Chapter 435: "Be a good girl and get engaged with me. "

Tang Xiaowei struggled to pull her hand away. She calmly explained what she had thought of a long time ago, "You closed the door. I was very scared, so I knocked on the door to get you to open it. But you didn't open the door, so I could only keep knocking on the door. In the end, I got injured."

"That's impossible. You still have a sharp wound on your hand. You're lying to me. Were you thinking of committing suicide earlier? Huh?" Su Jin was already agitated by the wound on her hand. He was not willing to listen to her so-called explanation at all.

He pulled her into his arms crazily with great force, as if he was going to crush her into pieces. "Tang Xiaowei, we're getting engaged today. I don't want to see you die. You're not allowed to commit suicide."

"Are you that afraid of me committing suicide?" Tang Xiaowei originally wanted to say that she would not commit suicide, but she was faced with a man who was like a madman. Moreover, this man did not respect her at all and even imprisoned her. He even forced her to get engaged to him.. She could no longer maintain a good attitude when talking to him.

There was a deep sarcasm in her voice.

Su Jin was about to go crazy.

Hearing her words, he gradually calmed down.

He pushed her away gently and looked at her seriously and intently.

His eyes were so calm and pious that she wanted to avoid them.

It's just, he's holding her face so hard that she can't avoid it.

In the end, Su Jin gradually came to his senses and said helplessly, "Xiaowei, I know I've been acting strange since yesterday. I wanted to keep you here, so I used some extreme methods. But you have to believe that I really love you. So, be a good girl and get engaged to me."

After saying that, he did not need her to answer. He waved his hand and called the maid over. He returned to his usual gentle prince appearance. "Go and bring the medical kit over."

The maid immediately brought the green medical kit over.

He pulled Tang Xiaowei to the sofa and sat down. He started to untie the bandages that he had bandaged for her yesterday. Then he said softly, "The place that I bandaged for you yesterday is injured again. I'll bandage it again for you. In the future, if you get injured, I'll bandage it for you."

Tang Xiaowei knew that he was mentally ill and did not dare to provoke him, so she did not say anything.

Otherwise, she really wanted to scold him.

Who would curse someone for being injured?

At this time, she only wanted to see Su Xiaoqi or her majesty and ask them if they could come and save her or take Su Jin away since Su Jin was so terrifying.

However, from the current situation, she would probably have to go to the engagement site if she wanted to see her majesty and Su Xiaoqi.

Su Jin was very strong, and his expression was very gloomy. She did not dare to provoke him in such a terrifying mood, so she could only let him bandage her hand again.

Even though it was very painful when she applied the medicine, she did not make a sound.

In the end, he finally finished bandaging her hand. Then, he placed the medical kit aside and looked up at her. A gentle look appeared on his handsome face.

"Xiaowei, go upstairs and change into your gown. After they've put on your makeup, we'll go to the engagement site immediately."

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly asked him, "Where exactly is the engagement ceremony held?"

She found it ridiculous that she was forced to get engaged to Su Jin. Moreover, he no longer wanted to treat the engagement as a sham and even wanted to force her to marry him later. However, she did not even know where the engagement ceremony was held at the moment.

She felt that Su Jin might not need her, but he might need an obedient puppet.

"You'll know when we get there." Su Jin's voice was extremely gentle. After he finished speaking, he pushed her a little and she was escorted upstairs by a few maids.

Tang Xiaowei knew that even if she wanted to escape now, there was no way out.

She could only follow the maids upstairs to change into her gown.

The gown was very beautiful. It was a pure white color, and it was tailored in a noble and elegant manner, yet it did not lose the romantic aura of a young girl.

It was a strapless style, and there were many diamonds at the neckline.

There was no label on the gown. When the maids helped her to wear it, they explained to her that it was specially made for her by an internationally renowned designer. The prince did not allow it to be labeled on the gown, and it was the only dress in the world.

Tang Xiaowei did not say anything, nor did she ask Su Jin how he got her measurements. After putting on the dress, it indeed fitted her very well.

She allowed the maid to dress her however she wanted.

Two hours later, the maid and the makeup artist who had come over to put on the maid's uniform told Tang Xiaowei carefully that she was done and could go out.

Tang Xiaowei then walked downstairs calmly.

She did not feel any anticipation or happiness at all, because this was not an engagement that she was willing or fond of. The only feeling and thought she had was that it would be better for her to escape later.

Perhaps this was a little cruel to Su Jin, but from the very beginning, Su Jin had set her up and deliberately forced her. Now, he even denied the fake engagement. He wanted to get engaged for real, and he even wanted to get married for real.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei would definitely not be willing to get engaged or even marry him.

Later, when they arrived at the engagement venue, she would definitely think of a way to escape.

However, just as she was thinking about these things, the maid had already helped her downstairs.

Downstairs, Su Jin immediately stood up from the sofa when he saw the person who had already dressed so beautifully and was looking at her with a gentle and intoxicated gaze.

Su Jin only slowly came back to his senses when the maid brought her closer and closer.

"Xiaowei, you're so beautiful today." A gentle smile appeared on Su Jin's handsome face as he looked at her with infatuation.

Tang Xiaowei only felt uncomfortable all over, under his gaze.

"Let's go." She only uttered two words, and her tone was also cold.

However, Su Jin did not pay attention to her tone because he was very happy to see her in her gown. He reached out his hand and said, "Let's go. I'll hold your hand."

Tang Xiaowei shook her head and refused, "There's no need. I can walk by myself."

After she finished speaking, she took the lead and walked towards the entrance of the villa.

However, when she reached the door, the bodyguards at the door did not let her out. Instead, they stood at the door like statues and blocked her way.

She frowned fiercely and wanted to get these people to move aside. However, she knew very well that these bodyguards would not have made way for her if Su Jin had not opened his mouth.

She could only turn around and look at Su Jin, only to find that he was still standing at the same spot, looking at her with a cold expression.

Seeing that she was looking at him, he said, "Xiaowei, you won't be able to leave without my permission. So, you'd better stay by my side and accompany me obediently."

Tang Xiaowei swore that she really hated Su Jin more and more.

Ever since his mental illness flared up in front of her, he had become more and more fond of threatening and forcing her.