Chapter 389: the Child was born prematurely

Song Zhi: "Old Ling, I've already given the antidote to little rosette. An hour from now, the poison in her body will completely disappear. However, her current situation isn't very optimistic. The child might be born prematurely. If she's born prematurely, this child's body might inherit a little of the poison. However, this isn't scary. I can still make the antidote and give it to the child when the time comes. So, we can send little rosette to the hospital now."

As soon as Song Zhi finished speaking, Ling Shitian hurriedly nodded and said, "Alright, I'll listen to you. Send Xiaoqiang to the hospital immediately."

Thus, the group of people, including Su Jin, who was in the corridor outside, sent Tang Xiaowei to the hospital together.

When Tang Xiaowei woke up, she found herself lying on the operating table with many doctors and Song Zhi beside her.

Tang Xiaowei could feel an incomparable pain in her stomach, as if the child was struggling to get out.

She remembered very clearly that the child was only eight months old now. If the child was born at this time, it would be premature.

Why would it be premature?

She struggled to sit up, but the doctor beside her held her down and gently comforted her, "Don't be anxious. If you want to say something, just lie down and say it."

Song Zhi also walked over and looked at her kindly. "Little rosette, how do you feel? Does your stomach still hurt?"

"Uncle Song, what's the situation now?" Tang Xiaowei was actually quite afraid of lying on the operating table like this, so her voice had a sense of panic.

When Song Zhi heard this.. He hurriedly explained, "This is the hospital. An hour ago, I gave you an antidote that can cure the poison that you inherited. There are no more toxins in your body, but you may be giving birth now. Although it's premature, don't be afraid. There are many doctors here. They won't let anything happen to you."

"Uncle Song, will my child really be fine if it's premature?" Although Tang Xiaowei was happy after she knew that the toxins in her body had been cured, she did not have time to be happy. She was more worried that the child in her stomach would be premature.

Song Zhi nodded seriously. "He will be fine. Don't be afraid. I will go out first. Your Uncle Tian and I will be waiting for you outside. Do you understand?"

Tang Xiaowei could only nod her head.

Then, Song Zhi walked out.

In the operating theater, there was only a doctor that Tang Xiaowei did not know.

She began to feel pain in her stomach. In fact, it was also painful before now. It was just that her attention was not on the baby, so she did not pay attention to it.

Now, when she thought that the child in her stomach might be born prematurely, she was very worried.

The pain in her stomach continued to pester her, causing her to cry non-stop.

The doctor beside her hurriedly comforted her, "Miss Tang, don't be afraid. Although your child is born prematurely, nothing will happen to him. Don't worry, leave it to us."

Tang Xiaowei asked while trembling, "Doctor, will it be a natural birth or a Caesarean birth?"

"Your condition is not very good right now. Your body is also very weak. You might not be able to endure a natural birth. However, a Caesarean birth is not good for your body and the child after the first or second birth. So, can you endure a natural birth?" The doctor asked her carefully.

"Okay, then let's try a natural birth." Tang Xiaowei thought about it and still chose to have a natural birth.

She wanted to wake up and see the baby being born.

As she thought about it, her stomach started to hurt even more crazily.

"Doctor, is the baby coming out?" She asked in fear and worry.

After she said that, she trembled all over and her face turned pale. She couldn't speak anymore.

The doctor next to her immediately came over to check on the situation.

The doctor said to her, "Not yet, I still need to wait."

Tang Xiaowei could only grit her teeth and wait.

She waited for a few hours. She was in excruciating pain, as if she was going to die.

When she could no longer bear it, something suddenly flowed out from her lower body. At that time, she was also in excruciating pain. The doctor saw this and immediately shouted in surprise, "It's okay. Miss Tang, hurry up and use more strength. The child is coming out soon."

Tang Xiaowei was originally in so much pain that she could not exert any strength. When she heard the doctor's words, she knew that she could not retreat. She bit her lips and listened to the doctor's words. She did as the doctor said.

Tang Xiaowei was in so much pain that she was in a daze. Her entire body was covered in sweat. The doctor kept shouting in her ear, asking her to exert more strength.

However, even though she used all her strength, she still could not give birth. She was in so much pain that she felt like she was going to die.

She vaguely heard the doctor talking about it. He said that she might not be able to give birth naturally because there was too much blood. She might have to go for a Caesarean section.

She did not know how she persevered. She just gritted her teeth. When the doctor was about to push her out for a Caesarean section, the doctor immediately cried out in surprise. He said that he saw the child's head and asked her to exert more strength.

Finally, she used her last bit of strength and endured all the pain. Before she fainted, she finally heard the doctor happily say that the baby had been born.

However, she did not hear the baby's cry.

She did not even have the strength to see what the baby was like, so she fainted.

However, a few seconds before she fainted, she thought to herself in surprise. In the past, when she watched other people's babies on television, the baby would cry when it was just born.

Why wouldn't her baby cry?

When she thought about how the baby was born prematurely, could there be something wrong with the baby?

However, no matter how worried she was, she didn't have the strength to look at it.


When Tang Xiaowei woke up, it was already a day later.

She had already transferred to the VIP ward. The inside was spacious and beautiful. There was also furniture inside, which made it look even more warm and cute.

When she opened her eyes, she saw all the furnishings in the room. She liked it very much.

However, she was the only one in the room. When she thought about it, she realized that the wound from yesterday's baby was painful, so she continued to lie there without moving.

After lying there for a while, the door was gently pushed open, and a figure walked in carefully.

Tang Xiaowei saw that it was Ling Shitian, so she smiled lightly. "Uncle Tian."

When Ling Shitian heard her voice, he immediately walked over happily. "Little Qiang Wei, you're awake?"

"Uncle Tian, where's my child?" At that moment, Tang Xiaowei was most concerned about her own child.

The child had just been born, so she had not seen it yet, nor had she given it a name. She really wanted to see it.

"It's in the incubator. I'm afraid it will take about half a month before we can bring him out." Ling Shitian smiled. "Don't worry, the doctor has examined him. He is very healthy, but he is very weak due to the premature birth. I went to see him just now. He is very well-behaved and very cute."

"I remember that before I fainted, he did not seem to cry. Don't other people's babies cry when they're born?"