Chapter 377: taking care of the fetus

Hearing this, Yuan Qi immediately sent a message to the bodyguards at the villa, telling them the whole story.

The car left the villa and continued to drive forward.

Huangfu Qiye rubbed the space between his eyebrows, his expression cold as he ordered coldly, "Send more people and search the surroundings immediately. Find them for me!"

He didn't see where Huangfu Yuner and Huangfu Haoming were going from the phone of the two spies just now.

However, Huangfu Yuner and Huangfu Haoming had just escaped, so they couldn't have gone far.

Huangfu Qiye was unwilling to let them go. Now that he couldn't find Tang Xiaowei, he knew that it was impossible for him to find her. Therefore, the only thing he wanted to do was to take revenge on his enemies.

Perhaps this was the only thing he could do, which made him feel that he was still a living person and not a walking corpse.

Soon, the surroundings were immediately encircled, and the crazy search began again.


Ever since Ling Yijue found out about Tang Xiaowei's illness that day, he thought of the incident where he had discovered the smell of blood in her room.

So, he was even more worried about her.

However, Ling Shitian had told him about the dangerous relationship between them when they went to country K this time, so Ling Yijue could not go there without Ling Shitian's consent.

Ling Yijue was also deeply afraid that something would happen to Tang Xiaowei in country K, but he did not dare to look for her.

So, he had been waiting.

However, he waited for a long time, but he didn't get any news. Ling Shitian and Tang Xiaowei's cell phones couldn't be reached either.

He was even more worried.

He almost disregarded everything and went to look for them directly.

However, one day, more than a month after Tang Xiaowei and Ling Shitian went to country K, Ling Yijue received a call from Ling Shitian.

"Ah Jue, I have something very important to tell you. You have to listen to me this time." Ling Shitian's tone was solemn and serious. "Little rose and I may not be able to come back for a long time. We are very safe here, so you don't have to worry about us. So, when we don't contact you in the future, you don't have to be too anxious."

Ling Shitian hung up the phone without waiting for Ling Yijue's reaction.

Ling Shitian's words made Ling Yijue extremely anxious. He immediately dialed the number back, but Ling Shitian's phone could not be reached.

His phone was turned off.

Ling Yijue was anxious and angry, but there was nothing he could do.

He almost wanted to ignore everything and go straight to country K, but when he rushed to the door, he remembered what his foster father had said. He could not go there very easily.

So, in the end, he collapsed on the big bed, closed his eyes, and was in great pain.

His father said that he and Xiaowei wouldn't be back for a long time.

How long would it take?


K country.

Another month passed.

Tang Xiaowei was already two months pregnant.

Everyone around knew that she was pregnant, so they took care of her very carefully.

Song Zhi would occasionally come to check on her health and the child's condition. During the rest of the time, Song Zhi would focus on developing the antidote.

Ling Shitian often accompanied Tang Xiaowei to take care of her. Occasionally, he would go out to do other things.

As for Su Xiaoqi, after she found out that Tang Xiaowei was pregnant, she asked Tang Xiaowei whose child it was. She also asked if it was the fierce-looking Huangfu Qiye that she saw back when she had been kidnapped.

Tang Xiaowei told her, but she asked her to keep it a secret.

Su Xiaoqi kept it a secret from everyone except from her brother, Su Jin.

Su Jin was originally angry because Tang Xiaowei rejected him that day.

He had not seen Tang Xiaowei for a long time, and he did not let himself think about her.

However, when he found out that Tang Xiaowei was pregnant, Su Jin was even more devastated.

He was in a daze, and he felt very dejected for a period of time.

However, after a long time had passed, he realized that he still could not control himself from thinking about Tang Xiaowei. He knew that even if he did not see her, he would not be able to forget her at all.

He asked Doctor Lu and found out that Tang Xiaowei had not taken the antidote yet and was still in a very bad condition. It was very dangerous for her to be pregnant with this child, but it was also dangerous to abort the child.

Su Jin could not care less. He appeared beside Tang Xiaowei again and no longer hated the child in her belly. He and Su Xiaoqi would come over every day to take care of her.

During this period of time, Tang Xiaowei had been taken care of by almost everyone like a cripple.

She wanted to refuse, but everyone treated her with sincerity. She could not refuse at all.

What was even more terrifying was that after the Queen of K and her husband returned to the country, they found out that their daughter's savior was living here and was not in good health. The Queen actually came to see her personally and said that she would be staying here from now on. The royal family would take care of her for the rest of her life. Tang Xiaowei was shocked and moved.

However, after respectfully sending the Queen off, Tang Xiaowei knew clearly that she would not stay here forever.

After the toxins in her body were gone and the child was born, she would return to the place where she had lived before.

Of course, she did not want to go back to see Huangfu Qiye. It was just that she was not from this country after all, so she was not used to living here.

Time passed, day by day.

Her stomach gradually grew bigger.

However, she wasn't unable to support her body because of her illness.

This was all thanks to Song Zhi.

Because there was no antidote, she could only take some nourishing supplements to nourish her body when she was in the early stages of her pregnancy.

But later on, because of her heart's pain and vomiting blood, it was very disadvantageous to herself and the child in her stomach.

Therefore, Song Zhi spent a lot of effort to make a temporary pill that could suppress her pain and bleeding. She no longer vomited blood and heart pain every day.

Now, her heart would only ache once and bleed once in a very long time.

However, she still had to take the antidote in order to recover completely as soon as possible.

However, Song Zhi had yet to produce the antidote, so he could only continue to study it.

As for her, she could only wait.

Wait for the antidote.

And also wait for the child to be born healthy and safe.


One day, the weather outside was very good. It was not hot, and the warm sunlight shone into the courtyard.

On the balcony, Tang Xiaowei wanted to get some air, so she got someone to move a rattan chair and put it down. She covered herself with a thin blanket and lay on the chair.

Unknowingly, she fell asleep again.

When Su Xiaoqi and Su Jin came over, the maid told them that Tang Xiaowei was on the balcony.

They came in together. Su Xiaoqi initially wanted to shout Tang Xiaowei's name, but as soon as she entered, Su Jin noticed that Tang Xiaowei was sleeping on the balcony. He reached out to cover his sister's mouth and reminded her softly, "She's asleep. Don't wake her up."

Su Xiaoqi followed her brother's gaze and looked over. Sure enough, she saw Tang Xiaowei lying quietly on the rattan chair.