Chapter 437: Don't let her run away

He was always angry and mad. It was impossible for him to take good care of the little boy.

Therefore, she did not say anything.

The car soon brought them to the Imperial Hotel.

This was a hotel that was more than ten stories high. Each floor was very high and very luxurious and beautiful. Those who were able to stay here were almost all high-ranking officials and nobles.

And only the members of the royal family with very noble status could hold some special ceremonies here, such as the engagement ceremony.

Therefore, Su Jin chose to hold the engagement ceremony and the engagement banquet here.

After they arrived, the surroundings were very quiet because the media was not in attendance. Only the servants of the royal family lined up in a row and greeted them respectfully by the car.

Su Jin held Tang Xiaowei's hand once again, then they got out of the car together, and walked into the hotel.

Tang Xiaowei looked around. The place was very luxurious, beautiful, and spacious. Thinking that Su Jin had actually planted a bomb in such a place, Tang Xiaowei could not help but walk very lightly.

She was afraid that she would step on a bomb and explode it if she was not careful.

Finally, they entered the hotel.

They took the elevator from the first floor and prepared to go to the 19th floor of the top floor.

Today's engagement ceremony was to be held on the 19th floor.

After entering the elevator, there were only two bodyguards protecting them besides Tang Xiaowei and Su Jin since it was a private elevator.

Tang Xiaowei was extremely nervous.

She really wanted to seize the opportunity to escape today.

However, Su Jin said that there was a bomb planted here. As long as the engagement did not succeed, everyone would have to die with him.

He was mentally ill now, and she did not know if what he said was true or not.

If it was true, she really did not dare to take the risk.

However, she did not want to get engaged with him. What should she do now?

At this moment, the elevator had already reached the 19th floor. The elevator door opened, and Su Jin held her hand and walked out.

After they went out, they immediately saw Su Xiaoqi, a group of beautiful girls, and the maids waiting at the door. After Su Jin held her hand and walked out, before she could react, he then said to her, "It's not time for the ceremony yet. Go to the lounge with them first."

Upon hearing that, Su Xiaoqi immediately rushed over happily and reached out to hold Tang Xiaowei's arm. "Sister Xiaowei, you're finally going to be engaged to my brother. I'm so happy. Let's go; we'll go to the lounge first. We'll come back later to attend the engagement ceremony."

Tang Xiaowei did not want to stay by Su Jin's side any longer, so she nodded and left with Su Xiaoqi and the others.

Su Jin watched as the group of young ladies escorted Tang Xiaowei away, and a faint smile appeared on his face. Then, he instructed the bodyguards beside him, "The two of you, follow them. You must guard the princess well and not allow her to escape. If anything goes wrong, you know the consequences."

When he said the word "princess," his tone and expression were very gentle.

However, the last two sentences were filled with a cold air.

The two bodyguards were so frightened that their bodies turned cold. Then, they hurriedly nodded and followed him.

Su Jin's gaze was attracted by his parents in the distance. Then, he lowered his gaze and walked in that direction.

On the other side.

After Tang Xiaowei was brought to the lounge by Su Xiaoqi, only the two maids and a few young and beautiful girls followed her in. The rest of the people, including the two bodyguards that Su Jin called over, were guarding outside.

Tang Xiaowei sat on the chair and began to ponder over how she should plan to escape without hurting anyone.

Hence, she thought of Su Xiaoqi.

After all, Su Xiaoqi was Su Jin's younger sister. There was no way Su Jin would hurt his younger sister, right.

With this thought in mind, she looked up at Su Xiaoqi and asked her seriously, "Xiaoqi, I have something to tell you. After you hear this, you must help me, okay?"

"Sister Xiaowei, tell me, as long as I can help, I will definitely help. Moreover, these young sisters will also help. By the way, you've met this Su Rou before. She's my cousin. She used to have a very bad friend named Wei Xi who took advantage of heri. Now, she no longer associates with Wei Xi. She also knows her mistake and has always wanted to apologize to you in person."

After Su Xiaoqi finished speaking, she pushed Su Rou forward.

Su rou looked at Tang Xiaowei embarrassedly and said, "Xiaowei, I'm sorry. I was deceived by Wei Xi, so I followed her to scold you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's all in the past. Don't mention it. I've forgotten about it." Tang Xiaowei also remembered Su Rou. She was Su Xiaoqi's cousin and Su Jin's cousin.

"Xiaowei, it's great that you can forgive me. I've always felt sorry for you because of this matter. Fortunately, I finally got the chance to apologize to you today." Su Rou smiled. She really wanted to apologize, however, she hadn't been able to see Tang Xiaowei during this period of time, so she had been dragging it out.

What Tang Xiaowei wanted to say the most right now wasn't a simple question of apology. After all, she had forgotten about this matter.

She hurriedly changed the topic. "Xiaoqi, I have something to tell you in private. Come with me to the bathroom."

There was also a bathroom in this lounge. If she spoke there, nobody could eavesdrop, so Tang Xiaowei planned to go there and tell Su Xiaoqi about her matter.

Su Xiaoqi had been good to her from the start. She believed that Su Xiaoqi would definitely help her.

Although Tang Xiaowei's suggestion was very strange, no one thought much about it. Su Xiaoqi immediately agreed with a smile. Then, she got up and walked into the bathroom with Tang Xiaowei.

After walking in, Tang Xiaowei closed the door and immediately grabbed Su Xiaoqi's hand, telling her about her situation. Finally, she asked Su Xiaoqi seriously, "Xiaoqi, I was really forced by your brother. He even said that he planted a bomb here. I hope you can help me. Go and tell your parents quietly, and then ask them to send someone to see if there's really a bomb here. I really don't want to be with your brother, but I'm afraid that we'll all die together. So, please help me and tell your parents, okay?"

Su Xiaoqi did not expect that she would like sister Xiaowei but not her brother. Moreover, sister Xiaowei was forced by her brother to get engaged this time.

Su Xiaoqi had been saved by Tang Xiaowei before, so she certainly did not want to harm Tang Xiaowei.

Although she loved her brother very much and hoped that her brother could find happiness.

However, she naturally hoped that Tang Xiaowei was willing to do all of this and not forced to do so.

She nodded with some disappointment and sadness. "Sister Xiaowei, I actually really hope that you can be my sister-in-law. However, this kind of thing can only depend on fate. It seems that I will not have the chance to call you sister-in-law, so I can only call you sister."