Chapter 421: being hugged tightly by him

She remembered that Huangfu Qiye had already come to this country, and he had also come with Yuyan.

So, since Yuyan had arrived, he must have also arrived.

Although yesterday, she had used a little trick to disappear so that he could not follow Yuyan to find her.

But now, it seemed that he was not easy to trick at all. He had still found her here.

Tang Xiaowei's face instantly turned pale.

She hugged the Little Milk Bun and retreated, her body trembling slightly.

Fortunately, the front door of the villa was still closed, so they did not enter immediately.

However, no one had opened the door. They would definitely open the door and come up.

Tang Xiaowei's gaze landed on the child in her arms. She hurriedly handed the child to the maid and pushed the maid into the bathroom. She hurriedly instructed, "Take good care of the young master. No matter what happens later, don't make a sound. You must protect the young master well. Don't let the people downstairs know of his existence, understand?"

"I know, but will anything happen to you, miss?" The maid was very worried about her. Her eyes were red with anxiety.

Tang Xiaowei comforted her, "I'll be fine. The people downstairs won't take my life. You just have to take good care of the young master. Don't let anyone find out about you."

After saying that, Tang Xiaowei took a deep look at the little boy who was staring at her in a daze. Then, she kissed the little boy on the forehead. She said gently, "Little boy, stay with aunt Alana for a while. Mommy will be back in a while, understand?"

She touched the little guy's face and then closed the bathroom door.

Tao Yuyan was right next to her. She did not disturb Tang Xiaowei at all. Now that Tang Xiaowei had settled the baby down, Tao Yuyan reached out to support Tang Xiaowei. "Xiaowei, is Huangfu Qiye here? If he is, he will apologize to you and take you away. Are you willing to take the child with him?"

"No, Yuyan, I don't want to forgive him. Although I was the one who broke up with him, he shouldn't have gotten together with another woman so quickly. I really can't forgive him for that. Furthermore, I have to save Uncle Tian now. Uncle Tian hasn't been rescued yet, so I can only agree to get engaged to Su Jin. I really have no other choice." Tang Xiaowei shook her head. Her expression was cold.

Upon hearing this, Tao Yuyan bit her lip and held Tang Xiaowei's hand tightly. "Xiaowei, let's go downstairs first. That way, even if Huangfu Qiye enters the villa, he won't suspect that there's a child upstairs."

Tang Xiaowei nodded. Then, she thought of something and sent Su Jin a message to tell him about her current situation.

Since she did not want to forgive Huangfu Qiye, she had to make a deal with Su Jin for two years.

In that case, in order not to be taken away by Huangfu Qiye, she could only ask Su Jin for help.

After sending the message, she went downstairs with Tao Yuyan.

Tao Xian had long been woken up by the loud noises outside. He had already changed his clothes and was standing in the living room with a frown.

Seeing that Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan had gone downstairs, Tao Xian walked over and asked Tang Xiaowei, "Tang Xiaowei, what exactly are you thinking? Huangfu Qiye has already brought people to look for you. Do you want to go with him, or do you want to stay and get engaged to the prince of k? "

Tang Xiaowei smiled helplessly. Uncle Tian had saved her before, and she could not leave him to die. Therefore, she could only promise Su Jin. However, she only told Tao Yuyan about this matter and did not want to tell Tao Xian.

"I won't go with Huangfu Qiye. I'll stay and get engaged to Su Jin." Although she hesitated for a moment, she said this firmly afterwards.

Only she herself knew that her heart was aching because of these words.

Actually, she was not willing.

However, could she refuse just because she was not willing?

She couldn't just watch as Uncle Tian was sentenced here.

Even though Uncle Tian had done many bad things in the past, he was very good to her, just like a real father.

Therefore, she already regarded Uncle Tian as her father. How could she not save her father's life.

Moreover, she wasn't sure if Huangfu Qiye came to look for her because he thought it was fun and exciting or because he was reluctant to let her get engaged to someone else.

She would never forget the scene of him being with another woman.

Tao Xian was stunned for a moment when he saw her reply. However, he did not say anything in the end.

At that moment, the door of the villa was opened and a group of people walked in arrogantly.

Huangfu Qiye, who was walking in front, was especially overbearing. Even though he looked a little dispirited at this moment, he still gave off a feeling of being unable to breathe when he entered.

From afar, Huangfu Qiye's gaze met Tang Xiaowei's gaze in the air between them.

He stopped in his tracks. His eyes were filled with surprise, satisfaction, regret, pain, anticipation, and all sorts of emotions.

It caused his body to tremble.

He was too excited and happy.

Because he really saw that Tang Xiaowei was not dead and that she was still alive. She was standing not far in front of him.

He could not help but step forward and call out her name. "Xiaowei..."

Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian looked at Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei subconsciously stepped back. "Don't come over and don't call me either. Go away. I don't want to see you."

"Tang Xiaowei, do you think that I came here today just to see you?" Huangfu Qiye still did not stop and walked in her direction.

Soon, he was right in front of her, and she had already retreated to the wall.

Tao Yuyan wanted to help her, but Tao Xian grabbed her arm and warned her in a low voice, "Huangfu Qiye came prepared. You can't stop him even if you go between them."

Tao Yuyan looked at the bodyguards who had just rushed in with Huangfu Qiye. She was stunned for a moment.

On the other side, Tang Xiaowei had been forced into a corner by Huangfu Qiye.

She turned her head and looked to the side, but she did not look at him. In a mocking tone, she said, "You didn't just come here to see me. Do you want to stop me from getting engaged to Su Jin?"

"You're right. I'm here to stop you from getting engaged." Huangfu Qiye's face was gloomy. He suddenly stepped forward and hugged her tightly after he finished speaking.

She was instantly hugged tightly by him.

He closed his eyes and inhaled the air beside her deeply. His expression slowly relaxed. "That's great. You're still alive and well. You're real."

Ever since he saw the plane crash, he had not heard from her. Although he did not believe that she was dead, he still suffered a blow.

Now that he could finally hug her in person, Huangfu Qiye's heart, which had been hanging on, finally felt less painful.

Finally, he could truly hug her.