Chapter 427: "The child has nothing to do with you. "

She was completely forced into the car by him.

Soon, he, his bodyguards, and Tang Xiaowei all got into the car together.

The car also sped off in an instant.

Su Jin was so angry that his face turned pale when he saw Huangfu Qiye's arrogant attitude and behavior.

Now that Xiaowei was still beside Huangfu Qiye, he did not dare to order his men to shoot at their car directly.

He could only call for his men and quickly chase after them.

In Huangfu Qiye's car.

Tang Xiaowei was still forced to sit with him.

The car drove quickly. She was very carsick. Although Huangfu Qiye's heart ached, he could not stop the car. At the moment, they had to reach a safe place as soon as possible before they could stop.

He could only hug her with heartache and comfort her gently, "Bear with it. If you want to throw up, just do it on me. I don't mind."

Tang Xiaowei could not throw up on him at all, but she really could not bear it anymore. She was so upset that her eyes were full of tears and her stomach was starting to hurt.

She could not help but cry out loud, "I'm so upset. Please let me go. I really don't want to go with you."

She was crying not only because she felt sick from the motion sickness, but also because she was afraid that she would leave with him just like that. The little boy would be left here. Moreover, if she did not get engaged to Su Jin, Uncle Tian would not be released. Yuyan and the others would also be here What would happen if Su Jin tortured her friends, adoptive father, and her child?

Su Jin was a person who could use Uncle Tian's incident to threaten her into getting engaged to him. This proved that he was very hard-hearted and ruthless. Therefore, Tang Xiaowei did not dare to easily abandon her family and friends here.

What was even more terrifying was that she was really afraid that Huangfu Qiye would anger Su Jin. In a moment, Su Jin would directly order the army of country K to attack Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye's men would definitely not be able to defeat Su Jin's men this time around.

"Is it really very uncomfortable?" Huangfu Qiye thought that she was crying because she was carsick and wanted to throw up.

He frowned anxiously and put his arm around her waist, wanting her to throw up in the car. "Go ahead and throw up. There's a trash can and a bag here. Where do you want to throw up?"

"I want to throw up outside." Tang Xiaowei refused to throw up in the car.

She could not go with him, nor did she want to go with him.

"You still want to go back with Su Jin?" Huangfu Qiye looked at her with a deep gaze and his voice turned cold.

Tang Xiaowei was about to answer him, but at that moment, a voice that sounded like it came from a special loudspeaker suddenly came from outside.

The voice was very familiar and loud. It belonged to Su Jin.

He shouted, "Xiaowei, don't go with him. Don't you want the little boy and me anymore? The little boy cried after you left just now. He's still so young. Do you have the heart to let a child cry without a mother?"

Su Jin shouted very loudly, and it was transmitted through the loudspeaker again. Therefore, even though his car did not catch up with Tang Xiaowei's car, his voice still reached the ears of Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye.

Su Jin's voice sounded very painful and sad, as if he was a husband who had been abandoned by his wife.

Tang Xiaowei did not notice his tone. She only heard Su Jin say that the little boy was crying.

She recalled that whenever the little boy cried, as long as she was not by his side, the little guy would not make a sound. Once he was crying, he would not stop. His little face would be red from crying, and he always looked very pitiful.

How could she bear to abandon her child?

She was agitated and began to frantically open the car door. "Open the door, open the door. I want to go back. The little boy is crying. He can't live without me. I want to go back and take care of my child."

Ever since Huangfu Qiye took Tang Xiaowei away today, he had heard about the little boy a few times.

So it was a person's name.

What he could not believe the most was that it was Tang Xiaowei's child.

Just now, Su Jin and Tang Xiaowei had revealed that the child called the little boy "Mommy". Huangfu Qiye could not have misheard.

Previously, when they left the villa, Tang Xiaowei had asked her friends to help take care of the little boy.

Huangfu Qiye recalled that he had asked his subordinates to investigate the matter regarding Su Jin. It mentioned that a few months ago, Su Jin and Tang Xiaowei had appeared on the news together. The news said that Tang Xiaowei was pregnant and that it was Su Jin's child.

So, that little boy was Su Jin and Tang Xiaowei's child?

Huangfu Qiye's heart sank.

He suddenly grabbed her arm like he had gone mad and pressed her against the car window. He asked fiercely, "You have a child?"

Tang Xiaowei did not expect him to suddenly go crazy and ask her so fiercely.

She was stunned for a moment, then nodded. "Yes."

She did have a child with him, but she did not want to tell him.

If he had not been with another woman, she would have told him. It was a pity that he had done something she could not forgive. She did not want to have anything to do with him, so he would never know about the child.

Seeing that she had admitted it, Huangfu Qiye's chest hurt even more.

His hands were trembling slightly. "The child...the child is..."

Tang Xiaowei was afraid that he would guess that the child was his or propose to do a paternity test with the child. At the moment, she only wanted to take care of the child by herself, so she did not have time to think too much and immediately said coldly, "The child has nothing to do with you."

There was a glimmer of hope in Huangfu Qiye's eyes, but when she suddenly replied coldly that the child had nothing to do with him, his entire body froze.

His expression gradually turned cold, and the anger in his eyes grew deeper and deeper.

He did not speak for a long time. He only looked at her with a cold and unfamiliar gaze.

Tang Xiaowei felt extremely scared. She had a feeling that he would crush her to death in the next second.

She shrank back.

"Ha!" He laughed coldly.

Then, Huangfu Qiye suddenly shouted at the driver in front of him in a gloomy voice, "Stop the car!"

The car immediately stopped.

Tang Xiaowei did not even have the time to say anything or react when she saw Huangfu Qiye suddenly open the car door and push her hard on the shoulder. She immediately fell from the car onto the road.

"Ah!" she fell to the ground and screamed in pain from the shock.

There was a lot of fine sand on the road, which grazed her arms and many parts of her body. She immediately frowned in pain and gritted her teeth to not cry out from the pain.

He was actually so ruthless.

He actually pushed her out of the car so rudely, regardless of whether she would be injured or not.

There was disbelief and pain in her eyes, but most of it was endurance.

Huangfu Qiye, who was in the car, was still sitting in his seat. He looked at her with a cold and unmoved gaze.

He said coldly, "I came to look for you today. Just assume that I'm crazy. Don't worry, I won't look at a woman like you again."