would rather be alone for the rest of her life and take care of the child alone than look for Huangfu Qiye, much less tell him about the child.

He loved to look for other women so much. There would definitely be more women giving birth to his children.

The more she loved him, the more she hated him. However, she hid all this hatred.

She did not want her hatred to be discovered by others. She wanted to treat Huangfu Qiye as a stranger as much as possible.

Hearing Tang Xiaowei say this, Song Zhi did not continue to question her.

"Xiaoqiang, I'll go back first. During this period of time, I'll focus on developing the antidote. If you feel unwell, ask your uncle Tian to look for me or call me directly," Song Zhi instructed before leaving in a hurry.

After all, developing the antidote required time. Now, he had to develop the antidote before Tang Xiaowei produced it, so he couldn't waste any more time.

After Song Zhi left, Ling Shitian entered the room with a dark face.

When he saw Tang Xiaowei, he realized that she seemed to be distracted. Ling Shitian asked angrily, "Xiaoqiang, is the child Huangfu Qiye's?"

When Tang Xiaowei heard the voice and saw that it was Uncle Tian, she nodded her head and said indifferently, "Yes, it's his."

"What Song Zhi said just now, did you really decide to listen to him and not abort the child?" Ling Shitian had just asked Song Zhi about Tang Xiaowei's situation, which was why he asked this question at this moment.

He did not like Huangfu Qiye. It was only after Huangfu Qiye found another woman and openly appeared in the news and newspapers with another woman that he started to dislike him.

Therefore, he naturally did not like Xiaoqiang giving birth to a child for scum like Huangfu Qiye.

However, Song Zhi said that it would be dangerous to abort the child. Even though Ling Shitian cared about his daughter, he did not know what to do at this moment. He was just very angry. He was so angry that he wanted to beat up Huangfu Qiye. To be more certain, he wanted to kill him.

Tang Xiaowei could roughly guess why Ling Shitian was angry. She explained, "Uncle Tian, don't be angry. Uncle Song is a doctor. You should believe what he says. I can't abort the child, so we should all listen to him. As for Huangfu Qiye's matter, don't worry. I will never see him again in my life, and he won't know about the existence of this child. You don't have to be angry for a person like him."

Ling Shitian was originally very angry. After hearing Tang Xiaowei's words, it seemed that little rosette knew that Huangfu Qiye was not a good person. She even said that she would never see Huangfu Qiye again in her life.

Only then did Ling Shitian relax.

He immediately revealed a smile. "Then little Qiang Wei, rest well, I'll go prepare a gift for my future grandson."

After saying that, Ling Shitian ran out with a smile.

Tang Xiaowei had never seen Ling Shitian's mood change so quickly.

It seemed that Uncle Tian also liked this child very much, he just hated Huangfu Qiye.

Tang Xiaowei shook her head, she would never mention Huangfu Qiye again.

It was better to focus on waiting for the antidote while taking care of the child inside her. These were the most important things at the moment.


Huangfu Qiye, who had already returned to the country, was completely dispirited. He was drunk and smoking all day and all night to vent his pent up emotions.

No other woman would appear by his side. He no longer wanted to find someone to act.

Because the person he wanted to provoke had completely disappeared.

He had searched for more than a month in England, but he had found nothing. Not even a trace of Tang Xiaowei.

The only clue he had was that she had died in the plane accident.

However, Huangfu Qiye was in pain and refused to believe it.

In the end, he returned to his country and rarely went to manage things in the company.

Every day, he was like a wandering soul, in pain and intoxication.

Until one day, Yuan Qi walked into the office with his phone and was so excited that he wanted to speak.

Huangfu Qiye immediately went forward in surprise and grabbed Yuan Qi. "You found her? She's not dead, right? I knew she's not dead. Take me to her immediately!"

After he finished speaking excitedly, he wanted to pull Yuan Qi along to lead the way.

However, the smile on Yuan Qi's face had no choice but to stiffen. He carefully explained, "Young master, this time, we didn't find news of Miss Tang. Instead, we found the whereabouts of Huangfu Yuner and Mr. Huangfu."

Previously, because Huangfu Yuner and Huangfu Haoming had hurt Tang Xiaowei, Huangfu Qiye had sent people to search for them.

Naturally, his goal was to avenge Tang Xiaowei.

However, after so long, they had not been found. Until today...

Huangfu Qiye was stunned for a moment.

The pleasantly surprised smile on his face gradually turned cold.

Was there still no news of Tang Xiaowei?

He knew how ridiculous his wait and craziness were, but he could not control himself. He just did not want to believe it, and he was willing to wait like this.

Since he could not find her and instead found their common enemy, then he would meet Huangfu Yuner and Huangfu Haoming and avenge Tang Xiaowei and their child who was not able to come into the world!