Chapter 439: Su Jin, don't force him

Judging from Su Jin's tone, he had completely taken Huangfu Qiye as her ex-boyfriend. Did this mean that Su Jin did not notice Ling Yijue?

Tang Xiaowei could not figure it out, but at the same time, she was scared. She did not dare to see Huangfu Qiye.

After being pushed out of the car by him that day, she already felt that it was the last time they would ever meet.

She even thought that he must have hated her very much, so that day was definitely the last time they met. But now, Su Jin said that Huangfu Qiye was here.

"He's here? Are you sure?" She could not believe it.

She could not care less about the part of her arm that was hurt by Su Jin. She only wanted to know if Huangfu Qiye was really here.

If it was true, she had to get Huangfu Qiye to leave this place immediately. Otherwise, if Su Jin, this madman, really planted a bomb here, not only would everyone die, Huangfu Qiye would also die.

"What's wrong? Are you excited to hear that he's here?" Su Jin seemed to have split his personality. His eyes were filled with jealousy and his tone was mocking.

"Su Jin, don't do this anymore. Let me go now. My hand is hurting from your grip." Tang Xiaowei knew that Su Jin probably hated to hear about Huangfu Qiye, so she did not dare to mention Huangfu Qiye again. She began to change the topic.

Upon hearing this, Su Jin was stunned for a moment. Then, Tang Xiaowei began to feel that Su Jin's hand on her arm was slowly relaxing.

She no longer felt any pain from the wound that was still in pain just a moment ago.

However, just as Tang Xiaowei took a breath, Su Jin held her hand again. This time, he chose a spot that was not bandaged and walked out. "Go out. Tell him yourself that you don't love him anymore. Tell him to get lost."

Tang Xiaowei struggled to not go out. She was still waiting for Su Xiaoqi's news. If Su Xiaoqi went to tell the queen about it, the queen would definitely be worried about everyone's safety. She would definitely send someone to check if there was really a bomb buried here.

If there was no bomb buried, Tang Xiaowei would not want to be controlled by Su Jin like this anymore.

"I'm not going out. I'm very tired now. I want to rest here." She reached out and grabbed the door frame, unwilling to be pulled out by Su Jin.

However, Su Jin was very insistent. "No, you have to get rid of him immediately. Otherwise, he will disturb our engagement ceremony."

"I'm not going. If you want to chase him away, you can do it yourself." Tang Xiaowei did not care what he said, but she refused to nod her head.

Upon hearing that, Su Jin was stunned. His smile became strange. "Xiaowei, do you really want to see me chase him away personally? If I go there myself, I'll have everyone in the hotel disperse and lure him in on purpose. I'll say that you're waiting for him inside, then I'll detonate the bomb and let him die here and be blown to pieces."

He spoke very slowly, and the scene his words described seemed to have evolved in front of Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei felt a chill run down her spine when she thought of that scene.

Su Jin, has he really gone mad?

How dare he threaten her like that.

She did not dare to gamble with him. Anyone who gambled with this mentally ill person would undoubtedly lose.

She finally let go of her hand and said coldly, "Alright, I promise you. I'll chase him away."

"I have a request. You have to treat him as coldly as you can and say that you don't love him. No matter what he asks you, you have to answer him in the cruelest way possible." Su Jin began to make his request in a sinister manner.

"Su Jin, don't force him too much. How can you bully someone like that?" Tang Xiaowei glared at Su Jin angrily.

If it weren't for the fact that the timing and location weren't right, she would have slapped him a few times.

"So, you want to see me use the previous plan to lure him in?" Su Jin ignored her grievance and anger. His tone of reply was still as sinister as ever.

Tang Xiaowei realized that she really couldn't look at Su Jin the way she did before.

Even now, Su Jin would still act normal once in a while. However, most of the time, he was either doing it intentionally or he was completely sick.

He only wanted to control her like a sick person, to control her freedom of life and her mental state.

She felt that he was too terrifying.

At the same time, what he did was really infuriating.

He clearly looked very clear-headed, yet he had to do such extreme things.

She looked at him coldly and said, "Alright, I promise you, I'll chase him away. But you mustn't trick him into coming here, and you mustn't hurt him either. You're not allowed to lay a hand on him until he leaves K nation."

"You really care about him a lot." Su Jin's attention was on whether she cared about Huangfu Qiye or not.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment before she smiled bitterly in her heart.

Of course, she cared about Huangfu Qiye. However, they were not suitable to be together at the moment. Even if she cared, it would be useless.

"Go out." Su Jin did not force her anymore. He held her hand and walked out.

This time, Tang Xiaowei did not dare to struggle or refuse. She could only stiffly follow Su Jin out of the lounge.

She really did not want to kill anyone else, much less Huangfu Qiye.

Although she wanted to leave, it had to be with Ah Jue, Yuyan, and the Little Milk Bun instead of Huangfu Qiye.

Since she had already chosen to let go, she would not provoke Huangfu Qiye anymore. However, now that he had suddenly arrived, he might be hurt because of her. In order to protect his safety, she could only make him leave.

She followed Su Jin in silence and soon arrived at the venue where the engagement ceremony was about to take place.

The place was decorated in a very romantic and beautiful manner, surrounded by flowers and balloons. White chairs and dining tables filled the entire hall, and many people dressed luxuriously were chatting in low voices.

Meanwhile, Tang Xiaowei spotted a very conspicuous spot at a glance. Huangfu Qiye was indeed there.

She stopped in her tracks and looked at him from afar.

What was he thinking? Why did he come over?

He was so angry when he left earlier that she thought he had returned to the country.

When she was looking at Huangfu Qiye, he was also looking at her.

Huangfu Qiye woke up an hour ago. He was drunk, so he slept for a long time.

When he woke up an hour ago and heard the details Yuan Qi had analyzed for him, he suddenly realized that maybe Tang Xiaowei really lied to him. The child was very likely to be his, but Tang Xiaowei might have some difficulties. That was why she didn't tell him.

Therefore, he immediately forgot the pain and anger from before. Then, he took a shower and changed his clothes before he rushed to the villa where Tang Xiaowei lived.

However, the villa had long been empty, and Tang Xiaowei was nowhere to be seen. It was also impossible for him to see that so-called child.

He recalled that Tang Xiaowei was going to be engaged to Su Jin today, so he rushed over immediately. He came over only to stop them from getting engaged.