Chapter 379: the Child might be gone

As long as they could find out the other party's background, everything should be easy to handle.

Tang Xiaowei: "As you can see, my physical condition is very bad. At the same time, I still have a child. And with your position in the royal family, you can't accept people like me."

"More importantly, I don't like you and I don't love you. So, don't waste your time on me." Tang Xiaowei realized that he still hadn't given up, so she was at a loss. She couldn't think too much, so she just rejected him.

"Xiaowei, I'll wait for you to recover. At the same time, I won't reject the child in your belly. As long as you agree to be with me, I'll be able to convince my parents to accept you. Everyone will accept you just like I did. Don't be afraid." Su Jin still didn't give up. He tried his best to convince her.

Upon hearing that, Tang Xiaowei just felt that Su Jin was a terrifying person.

It was as if he didn't listen to anything she said. Even if he did, he didn't care.

He always had a reason to beat her back.

However, she knew very well that she could not accept him.

She loved Huangfu Qiye but he had found another woman. In the future, even if she recovered, she would not be willing to accept Huangfu Qiye anymore.

If she did not love Su Jin, it was even more impossible for her to accept him.

She shook her head and did not say anything else. She turned around and walked out.

Su Jin hurriedly went to chase after her.

Tang Xiaowei pushed the door open and walked out. Coincidentally, she met Ling Shitian.

As he was a family member with whom she felt comfortable, Tang Xiaowei hurriedly hid behind Ling Shitian and whispered, "Uncle Tian, why don't we move out of the palace?"

"What's wrong, little rose?" Ling Shitian was very surprised. However, just as he finished asking, he saw Su Jin anxiously walking out of Tang Xiaowei's room. He roughly understood what was going on.

Therefore, he nodded and said, "Alright, Uncle Tian promises you. I will make the arrangements in a while. We'll move out of the palace tonight."

Only then did Tang Xiaowei heave a sigh of relief.

As long as they moved out of the palace, Su Jin would no longer be able to come to her room just because he wanted to.

As soon as Su Jin came out, he heard their conversation. His eyes were filled with disappointment.

He looked at Tang Xiaowei and Ling Shitian with a deep gaze. Then, without saying anything, he turned around and left.

Ling Shitian and Tang Xiaowei said nothing as he walked away.

After he left, Ling Shitian asked Tang Xiaowei in a gossipy manner, "Little Qiang Wei, did Su Jin want to pursue you and now you want to move out because you're afraid?"

"Uncle Tian, you can go set up a fortune-telling stall outside now," Tang Xiaowei teased Ling Shitian. Then, she heaved a sigh of relief because Su Jin had left and returned to his room.

Upon hearing her answer, Ling Shitian knew that he was right.

He did not know whether he should be happy that his own Xiaoqiang was so charming or worried that Xiaoqiang would get into trouble because she rejected Su Jin.

However, he was not afraid even if she got into trouble.

During this period of time, he had always been running an investigation outside.

In fact, he was trying to find out some information about this country. At the same time, he had also bought some houses.

Hence, when little rose said that she wanted to leave the palace, he had agreed to move out tonight.

Hence, that night, Tang Xiaowei gave Su Xiaoqi a call and told her that she wanted to move out of the palace. Then, despite Su Xiaoqi's request, Tang Xiaowei and Ling Shitian moved out of the palace together. They came to a villa that Ling Shitian had bought not far from the palace.

The medical equipment that Ling Shitian had prepared for her was also moved out.

After learning that they had moved out of the Imperial Palace, Song Zhi even came to visit them and had dinner with them. He also said that if anything happened to Tang Xiaowei's health, she could immediately call him and he would immediately come here.

Hence, after staying in country K's Imperial Palace for more than two months, Tang Xiaowei finally stopped living there.

She did not have anything to be reluctant about. Instead, she felt that after leaving the Imperial Palace, her entire person had become much more relaxed.

Even Ling Shitian said that her complexion had become a little better.

After coming out, Ling Shitian was still busy with his work in the study room every day.

Apart from resting, eating, and taking medicine every day, Tang Xiaowei spent the rest of her time at her own leisure.

During this period of time, other than the occasional illness, the child in her stomach was also very obedient, so she could be considered to be living very comfortably.

Therefore, the weather was very good today. Because she had been bored in the villa for a long time without going out, she felt a little like going out for a walk.

Now that the child in her stomach was stable, she could totally go out for a walk. The doctor that Ling Shitian assigned to her also said that it would be good for the child if she went out for a walk.

Therefore, with the help of the maid and bodyguards, as well as Ling Shitian's instructions, she left the villa by car and planned to go shopping.

Speaking of which, ever since she found out that she was pregnant, she had not gone to the mall to buy things for her future child.

The child had already been seen. It was a boy.

As her grandfather, Ling Shitian had already bought many things for the child.

However, Tang Xiaowei personally needed to buy nothing.

Therefore, the only reason she wanted to go shopping on a whim today was to buy some things for the child.

Even though she knew that the children couldn't wear them at this moment, she still wanted to see the clothes and toys of these children.

Perhaps it was because she was pregnant, but her current state of mind had completely changed. She always felt that those small clothes and toys were especially cute. It made her feel good just by looking at them.

An hour after she left, the car stopped at the entrance of a department store.

Accompanied by a maid and a bodyguard, Tang Xiaowei walked into the department store.

The second floor of the department store specialized in selling baby products.

Since she was here to buy things for the child, Tang Xiaowei brought the maid and the bodyguard and directly entered the elevator.

However, when the elevator door was opened, Tang Xiaowei stood at the side and waited for the person inside to come out. However, there was a person inside who suddenly pounced on her in excitement and scolded loudly, "B*tch, vixen!"

Tang Xiaowei was shocked. Fortunately, the bodyguard beside her stopped the woman, and the maid also supported her. Otherwise, she would have definitely fallen. If she fell, the child might be lost.

Tang Xiaowei frowned and looked at the woman who scolded her and wanted to hit her.

With this glance, she realized that the woman looked a little familiar, but she couldn't remember who she was.

"Who are you? Did you get the wrong person?" Tang Xiaowei said coldly.

The woman opposite her was stopped by the bodyguard. She was wearing a white dress. At that moment, she looked a little embarrassed, but she didn't lose her delicate appearance.

Her face was abnormally ugly. Seeing that Tang Xiaowei didn't seem to recognize her, she pushed the bodyguard away.