Chapter 384: become the Princess of our country

After that, the two of them did not say another word. It was very quiet in the elevator until it stopped on the second floor. When the elevator door opened, Tang Xiaowei took the lead and walked out.

Her maids and bodyguards hurriedly followed after her.

As for Su Jin, he naturally did not stop and followed closely beside her.

The entire second floor was filled with baby products.

After Tang Xiaowei walked out of the elevator, she saw that the surroundings were filled with cute pink and milky white colors. Just looking at them made her feel comfortable and warm.

She paused for a few seconds. The thought of the child in her stomach made her feel much better.

The incident that had just happened and her anger were all appeased by these cute and warm colors.

She walked into the nearest shop, which sold high-end clothes.

As soon as she entered, a salesperson immediately came forward and asked with a smile, "Miss, may I ask what is the age of the child you need to buy clothes for?"

The salesperson had also seen the scene downstairs from upstairs, especially when Su Jin was following behind Tang Xiaowei. Therefore, when the salesperson saw Tang Xiaowei and the others enter, she was very respectful.

Tang Xiaowei fell silent for a few seconds after being questioned by the salesperson.

How old could she buy one?

She could only buy something for a newborn, and it was still a few months away from the birth of the child.

"It's something that newborn babies can wear," she answered seriously.

The salesperson thought that she was going to buy it as a gift. Since her stomach did not look pregnant yet, and she was wearing loose clothes, the salesperson hurriedly greeted her with a smile and walked towards the counter where the clothes that newborn babies could wear were placed.

Su Jin followed behind her. He glanced at the small clothes and was slightly moved.

If Tang Xiaowei could agree to marry him, they would have a child of their own in the future. Then, their child would definitely look very cute in such small clothes.

Of course, he would also treat the child in Tang Xiaowei's belly well.

He was very engrossed in his thoughts, so his footsteps slowed down.

Tang Xiaowei bought a lot of small clothes under the salesperson's recommendation and her own selection. When she turned around and was about to leave, she realized that Su Jin was staring at a small piece of clothing in a daze.

This scene was just too strange.

Although she did not want to be followed by him.

However, if she left just like that without calling him, she would really be a little petty.

"Su Jin, I'm done buying. I'm ready to go to other stores to take a look. Do you still need to buy anything?" She walked over and asked him calmly.

Su Jin immediately came back to his senses and saw that she had already bought the clothes. The bodyguards beside her carried a few bags in their hands and indeed looked like they were going to leave after buying the things. Su Jin then coughed lightly and said, "I don't have anything to buy. You can leave after you're done buying."

Upon hearing his words, Tang Xiaowei nodded and walked out.

Su Jin followed suit.

After they left, the store manager immediately received a phone call from Su Jin's bodyguard who instructed her in a businesslike manner, "Wrap up all the clothes in your store. His Highness wants them all. After the clothes are wrapped up, send them to the entrance of the department store. Someone will collect them and the money will be transferred directly into your store's account."

Without waiting for the store manager to speak, the other party hung up the phone

The store manager did not dare to suspect that the other party was fake. After all, his Highness had indeed come to their store just now. Moreover, his Highness's girlfriend was still selecting baby clothes.

However, the store manager still checked the balance of the store's account. He did not expect that the balance of the store's account had increased by more than ten million in an instant. This was almost the same as buying all the clothes in the store.

Therefore, the store manager completely believed it. Then, he called all the sales assistants to start packing the clothes and preparing to send them out.

Moreover, while packing the clothes, he was also gossiping with the sales assistants.

"Does everyone know why all the clothes in our store were bought all of a sudden?"

"It's because his Highness' girlfriend just came in to buy clothes. Although his highness didn't say anything just now, as soon as he left, he immediately got someone to send money to our shop, and asked us to pack all the clothes in the shop and send them upstairs to the main door."

"It seems that his highness really likes his girlfriend. Did his girlfriend save the Milky Way Galaxy in his previous life?"

"But I'm very curious, why would they buy clothes for a baby? They don't need to buy so much to give away to their friends."

"Could it be that his Highness's girlfriend is pregnant? Is that why his Highness pampers his girlfriend and his own child so generously?"

"Really? That feels so romantic. I'm so envious."

"Now, it's not about whether I'm envious or not. It's about whether his Highness's girlfriend is pregnant or not. If she's pregnant, she might very well become the princess consort of our country very soon."


Tang Xiaowei had no idea that after she left that store, Su Jin had gotten someone to buy all the clothes in that store.

After that, Su Jin quietly bought all the clothes and items from every store she went to and had them delivered to the entrance of the department store.

Fortunately, Tang Xiaowei only went to five or six stores and felt that it was enough. After all, she had bought all the clothes and small toys. Since she hadn't given birth yet, it was better to just buy some to satisfy her cravings. As for the rest, she would think about it after the child was born.

Therefore, she prepared to go home.

Su Jin didn't try to stop her and walked out of the department store with her.

While they were shopping in the department store, although no one dared to get close to them, everyone in the entire department store was peeping at them, especially when they found out that they only went to the floor where baby products were sold. And every time they finished shopping, everything in that store would be emptied. This incident made the onlookers suspicious.

His Highness must have spent so much money because his girlfriend was pregnant. After all, the child in her belly was the future little prince.

Only a prince could enjoy such treatment.

Although Tang Xiaowei knew that someone was spying on them, she did not know that all the stores she had visited had been emptied.

After she left the department store, she saw a large truck parked behind her car at the entrance of the department store. At that moment, there were also some clothes wrapped in packaging being placed on the truck.

She was stunned for a moment because she saw Su Jin's bodyguards commanding the people who were carrying the clothes.

She stopped in surprise and turned to look at Su Jin. "You have a shop here as well. Are these items from your shop?"

She thought that Su Jin must have opened a shop in the department store as well. Otherwise, why would his bodyguards order people to carry the clothes and small items.