Chapter 398: Meeting the Queen

Su Jin looked at her tenderly and said, "Go back and rest first. Don't worry, you promised to get engaged to me and give me a two-year chance. I'll definitely save your Uncle Tian."

Tang Xiaowei could only nod and say, "Alright then."

She felt a little depressed. After saying that, she carried the child and turned around to walk into the villa.

"Xiaowei, don't worry. I'll treat the little one well, too," Su Jin suddenly said loudly as he looked at her back.

Tang Xiaowei's footsteps stopped, but she did not say anything, and did not look back at him, hurrying to the villa inside.

Su Jin did not follow. He had two years anyway, and they would soon be engaged.

He was in no hurry to pester her at the moment of her emotional frailty, or she would surely tire of him.

Therefore, before he left, he found that there were no more bodyguards in the villa. He was afraid that some ignorant person would come to hurt Tang Xiaowei, so he left a few of his bodyguards here to protect her. Only then did he leave in peace.


After Tang Xiaowei returned to her room, she realized that the little boy had fallen asleep again.

She was at a loss for what to do after encountering such a major incident. She could only agree to Su Jin's request. She still felt uncomfortable in her heart.

After seeing that the child had fallen asleep, she asked the maid to tidy up the mess made by the police in the villa before going to rest.

She placed the child on the small bed and weakly went to take a shower. After she came back, she laid on her side by the bed to guard the little boy. She could not fall asleep at all.

Now, she finally did not have to worry about saving Uncle Tian.

However, she began to worry about how she would get along with Su Jin in the future.

Since he had helped her today, she would have to get engaged to him in the future. When she thought about getting engaged to a man she did not love, she felt extremely depressed.

This sad feeling made her very uncomfortable.

She was actually very clear that she did not want to agree to it at all.

However, if she did not agree, she would be kicked out of the villa just now. She did not have much money on her, so she might only be able to stay in a hotel for a few days. Moreover, she still had to take care of the child. When that time came, she would have no money and no place to stay. Moreover, this was a foreign country, and Uncle Tian was captured again. She had no choice at all.

She closed her eyes and urged herself to sleep as soon as possible.

As long as she fell asleep, she would not feel so uncomfortable and tormented.


When she woke up the next day.

Tang Xiaowei found that she had actually slept until daybreak. Perhaps it was because she did not have a good rest yesterday that it was like this.

She sat up and realized that the Little Milk Bun had already woken up on the small bed at the side. He still did not have teeth, but he was biting his little finger and staring at her with his big wet eyes. His saliva dripped onto a large area of his clothes.

Tang Xiaowei's heart suddenly softened.

She took a tissue to wipe away the little boy's drool and said with a smile, "Little guy, are you hungry? You drooled so much?"

The little guy Liked her touch very much. He didn't move and obediently let her help him wipe his drool. Then, he thought she was playing some little game with him, and he even giggled.

After Tang Xiaowei wiped away his drool, she lowered her head and kissed the little boy. Then, she changed his diaper and said with a gentle smile, "You play alone for a while. Mommy will wash and come back to feed you later."

The little boy did not cry or make a fuss. He knew that she had not gone far, so he waited obediently.

After coming out of the bathroom, Tang Xiaowei fed the child and carried him downstairs. She put him in the car and let him accompany her before she began to enjoy her breakfast.

Not long after she finished her breakfast, her phone rang.

On the screen of the phone was Su Jin's phone number. After seeing it, Tang Xiaowei knew that she could not reject it. She asked the maid to accompany the little boy and walked to the side to answer the phone. "Hello, Su Jin. Has Uncle Tian been rescued?"

"No, I'm still dealing with this matter. There might be a result tomorrow. I'm calling you to tell you that I told my mother about us yesterday. So, she and Xiaoqi will come over to see you in a while. I can't spare the time to come over. Don't be afraid; just tell her whatever she asks," Su Jin instructed her worriedly.

Upon hearing this, Tang Xiaowei was also shocked.

Su Jin's mother was the queen of K nation. She was only in her forties today and was a very beautiful woman. She had seen the queen on the news but had never seen her in person. However, she seemed to be a very amiable person.

Was she going to visit her today? No matter what, Tang Xiaowei was still a little nervous.

She hurriedly asked Su Jin, "Can you tell them not to come over?"

"Why?" Su Jin was surprised. "I've already told you that they won't do anything to you. My mother just wants to see for herself what the girl I like looks like. As for Xiaoqi, you know her, too. With her by your side, you don't have to be afraid."

"But I. . . Alright then." Tang Xiaowei originally wanted to say that she was still nervous and did not really want to see the queen.

However, on second thought, she did not know Su Jin that well. He had not settled the matter of her asking him for help yet, so she could not refuse him again.

Forget it, since the queen was here, so be it. After all, the queen did not eat people.

After that, Su Jin gave a few more instructions and then hung up the phone. It was clear that he was really busy at the moment.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Xiaowei immediately followed Su Jin's instructions and asked the maid to prepare the food and drinks that the queen liked. Then, she arranged the villa.

Two hours later.

As expected, a message from the bodyguard came from the entrance of the villa, saying that the queen's car had arrived.

As the Little Milk Bun was still awake, Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to carry the child out to greet her.

In the luxurious car, the queen was dressed in a low-key black outfit. Accompanied by Su Xiaoqi, who was wearing a sky-blue one-piece dress, she walked into the courtyard of the villa.

Before Tang Xiaowei could speak, Su Xiaoqi saw her and the Little Milk Bun in her arms. She let go of her mother's arm and rushed to Tang Xiaowei happily. "Sister Xiaowei, Little Milk Bun, I'm here to see you."

She reached out her hands and wanted to hold the little boy.

Tang Xiaowei knew that she could hold a child. After all, when they were in the hospital, Su Xiaoqi had learned from the doctor because she liked the little boy. So, she let Su Xiaoqi carry the little boy without worry.

Su Xiaoqi completely forgot about the others when she saw the cute little boy.

Tang Xiaowei could only bite the bullet and go forward. She smiled and said, "Your Majesty..."

The Queen had been sizing her up since she got out of the car. Now that she saw her coming, the Queen looked at the child in Su Xiaoqi's arms.