Chapter 429: It's all Huangfu Yuner's fault

Tang Xiaowei could not force him to tell his parents immediately. After all, they were about to get engaged soon, and he wanted to get engaged so badly.

Therefore, he must have been worried that his parents would stop the engagement after he told them the truth.

After all, with his status and family background, it was normal for him to not allow a woman who was carrying someone else's child to enter the house.

After that, the car quieted down.

On the way back, both of them were very quiet and almost did not talk anymore.

When they arrived at the villa under Ling Shitian's name, which was also the villa where Tang Xiaowei was still staying, Tang Xiaowei got out of the car. She did not let Su Jin follow her in and rushed back to the villa alone.

Su Jin felt that she had been frightened today, so he did not follow her in forcefully. He stood outside the villa for a while before leaving.

Inside the villa.

Just as Tang Xiaowei entered the door, Tao Yuyan carried the little boy and came forward anxiously. "Xiaowei, why are you injured?"

She immediately saw Tang Xiaowei's calf, arm, and the bandage on her palm.

Tang Xiaowei shook her head. "It's nothing. It's just a small injury. Let me take a look at the little boy. Is he still crying?"

Tao Yuyan hurriedly and carefully handed the little boy to Tang Xiaowei. The little boy had been crying for a long time before he finally fell asleep. His eyes had just closed.

Tang Xiaowei took the child and saw that the child was asleep. Only then did her heart finally relax.

She did not have the strength to do anything now. She carried the child upstairs silently.

Tao Yuyan was afraid that something would happen to her, so she hurriedly followed.

As for Tao Xian, he had been accompanying Tao Yuyan just now. Now that they were going upstairs, it was naturally inconvenient for him to go upstairs, so he did not go.


Upstairs, after Tang Xiaowei put down the Little Milk Bun, she sat down by the bed.

Tao Yuyan went forward and held her injured hand with a concerned expression. She held it carefully and asked, "Xiaowei, what exactly happened just now?"

Upon hearing this, Tang Xiaowei gave a general account of what had happened. Then, she asked Tao Yuyan seriously, "Yuyan, tell me, am I doing the right thing or the wrong thing?"

"Are you saying that you want to break up with Huangfu Qiye or get engaged to Su Jin?" Tao Yuyan did not understand what she was asking.

Tang Xiaowei shook her head and said, "Forget it. I don't know whether I'm doing the right thing or the wrong thing anymore. I just want to take good care of the little boy and my family. I don't want to have any other hopes. As for Su Jin, I only hope that these two years will pass as soon as possible. I'll be free in two years."

"Xiaowei, you don't like Su Jin at all. I really can't stand seeing you force yourself like this. Why don't you ask Ling Yijue for help? After all, Uncle Tian is his adoptive father." Tao Yuyan could not stand seeing Tang Xiaowei so fragile Yet, she was forced to make many sacrifices.

"I can't even make any calls from the villa. I've also tried the calls from the outside, but I can't get in touch with Ah Jue at all." Tang Xiaowei didn't want to agree to Su Jin and sell herself to him for two years. Even though he had promised not to take advantage of her. However, she wouldn't be free for two years.

However, she couldn't find anyone to help her save Uncle Tian.

The calls here couldn't go overseas at all.

Since she couldn't get in touch with Ling Yijue, there was no one else who could help her.

Oh, no, actually, there was someone else who could help her. If she and Huangfu Qiye did not have this misunderstanding... It was a pity that the misunderstanding between them was too deep.

She hated him and loved him.

The feelings he had for her should be similar.

Therefore, they were really not suitable to be together.

She could not ask him for help anymore. She had just provoked him and it would be really shameless of her to ask him for help again.

"Yuyan, forget it, let's just leave it at that. I can't fall in love with Su Jin anyway. The next two years will pass very quickly." Tang Xiaowei chose to continue living the remaining days according to the current plan.

Upon hearing that, Tao Yuyan thought for a moment and asked, "Xiaowei, will you be staying here for the next two years?"

"Yes, I think so." If she was really engaged to Su Jin, then she would be Su Jin's fiancee for the next two years. Since she did not have a home, it would be the same wherever she went. She would just spend the next two years here. After two years, she would think about where to go.

Something was not right.

She remembered something important.

She still had enemies, and she had yet to take revenge.

"Ha." She couldn't help but laugh coldly.

She had been very busy recently, so busy that she had forgotten that she still had an enemy.

Huangfu Yuner.

If Huangfu Yuner hadn't asked Yuan Shan to lie to her and then drugged her, she and Huangfu Qiye wouldn't have gotten to this point.

Speaking of which, at that time, she had already confessed to Huangfu Qiye. He was also very good to her at that time, and he didn't flirt with other women.

She thought that they would continue to be happy and get married soon.

Unfortunately, his departure and Huangfu Yuner's vicious attack on her caused her and Huangfu Qiye to hate each other more and more.

Huangfu Yuner was the person Tang Xiaowei hated the most in her life and the person she wanted to kill the most.

Perhaps in the two years she had been trading with Su Jin, she could think of a way to find Huangfu Yuner and take revenge. She could also avenge herself and the unborn child, as well as her relationship with Huangfu Qiye.

"Xiaowei, what are you thinking about?" Tao Yuyan became worried when Tang Xiaowei was in a daze.

Tang Xiaowei quickly came back to her senses and shook her head. "It's nothing, Yuyan. I'm a little tired and want to rest. Help me take a look. If the Little Milk Bun wakes up, call me."

"Okay, you can rest." Tao Yuyan also felt that she should rest and hurriedly nodded.

Tang Xiaowei took off her dirty clothes and changed into clean pajamas. After avoiding the bruises on her body, she carefully lay down.

Then, she closed her eyes and hypnotized herself to fall asleep as soon as possible.


At the same time.

A group of people suddenly came to the entrance of the villa. The maids and bodyguards in the villa were all shocked.

However, the maids quickly recognized who it was. Then, they rushed forward and bowed respectfully. "Young master, why are you here?"

The person who came was Ling Yijue.

He had originally promised Ling Shitian that if Ling Shitian did not instruct him, he would not come over.

However, Tang Xiaowei, Ling Shitian, and David had disappeared for 10 months after all.

Moreover, a few days ago, he saw Tang Xiaowei appearing on the news with another man, saying that they were getting engaged.

After seeing this news, how could he not come over?

Therefore, he immediately rushed over. However, after coming over, he did not know where Tang Xiaowei lived. Therefore, after asking around, he found out that she lived here, which was why he rushed over.

He arrived a day later than Tao Yuyan, Tao Xian, and Huangfu Qiye.

At that moment, after arriving at the villa and seeing the familiar maid, Ling Yijue finally heaved a sigh of relief.