Chapter 432: "You can't leave my sight. "

However, Tang Xiaowei was not willing at all when Su Jin forced her to get engaged to him. She only agreed to it because she could not save Uncle Tian without doing so. Now that Ling Yijue could save Uncle Tian, she naturally did not want to agree to Su Jin's ridiculous deal anymore.

After ending the call, Tang Xiaowei said that Ling Yijue would come to pick them up in more than an hour. Therefore, she let Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan go to rest first.

Tao Xian nodded and left the house.

Tao Yuyan laid down on the bed next to Tang Xiaowei and said worriedly, "Xiaowei, I'm so worried. I'm so worried."

Tao Yuyan was flustered. She always had a magical premonition and could vaguely sense the bad truth.

Tang Xiaowei had been friends with her for many years, so she naturally knew this.

However, she felt that it was just a coincidence.

Tomorrow was the day she had to get engaged to Su Jin.

If they did not leave before dawn, Su Jin might really make it impossible for her to leave.

"It's alright, don't worry. Ah Jue will pick us up in an hour, and we'll be able to leave," Tang Xiaowei hurriedly comforted Tao Yuyan.

Tao Yuyan nodded and stopped worrying.

Everyone was tired from waiting for the call.

Tang Xiaowei also felt sleepy, so she lay down to rest.

Then, she slowly fell asleep.

However, after an unknown period of time, she heard a fierce knock on the door. She immediately woke up from her sleep.

Because the wall lamp was turned on in the room, the room was not very dark.

After Tang Xiaowei sat up, she found that Tao Yuyan had also sat up. The two of them looked at each other with panic in their eyes.

"Xiaowei, who do you think the person outside is? If it was Ling Yijue, he wouldn't knock so rudely." Tao Yuyan had some understanding of Ling Yijue After all, Ling Yijue liked Tang Xiaowei very much. He wouldn't knock so rudely on the door. Moreover, they had agreed before that if Ling Yijue came, he would definitely call first.

He would not knock on the door so rudely.

Tang Xiaowei also knew that Tao Yuyan's analysis was correct.

Therefore, she began to panic.

Could it be that the person outside the door was someone she did not want to see?

Just as she was thinking about this, the door was suddenly opened, and only three people entered.

There were two bodyguards in uniform, and in front of them was Su Jin, whose face was gloomy.

It was indeed him. Tang Xiaowei became even more flustered.

Ah Jue had not come yet, but Su Jin had come. Then Su Jin must have known that they were planning to escape today. Moreover, he wanted to stop them.

She hurriedly got out of bed and carried the little boy in her arms. She and Tao Yuyan retreated in a guarded manner.

"Su Jin, what are you doing? You didn't sleep at night, yet you knocked on my door. What do you mean?''

She questioned him in fear. She felt that Su Jin looked extremely terrifying today.

Su Jin looked at her as well, but his gaze was cold.

He sneered. "Xiaowei, I didn't expect you to lie to me. I know that you don't want to get engaged to me and that you don't like me. But since you've agreed to get engaged to me, you shouldn't think about running away. Your Uncle Tian has been rescued. I think you plan to run away soon. However, I won't let you run away. I like you. Since you've agreed to get engaged to me, you can't run away!"

"How do you know all this?" Tang Xiaowei was shocked when she heard him explain the current situation clearly.

"Have you forgotten that this is my territory? " Su Jin said coldly, "Although my men can't stop Uncle Ling from being rescued, you can't escape my eyes even if you do something unusual here. Xiaowei, you're being really naughty now. It seems that you can't be alone anymore until the engagement ceremony is over. Come with me now. Until the engagement ceremony is over, you can't leave my sight."

After Su Jin said that coldly, he waved his hand. The two bodyguards behind him immediately went forward, wanting to take Tang Xiaowei away.

Tang Xiaowei held the child in her arms. Even if she wanted to escape, she couldn't.

Moreover, Ling Yijue hadn't arrived yet, so she couldn't go against Su Jin.

She bit her lip and handed the little boy to Tao Yuyan. "Yuyan, I'll go with him. Help me take care of the little boy."

"Xiaowei, will he hurt you?" Tao Yuyan hugged the little boy, but she could not help but worry about Tang Xiaowei's safety.

However, before Tang Xiaowei could answer, Su Jin had already answered on her behalf. "Don't worry, Miss Tao. I love Xiaowei very much. Even if I die, I won't hurt her."

Tao Yuyan really wanted to retort. If you love someone, why do you have to force her?

However, Su Jin was not a person to be trifled with. He was not as gentle as he looked on the surface, especially when he was very gloomy at the moment. Tao Yuyan did not say anything.

After handing the child over to Tao Yuyan, Tang Xiaowei looked at Su Jin and said, "I agree to go with you. However, you have to guarantee that my friends and children will continue to live here and will not be harmed or imprisoned."

"Of course. I won't do anything to them. I just want you to stay with me until the engagement." Su Jin could not wait any longer. He went forward and grabbed Tang Xiaowei's hand, pulling her out.

Tang Xiaowei could not avoid him in time and was pulled out of the villa by him.

Su Jin stumbled along the way. This time, he was not gentle at all. Instead, he was very angry. However, he did not yell at her. Instead, he silently pulled her into the car. After that, he sat beside her and did not speak.

After getting into the car, Tang Xiaowei did not speak to him either.

She had been pushed out of the car by Huangfu Qiye the day before. Her bruised hand had yet to recover. Just as she was grabbed by Su Jin with force, several wounds began to hurt again.

She sighed and lowered her eyes.

However, her silence made Su Jin very angry.

Just then, Su Jin suddenly received a call from one of his subordinates, saying that the villa had been ambushed, and Ling Shitian had been rescued by someone who had suddenly appeared.

Su Jin's heart immediately felt empty.

He was very confident about this engagement party because Ling Shitian was still in his hands. If Tang Xiaowei wanted to save Ling Shitian, she had to get engaged to him.

However, Ling Shitian had disappeared before the engagement party had even begun.

If the person who saved Ling Shitian was the person Tang Xiaowei found, then Tang Xiaowei would definitely leave immediately.

Therefore, he did not care that it was still the middle of the night and rushed over.

Fortunately, she was still in the villa.

However, he was very clear that Tang Xiaowei must have known that Ling Shitian was being rescued at this time. It must be the person she found.

However, there was no one else she could find other than Huangfu Qiye. Then who was the person she was looking for?