Chapter 419: I don't dare to trust any man anymore

She used to think that Ling Yijue was her home for the rest of her life.

She even thought that she and Ling Yijue would never be separated.

They would never change their hearts, and then the two of them would slowly grow old until they got married.

Unfortunately, later, when she needed Ling Yijue's help, Ling Yijue broke up with her, and he seemed to have another woman by his side at that time. Although Ling Yijue later explained that he had no choice at that time, and that woman did not exist.

But before she knew it, she was still hurt by the blow.

After that, she met Huangfu Qiye.

She thought that she would not fall in love with Huangfu Qiye, but who knew that she would fall in love with him, and it was even deeper than the feeling of falling in love with Ling Yijue. It was as if her feelings for Ling Yijue before were only superficial, but for Huangfu Qiye, it was a deep love that she felt deep inside her.

But, Huangfu Qiye had betrayed her.

Her body was still poisoned, and she did not know whether she would live or die, but because of her, he broke up with her and could not wait to find another woman.

Perhaps, in this love scene, she was the only one who was deeply immersed in it. Huangfu Qiye had never loved her.

She was really stupid, and really naive. She fell in love with two men, and every time, she would fail miserably.

Perhaps, she was really not suitable to keep looking for true love.

True love was something that was in short supply every moment in this world. Not everyone could have it.

Perhaps, it was because her luck was not good enough that she had never met a man who could truly love her and she loved him at the same time.

Tang Xiaowei took a deep breath and forced back her tears.

She suddenly felt very tired.

This time, she made a deal with Su Jin and got engaged to him. After saving Uncle Tian, she would definitely not fall in love with Su Jin two years later. From now on, she would take care of the child alone and spend the rest of her life on her own.

Love was really too hurtful.

She had already been hurt twice, and each time was more serious and painful than the last. She really did not have the courage to touch love anymore.

She just doesn't trust men anymore.

When dinner was ready downstairs, the maid came up and asked when they could go down for dinner.

Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan just stopped to catch up, went into the bedroom, found the baby was still sleeping, so went downstairs to the restaurant to eat.

Tao Xian had been waiting in the restaurant for a long time. When he saw them coming together, he kept his eyes on Tao Yuyan and noticed that her eyes were a little red.

Looks like she's been crying.

He knew very well that Tang Xiaowei would never bully Tao Yuyan.

Then, the only thing that could make Tao Yuyan cry was that Tao Yuyan had told Tang Xiaowei about them and that she had cried because of those sad things.

She would cry because she had lost that child and because of his misunderstanding. This meant that she had him in her heart. Tao Xian's throat was dry and uncomfortable.

Why didn't he think about it or investigate the matter before he lost his temper?

He regretted yelling at her and scolding her when he didn't understand the truth. Then, after she moved out of the house, he even showed off his love for another woman in front of her. What the hell was in his mind at that time?

Tao Xian felt as if thousands of soldiers and horses were running through his heart, making him restless and flustered.

On the other side, Tao Yuyan and Tang Xiaowei ignored him. After entering the restaurant, the two of them would occasionally chat a little and then start eating quietly.

Tao Xian did not dare to disturb them at all.

After dinner, when Tao Yuyan and Tang Xiaowei were about to go for a walk in the courtyard, a maid immediately ran over and said to Tang Xiaowei, "Miss, young master is awake. Please go up and take a look."

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, her face was full of worry. "Yuyan, I'll go up first."

Tao Yuyan nodded. "I'll go up with you. "

At this moment, Tao Xian grabbed Tao Yuyan's hand and said sincerely, "Yuyan, don't go. I have something to ask you."

Tao Yuyan and Tang Xiaowei looked at Tao Xian in surprise. Tao Yuyan wanted to reject immediately, "I don't want to talk to you now. Let go of me."

Tang Xiaowei saw that Tao Yuyan was unwilling and her face darkened, "Tao Xian, if Yuyan is not willing, you can't force her. Otherwise, you are being disrespectful."

"I really have something to ask her. Don't you have to take care of the child? Just let us talk for 10 minutes alone." Tao Xian frowned and looked at Tang Xiaowei, his tone was a little harsh.

Seeing this scene, Tao Yuyan hurriedly said, "Okay, I promise to talk to you for 10 minutes. Don't be so fierce to Xiaowei. Let's talk outside."

After saying that, Tao Yuyan walked out. Tao Xian could only hurriedly follow her.

Tang Xiaowei was not angry at Tao Xian's attitude just now because it was not worth it. She was worried about the Little Milk Bun, so she ordered the maid to keep an eye on Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian. If anything happened, she would immediately tell her. Then, she went upstairs to see her son.

Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian walked to a corner in the courtyard where no one else came. There was a long chair there.

She sat down on the chair with her back facing Tao Xian and said coldly, "Say what you want to say."

"Yuyan, do you like me, too?" Tao Xian sat down beside her and reached out to pull her hand.

Tao Yuyan hurriedly dodged and then shook her head. "You're mistaken. I don't like you. I don't like you at all."

Tao Xian did not believe her. "If you don't like me, why do you cry when you talk about us. Weren't you just talking about this with Tang Xiaowei? Look at your eyes. They're so red. You must have been crying. Yuyan, I'm very happy that you can like me. I like you very much too. I hope that we..."

Tao Yuyan interrupted the excited Tao Xian and stood up. With a cold expression, she said, "Tao Xian, you're mistaken. I'm crying not because I like you, but because I feel wronged and sad. If that's all you want to say, then I'm sorry I don't want to hear it. I'm going back. As for you, I think it's better for you to stay in a hotel. It's really not suitable for you to stay here."

She wanted to leave after saying that.

Tao Xian was anxious. He stood up and hurriedly reached out to pull her back. He asked nervously, "You really haven't ever liked me?"

"Why should I like you? What do you have that I like?" Tao Yuyan raised her head and asked coldly.

Tao Xian's heart instantly panicked when he was looked at by her like that.

He didn't know what he had that she liked. From the moment he started to like her, he had always hidden his love because of his age and their identity. So after a long time, he started to feel that this love was humble.