Chapter 386: was he trying to set her up with Su Jin?

"I heard that you've been busy with some things recently. I thought that maybe I could help you. If you have any needs, we can sit down and talk about it in detail." After Su Jin finished speaking, his expression remained calm and emotionless.

However, his words were very subtle.

However, Ling Shitian immediately understood what he meant.

Before he came to K nation, he already knew that there were some secrets there. Initially, he was very interested in them, but because of little rose's illness, he did not have the time to pay attention to them.

It was not until he met Song Zhi and knew that Song Zhi would definitely be able to save little rose that Ling Shitian diverted some of his attention to the things he wanted.

These things were very easy to obtain in K, but they were managed by K's government. Therefore, without a permit, it was impossible to obtain them easily.

During this period of time, he had been worrying about the permit.

Now that Su Jin had mentioned it in such a vague manner, Ling Shitian knew what Su Jin meant.

Ling Shitian had always been a ruthless businessman, so of course, he would not refuse a business visit.

He revealed a mysterious smile and reached out his hand to Su Jin. "Xiao Jin, right? Let's go to my study room and have a talk."

"It's my pleasure." Su Jin nodded with a smile.

The two of them had their own thoughts in mind. With a faint smile on their faces, they walked into the villa together.

Outside the villa, Su Jin's bodyguards were still carrying the baby products.

As for the upstairs of the villa, it was Tang Xiaowei's room. After entering her room, she immediately went to take a shower and washed off the dust and sweat on her body before returning to her bedroom.

After that, she was so sleepy that she took an afternoon nap.

When she woke up, the sky was already dark.

It was past seven in the evening.

She had just turned on the lights in her room when there was a knock on the door.

"Miss, are you awake?"

Tang Xiaowei got out of bed and went to open the door. She asked, "What's wrong?"

The maid outside answered respectfully, "Master instructed me to inform you when I see that you're awake. Dinner has been prepared downstairs and everyone is waiting for you to go down for dinner."

Tang Xiaowei did not pay attention to the word 'everyone' . Instead, she nodded and said, "Okay, I got it. You can go down first. I'll be down in a while."

After saying that, Tang Xiaowei immediately went to the bathroom to wash herself.

Ten minutes later, she went downstairs.

However, when she saw Uncle Tian and Su Jin sitting opposite each other in the dining room downstairs, and they seemed to be chatting happily, Tang Xiaowei was a little dumbfounded.

Why was Su Jin still here?

After she came back today, she did not want to see Su Jin, so she went into her room and slept until now.

Moreover, Uncle Tian did not seem to like Su Jin very much previously. Why did their relationship become so good after they chatted today?

Tang Xiaowei was extremely surprised.

However, she did not say anything. After she went downstairs, she quietly walked into the restaurant.

When Ling Shitian saw her, he immediately smiled and waved at her. "Little rosette, you're finally awake. Uncle Tian and Xiao Jin are starving to death to wait for you."

He said it in a joking tone.

Although Tang Xiaowei was surprised that Uncle Tian had already used such a friendly name like 'Xiao Jin' to address Su Jin, she did not bring it up. Instead, she smiled sheepishly and explained, "I was sleeping too deeply just now. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Your body condition is different now. You just need to rest more," Su Jin said gently and looked at her dotingly.

This made Tang Xiaowei a little uncomfortable. She could not be bothered to look at him, so she pulled out a chair and sat down. She picked up her chopsticks and was ready to eat. "I'm hungry. Since everyone is hungry, let's eat."

Disappointment flashed across Su Jin's eyes, but he quickly hid it.

Seeing this, Ling Shitian said, "Yes, let's eat. Xiao Jin, there are no rules in our house. Let's eat."

After saying that, Ling Shitian began to eat as well.

Tonight's dinner was a very rich Chinese meal.

Su Jin did not say anything else. He glanced at Tang Xiaowei and picked up his chopsticks as well.

After that, other than Ling Shitian and Su Jin occasionally speaking about business and drinking some wine, the entire dinner was exceptionally quiet.

Apart from eating and drinking soup, Tang Xiaowei did not say a single word.

Very soon, she was done eating.

She put down her chopsticks and bowl, took a tissue to wipe her mouth and fingers, and stood up.

"I'm done eating, you guys can take your time to eat."

After she finished speaking, she was ready to turn around and leave.

However, Ling Shitian stopped her and said, "Little rosette, Uncle Tian still has some matters to attend to later. Xiao Jin is a guest, and we've stayed at his house for more than two months. Tonight, Xiao Jin will stay over for a night. You're both young people, why don't you go out for a walk and have a chat?"

Upon hearing this, Tang Xiaowei looked at Ling Shitian in shock.

Could Uncle Tian be trying to set her up with Su Jin?

Tang Xiaowei was not stupid and immediately understood.

She saw that Uncle Tian did not look like he was being forced. Instead, it seemed like he was quite happy to see it happen. Although she did not understand what Su Jin and uncle Tian had talked about during her afternoon nap, Su Jin must have convinced Uncle Tian.

Tang Xiaowei actually did not want to embarrass Uncle Tian, but she really did not want to accompany Su Jin.

She did not have any feelings and impulse to become a lover for Su Jin at all.

She shook her head and rejected, "Uncle Tian, I'm not feeling well, so I want to go back to my room to rest first."

Her rejection was obvious, but because of her pregnancy, it was not to the extent that people would say that she did it on purpose.

Ling Shitian heard this and he looked guilty and said, "Little rosette, I'm sorry. Uncle Tian has already forgotten that you're not feeling well, so you should go upstairs to rest first. I'll get the doctor to come over and take a look at you later. If you're still not feeling well, we'll go and call Song Zhi over."

"Okay, I'll go up first then." Tang Xiaowei nodded her head randomly before turning around and leaving in a hurry.

In the restaurant.

Ling Shitian looked at Tang Xiaowei who had already walked far away. He turned around and looked at Su Jin, only to find that Su Jin was still staring at the spot where Tang Xiaowei had disappeared in a daze.

Ling Shitian recalled the matter that the two of them had just discussed.

Su Jin had promised to help him get the permit. However, Ling Shitian had to not stop Su Jin from pursuing Tang Xiaowei. He had to help Su Jin three times on his own initiative.

Just now, when Ling Shitian had asked Tang Xiaowei and Su Jin to go out for a walk, it was already the first time he had helped Su Jin.

Although he did not succeed, he had also wasted a chance.

Ling Shitian was a person who knew his limits. Naturally, he would not let Su Jin hurt Tang Xiaowei. If it were not for the fact that Su Jin really liked Tang Xiaowei, Ling Shitian would not have agreed to Su Jin's request just for the permit.

However, now that little rosette had rejected it, Ling Shitian felt slightly relieved.