Chapter 460: I feel like I'm in love with him

When Tang Xiaowei recovered from her shock, he had already carried her out of the restaurant and arrived in front of the car.

Since she was already here, she couldn't say anything else.

Initially, she thought that he would come to pick her up again only to help her up. She didn't expect that it would be a standard princess hug.

When they arrived in front of the car, he opened the car door and let her down. He helped her get into the car.

After she got into the car, he got into the car again and instructed Willam to drive the car to the nearest hospital.

As soon as Tang Xiaowei got into the car, Xiao Anan, who was sitting next to her, crawled into her arms in fear. "Mom, I'm afraid that you'll get sick. Don't get sick."

"Silly, mom isn't sick. Don't be afraid." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly pulled her son into her arms to comfort him.

An An had always been the closest to her since he was young, so he couldn't bear to be apart from her.

When she was sick in the past, An An would always be very afraid, afraid of losing her.

Therefore, she had always been very careful to take care of herself and An An. She didn't want to and didn't dare to let herself get sick, to prevent An An from getting scared.

Today, she did not pay attention, or else she would not have been pushed away by Huangfu Qiye when she sprained her ankle.

But the way it was...

Oh, man.

She sighed, unwilling to think about what had just happened.

Huangfu Qiye no longer loved her. Even if she told him, the truth was meaningless.

His attitude just said it all, and she really couldn't hope to go on.


After she went to the hospital, the doctor took a look at her and said that it was not very serious, but she still had to rest well in the next few days and try not to touch the wound. After he applied some medicine and bandaged her wound, Ling Yijue sent her and An An back home.

After sending the mother and son home.

After Tang Xiaowei returned home, it wasn't convenient for her to take care of An An. However, she still gave him a bath and settled the child. After the child fell asleep, she was so tired that she fell to the ground. Her ankle was still stinging.

She was too lazy to take a bath and sat weakly on the carpet with her back leaning against the sofa. The lights in the room were very bright. She was afraid of the dark and had always been afraid of it. Therefore, she was in a low mood today and didn't dare to turn off the lights.

Beside her was a blue and white photo album.

Over the past three years, there were a few times when she could not help but flip through this photo album.

Every time she thought about how amazing he was, she could not help but flip through it.

The photo album was filled with photos of her and him on the private island for the past three days.

There were photos that she asked him to pose with her, and there were also photos that he asked Yuan Qi to secretly take. Every single one of them showed that they were very happy at that time.

Every time she looked at them, her heart would ache and tears would flow down her face.

And today, she was very clear that his attitude showed everything. Even after three years, it was impossible for them to be together.

She flipped through the photo album for the last time, then stood up, locked the photo album in the box, and put the box into the depths of the cabinet.

Perhaps, she would never have the chance to open it again.

If she didn't look at it again, her heart wouldn't ache anymore.

Was that photo album of his still there?


Huangfu Qiye felt that if he continued to stay in that restaurant, he would suffocate.

Therefore, after leaving the washroom, he left the restaurant directly.

Wang Lu, who had come with him to discuss business, saw this and hurriedly chased after him.

Unfortunately, she was stopped by the waiter with a smile. He said that she hadn't paid the bill yet and asked her to pay before leaving.

Wang Lu had no choice but to pay the bill in a hurry. However, when she ran out of the restaurant after paying the bill, she found that Huangfu Qiye and his car were long gone.

She didn't see him at all.

"What? He didn't even wait for me." Wang Lu stomped her feet in anger. Then, she held her bag and waved for a taxi to rush to Huangfu Qiye's hotel.

In order to hook up with Huangfu Qiye today, she didn't even call her own driver and car.

She didn't expect that she would have to take a taxi now.

However, she didn't want to go home. She wanted to go to Huangfu Qiye's hotel. Because her father had given her the business deal, she had almost finished it. Therefore, she didn't have many chances to see Huangfu Qiye in the future.

Therefore, tonight, she had to hook up with him before he left the city.

Wang Lu had heard about Huangfu Qiye's identity from her father.

At first, when she heard that his father would have a business emperor come to the city to discuss business, he wanted his daughter, Wang Lu, to meet the emperor.

Wang Lu had been raised as a little princess by her family since she was young. It had always been others who fawned on her. When had she ever fawned on someone? She felt that her father's words were too exaggerated and she did not want to meet anyone.

However, when her father fiercely brought her along to meet Huangfu Qiye, she realised that there was actually such a handsome young man in this world, and that the other party was even richer than her family.

At that time, she was immediately attracted to Huangfu Qiye. In less than a few seconds, she felt that she had fallen in love with him.

Therefore, she asked her father to hand over the business to her, and she came alone to discuss business with Huangfu Qiye, including courting him.

However, in the past few days, the business was almost done. In order to curry favor with Huangfu Qiye, she even deliberately offered many conditions that were beneficial to him, and signed a contract that would not be of much help to her family's company.

She did all of this so that she could be his girlfriend, or even marry him.

She had already heard from her father that the Huangfu family was the most powerful wealthy family in the country at present. The Wang family, for example, was like an ant in the eyes of the Huangfu family. She did not know why Huangfu Qiye would suddenly come to the Wang family for business.

But no matter what Huangfu Qiye thought, as long as Wang Lu could hook up with Huangfu Qiye, it was good enough.

As long as Wang Lu married into the Huangfu family in the future, her life would definitely be much better than it was now.

Wang Lu felt that she was not doing it for money. She truly liked Huangfu Qiye, so she would never give up.

Soon, the taxi was at the entrance of the hotel where Huangfu Qiye was staying the day before.

After paying the fare, Wang Lu hurriedly walked into the hotel in ten-centimeter high heels.

However, when she asked the hotel front desk clerk which room Huangfu Qiye was staying in, the front desk clerk smiled and answered firmly, "I'm sorry, Miss. We can't casually tell you about our guests. If you are a friend of Mr. Huangfu, you can call him and ask him to come down and pick you up."

"You mean he has come back, right?" Wang Lu frowned and looked at the receptionist disdainfully.

She had never been ignored by such a person, so at this moment, she hated this receptionist girl very much and glared at her fiercely.

"I'm sorry, we can't say anything." The receptionist girl naturally felt that the other party's gaze was not friendly, but she still tried her best to smile and maintain her attitude.