Chapter 462: On the cruise ship

Because he didn't want such a cute and innocent girl to be taught by Huangfu Haoming to be a vain and disgusting person.

After that, he spent a long time to strengthen himself, and then gradually forgot about Tang Xiaowei.

Until his grandmother was seriously ill, and she said she wanted to see him get married and have children.

Then he thought of Tang Xiaowei.

However, because he hadn't seen her for many years, he had no feelings for her. At that time, because he had experienced too much, his personality was cold and irritable. He only remembered that she was the girl he had once saved and then given to the Tang family to raise. His feelings for her had long faded.

Who knew that the more he got along with her, the more he could not help but fall in love with her.

At the same time, the substitute Huangfu Yuner that he had randomly found back then had been taught to be inhumane by Huangfu Haoming, this old fogey. He had actually caused him and Tang Xiaowei to become like this.

If he had known earlier, he would not have brought Huangfu Yuner into the Huangfu family to be Tang Xiaowei's substitute. Otherwise, Huangfu Yuner would not have had the right to appear beside them and hurt Tang Xiaowei.

At that time, in the basement of France, when they were trapped together, Tang Xiaowei had confessed to him.

He could not describe how happy he was.

However, Huangfu Yuner, this b*tch, actually attacked Xiaowei.

When Huangfu Qiye thought of this, his eyes were filled with ferocity.

A day later, if Huangfu Yuner dared to appear, he would definitely make her life a living hell!


After her ankle was injured, Tang Xiaowei did not go out again.

Fortunately, Ling Yijue bought a lot of vegetables for her that day. She and Xiao Anan did not go out for the past two days and just rested at home. There was enough food to eat.

Therefore, she had been resting for the past two days.

It was not until that night that Ah Jue finally found out that Huangfu Yuner would be going on a cruise ship tonight to participate in gambling.

At dusk, the time was only around five o'clock.

Tang Xiaowei could not bring her child with her. After all, that kind of place was still quite dangerous.

She could only ask Xiao Bai from the shop to help watch over An An. Ling Yijue was worried, so he asked Willam to stay behind and instructed him to protect An An.

Willam and Xiao Bai nodded vigorously, saying that they would help take care of An An and let them go out at ease. However, Willam knew the real situation, but Xiao Bai thought that Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue were going out to socialise, so he looked at them with a smile.

As for Xiao Anan, he was especially nervous because he knew that his mother might not be home tonight, but someone else would accompany him.

Ever since he grew up, for as long as he could remember, his mother had never left him.

Even though he had grown up and slept alone in the children's room, his mother would stay at home with him every night. Sometimes, when he woke up, he would walk to his mother's room with a small pillow. He could still see his sleeping mother.

But today, he knew that if he woke up in the middle of the night, he would definitely not be able to see his mother. He would be very afraid.

He hugged Tang Xiaowei's thigh and said, "Mom, where are you going? I want to go with you."

Tang Xiaowei could not tell Xiao Anan that she wanted to avenge Xiao Anan's unborn child. She did not know if it was her brother or sister.

She really could not let go of this hatred.

Why could Huangfu Yuner get away with killing her child?

After so many years, the more time passed, the deeper her hatred became.

Other hatred could be diluted, but for this hatred, she definitely had to take revenge.

That unborn child didn't do anything wrong. Since Huangfu Yuner dared to harm her child, she had to take revenge now.

"An An, mommy really has something to do today. You have to be good. Mommy will come back as soon as possible." Tang Xiaowei squatted down, hugged her son, and comforted him.

Xiao Anan shook his head in confusion. "Mommy, I'm scared. I'm scared that you won't come back after you leave."

"Little fool, mommy loves you so much. How could she not come back?" Tang Xiaowei held the little guy's face and kissed it. She said gently, "Mommy is an *****, so there are some ***** matters that need to be dealt with. Look, Mommy has been at home with you for the past two days and hasn't gone out to do anything. That's why Mommy is going out tonight. Do you understand?"

Xiao Anan bit his lips, although he still didn't quite understand.

But thinking about it, mommy had indeed been at home with him for the past two days.

Moreover, his mother was an *****, and she indeed had things that an ***** needed to do. He could not be a bad child. He had to listen to his mother, or else his mother would be angry or sad, and he would also be sad.

"Alright then, I will obediently wait at home for my mother to come back." Xiao Anan could only nod and agree.

Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief and kissed the little guy again. Then, she stood up and said to Xiao Bai and Willam, "An An will be in your hands. I will come back as soon as possible."

"Yes, boss. Don't worry." Xiao Bai immediately smiled and nodded.

Willam also nodded solemnly. "Missy, please rest assured. I'll definitely protect young master well."

Willam's words made Xiao Bai, who was next to him, a little surprised. Xiao Bai looked at Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue, but there was not much time left. Tang Xiaowei did not explain much and turned around to leave with Ling Yijue.

After they left, Xiao Anan reluctantly walked to the French window and leaned on the glass to look outside.

Xiao Bai also hurriedly followed him and looked at him worriedly.

Willam closed the door and looked around the room. After he felt that everything was fine, he stood in the living room like a statue.


On this side, after Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue got into the car at the door, the car directly drove them to the seaside.

The seaside was very lively at that moment. A group of men and women dressed in gorgeous clothes were walking towards a very large cruise ship.

Tang Xiaowei's ankle, which had been injured when she sprained it, was much better. She could walk naturally, but there was still some pain.

However, these were things that she could endure.

After Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue went over, Ling Yijue took out the invitation card and showed it to the security guard. The guard smiled and nodded his head in an inviting gesture. Only then did Ling Yijue and Tang Xiaowei walk in together.

It was still early at this time. The cruise ship had no plans to leave, and Huangfu Yuner should not have arrived yet.

Therefore, after boarding the cruise ship, Ling Yijue only had one invitation card, and only those who had an invitation card could have their own room on this cruise ship.

Men could bring women up with an invitation card, and they could only bring two at most. Women generally did not need an invitation card, but they needed a man to bring them up.

This time, Tang Xiaowei pretended to be Ling Yijue's female companion.

Because he was the only one who had an invitation card, there was only one room. Before Huangfu Yuner came, Tang Xiaowei did not want to waste her energy outside, so she let Ling Yijue and herself find the room assigned to him.