Chapter 467: Win

They had met in a guild hall, and the two of them had become best friends as soon as they met.

She remembered that Wang Lu had said that she would come today.

Therefore, she had to hold back and ask Wang Lu to borrow some money from her. Otherwise, it would be terrible if she ran out of money.

However, she could not leave now, so she thought of Eric and patted his arm unhappily "Eric, go and find Wang Lu for me, and tell her that I need her help with something, and then ask her to come here."

Eric was thinking about Wang Lu, and it was very quiet here. He was suddenly patted hard, and then ordered by Huangfu Yuner.

Eric immediately felt very embarrassed, especially when the people around him looked at him as if he was a gigolo. This made him very unhappy.

But he didn't dare to refuse and could only nod. "Okay, I'll go find Miss Wang now."

Eric lowered his head slightly, and his tone was still respectful, but Huangfu Yuner didn't see the scheming in his eyes.

Since Huangfu Yuner looked like she was no longer a threat, then he would go find Wang Lu and never come back.

Then, he would see how Huangfu Yuner would be chased away!

"Go, I'll give you 10 minutes, no, I'll give you five minutes!" Huangfu Yuner urged him coldly, looking very impatient.

After all, Eric looked like Huangfu Qiye because of plastic surgery. Therefore, although Huangfu Yuner loved Huangfu Qiye, she couldn't be gentle to Eric who looked like Huangfu Qiye.

Eric nodded repeatedly and left respectfully.

However, Huangfu Yuner didn't notice that after Eric left and turned his back to her, his face revealed a sinister smile.

He had decided that after he left, he would never come back.

After finding Wang Lu, Wang Lu would be his master from now on.

That Wang Lu looked more gentle than Huangfu Yuner.

Although they were not good people, Wang Lu was at least not as vicious as Huangfu Yuner.

Huangfu Yuner did not know that her plaything had betrayed her, so she did not have the spare time to observe Eric's expression after he left.

At this moment, she was staring at the cards in front of her.

Soon, 17 times had passed, but she had not won a single time. These 17 times, the man opposite her had won calmly and silently.

At first, the people around thought that the man opposite her was a fool to agree to such a method.

But at this moment, they realized that the man opposite her was actually a hidden expert.

So, the people around them actually started to bet, ready to bet on who would win.

Huangfu Yuner was extremely nervous, but this time, she was outnumbered. The last person beside her, Eric, had been sent away by her. She originally had a bodyguard, but when she had just boarded the cruise ship, she felt that bringing a bodyguard would affect the mood. She felt that the cruise ship should be very safe, so she did not bring him with her. Therefore, at this moment, she could be considered to be alone. Because of this, she did not have the right to yell at the people around her.

She could only endure it. At the same time, she secretly begged the heavens to let her win once, or else she would really be penniless.

And the scene downstairs had been completely captured by Tang Xiaowei's eyes.

She naturally saw the man who looked like Huangfu Qiye just now being called away by Huangfu Yuner. Tang Xiaowei knew that the man was going to look for a person called Wang Lu.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know that the woman she saw that day eating and discussing business with Huangfu Qiye was called Wang Lu, so she began to wonder if the person Huangfu Yuner was looking for was actually her helper.

Just as she was about to stand up and follow him to check out the situation, Ling Yijue, who was next to her, said, "I've already sent someone to follow that person. Don't worry, keep watching."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei thanked him and then continued to look at Huangfu Yuner, who was downstairs.

The gambling match was coming to an end.

This was the last round.

Tang Xiaowei believed that the gambling expert she had hired would definitely win. She had spent all the money she had earned in the past few months to hire this man.

Moreover, she had just heard Huangfu Yuner say that she only had 20% of the shares in her hands. In a while, the 20% of the shares that belonged to the Shangguan family would be in her hands.

She had previously checked and found that the Shangguan family's group was on the verge of collapse. This 20% of the shares might sound like a lot, but in fact, it was not much money a year.

Moreover, of the remaining 80% of the shares, more than 20% were in the hands of others, while the remaining 50% was in the hands of Huangfu Haoming.

For the time being, Tang Xiaowei had other ways to get the 20% of the shares in the hands of others. Then, she could take back what belonged to the Shangguan family.

This Huangfu Yuner had replaced her and also enjoyed the assets of the Shangguan family. Moreover, she had given so much of the Shangguan family's assets to Huangfu Haoming. Just thinking about it made Tang Xiaowei angry.

At that moment, she suddenly heard a scream and a whooshing sound coming from downstairs.

She had been so engrossed in her thoughts that she had not noticed what was being said in the earpiece.

At this moment, she could only look at Ling Yijue beside her. "What's the result?"

Ling Yijue smiled at her. "I've already won."

Although Tang Xiaowei knew that this gambling professional was very powerful, she did not expect that he could actually win 20 times in one go.

She was really relieved.

She took off the earpiece and stood up. Ling Yijue also stood up and the two of them walked to the room they were in before.

Not long after, the gambling star who had enjoyed a great show downstairs came knocking on the door.

After opening the door, he took out a temporary agreement with a signature and handprint on it. He handed the agreement to Tang Xiaowei and said calmly, "Everything has been done. Happy working with you."

Tang Xiaowei took the agreement and shook his hand. She smiled and said, "Happy working with you. Thank you."

"I just played with those idiots and got the money. Remember to contact me next time for such an easy thing." The man smiled slightly and then walked out. "Bye."

"Okay, bye."

Tang Xiaowei had already paid all the money to the gambling star.

So now that the agreement was in her hands, the deal was completed.

Ling Yijue patted her shoulder and said, "Take a look at the things on the agreement first. I'll go out for a while."

Tang Xiaowei was very concerned about the agreement at the moment, so she nodded.

Seeing that she had easily gotten the agreement, Ling Yijue also smiled.

After he went out, he helped her close the door, then walked around a corner and saw the gambling star.