Chapter 464: I am his master

She was still in love with Huangfu Qiye, but she knew that she could not get Huangfu Qiye, so she could only find other men to comfort her.

Her current man was called Eric. Originally, he only looked a bit like Huangfu Qiye, but now he looked like a five. Naturally, the reason was that she had asked Eric to have plastic surgery.

At this moment, the two had just kissed. She hugged Eric's neck in satisfaction and arrogantly ordered, "It seems to have started over there. Carry me over. I must have a good time today."

"Okay." Eric smiled gently and carried her up, walking towards the casino. In his lowered eyes, there was a coldness that Huangfu Yuner did not notice.

When the two of them arrived at the casino, Huangfu Yuner looked at the circle outside with disgust and said, "Go to the table in the middle."

Eric, who was carrying her, hurriedly said, "The stakes at that table are very high."

Huangfu Yuner sneered and glared at Eric with dissatisfaction. "Do you think I can't afford it?"

Huangfu Yuner hated it when people around her didn't listen to her. If it weren't for the fact that Eric looked like her brother Huangfu after the plastic surgery, she wouldn't have kept Eric by her side for so long.

Eric didn't dare to say anything more after being yelled at by her. He could only carry her to the table in the middle.

There were only three guests at the table, and it was obvious that they were men of extraordinary status. Behind them stood bodyguards, carrying a seductive beauty in their arms.

Seeing that Huangfu Yuner was being carried over by a handsome man, no one knew who they were, so they asked Eric, "How do I address this gentleman?"

Eric was about to answer, but Huangfu Yuner said coldly, "It's not him who wants to gamble, it's me. I'm his master."

After she finished speaking arrogantly, she didn't care how embarrassed Eric was, and gently jumped out of Eric's arms. Although Eric felt uncomfortable in his heart, he was very unhappy that she said he was just a servant in front of so many people. He still hurriedly pulled out a chair for her.

Huangfu Yuner also sat down, looking high and mighty.

When the few men who were ready to gamble saw this, although they didn't know who Huangfu Yuner was, seeing how arrogant she was, they knew that the man just now was indeed just a servant.

This woman was the real person who wanted to gamble.

Therefore, the few men greeted Huangfu Yuner.

Very soon, Huangfu Yuner said impatiently, "Let's start, don't talk nonsense."

"Alright, let's begin then." At that moment, a man sitting across from Huangfu Yuner with a gloomy expression also spoke. His gaze swept across Huangfu Yuner and sneered.

He was currently a very famous gambling star. However, sometimes, not only did he like to gamble, he would also occasionally take business deals to help others gamble.

Today, he had received a business deal from a beautiful lady. Tonight, he had to make sure that the woman sitting across from him would lose all her money.

Since it was about to start, then it was time for the good show to begin!


Almost everyone downstairs started gambling.

The people on the second floor didn't want to gamble, but most of them were eating, drinking, and having fun.

Tang Xiaowei's gaze was fixed on the table downstairs where Huangfu Yuner was gambling.

She had headphones on her ears, so she could hear the words of everyone at the table where she had bribed the gambling star.

Therefore, she knew that things were going well.

Huangfu Yuner had won a lot of money from the start. She was very happy. She felt that her luck was good, so she kept betting.

After a few rounds, her good luck seemed to have run out. She had lost all the money she had won. Not only that, she had lost even more than before.

She was even more unwilling to leave, so she bragged. Even if she had to stay up all night tonight, she would win back all her money, and she would make sure that everyone in the table lost everything.

When she heard this, Tang Xiaowei also heard the gambling star's disdainful sneer.

Tang Xiaowei also sneered.

Huangfu Yuner was an idiot. She had met her and the gambling star today, so she was simply looking for a beating.

Want to win?

Want to let others lose everything?

Maybe it wasn't even daybreak, but she should have lost everything and been chased off the cruise ship!

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaowei felt a little better.

When hating someone, hating them to the point of wanting them to die, it wasn't to give them a quick stab.

It was to make her lose all the pride she had, and then strike her hard, watching her suffer a fate worse than death. This was the most basic form of revenge.

Tang Xiaowei knew that the Shangguan family had a lot of wealth. Although she didn't know how much had been wasted by Huangfu Haoming and Huangfu Yuner, it was impossible to win it all back in a short period of time.

Over the years, Huangfu Yuner and Huangfu Haoming had been able to live well with Huangfu Haoming after Huangfu Qiye had taken him away. It was probably because the Shangguan family's money was supporting them.

So, she withdrew her gaze and stopped staring downstairs. She closed her eyes and listened to their voices downstairs.

The voices downstairs kept coming into her ears through her earphones.

Ling Yijue had been sitting opposite her the whole time. He was very silent. He knew what Xiaowei had done tonight. Although he felt that she was too calm and gentle, he had no intention of making a move.

Since Xiaowei wanted to take revenge like this, he would listen to her.

He would help her when this method was not feasible.

At this moment, when he saw Tang Xiaowei close her eyes, he knew that she was not asleep and was still listening to the sounds coming from the table downstairs because he was also wearing earphones.

It was very quiet on their side.

At this moment, in another corner on the second floor, the light was even dimmer.

Huangfu Qiye coughed lightly. Although he had taken medicine after catching a cold that night, he did not feel better.

He did not like going to the hospital and did not call the doctor over to take a look. He only asked Yuan Qi to buy medicine for him. However, the medicine did not have much use and his cold was still not cured.

At this moment, he was staring at Tang Xiaowei.

He had just arrived. The cruise ship only started to move after he got on the cruise ship.

However, this cruise ship did not belong to him. The owner of this cruise ship was very mysterious, and he could not find out who it was.

Therefore, he spent a lot of time carefully arranging his own people around the cruise ship.

He planned to capture Huangfu Yuner as soon as he saw her after he got on the cruise ship. This way, even if it would cause panic on the cruise ship, he was not afraid since he had people with him.

However, he never expected Tang Xiaowei to appear on the cruise ship.