Chapter 475: "Will you always treat me like this in the future? "?

She did not speak, but bit her lips hard.

Huangfu Qiye was originally smiling, but when he saw her like this, his heart hurt.

He immediately stopped smiling, reached out and pulled her out of the bed, and hugged her tightly. His tone became serious. "Don't let your imagination run wild. I'm just too happy, and I think you're too reckless and cute to smile. After all, shouldn't I be the one to ask for marriage? Don't worry. You can only marry me for the rest of your life. I'll kill whoever you marry other than me. Do you understand what I mean?"

Tang Xiaowei's heart had just been hung in the air by him. It hurt and panicked.

At this moment, after hearing his words, she felt as if fireworks were exploding in her heart. The sweet feeling kept spreading.

"You scared me to death just now. I thought you wanted to mock me." She sobbed and wiped away her tears.

Huangfu Qiye's heart was filled with heartache. "Silly, why would I mock you? I did that in the past because of jealousy and resentment. Now that you're mine, should I still be jealous of myself?"

"But I still feel so insecure. It feels like I'm dreaming." Tang Xiaowei had this feeling, and it was very deep.

After all, ever since they got together, there had always been a lot of misunderstandings and unnecessary meetings.

At this moment, being able to talk things out and hug each other like this felt like a dream to her.

"From now on, we'll be together every day and never be apart." Huangfu Qiye took the opportunity to bring up what he was thinking.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know what he was thinking. She only felt that his words were quite enticing, so she nodded.

She naturally didn't want to separate from him, so they could be together every day from now on.

Huangfu Qiye lowered his head and kissed her.

The night was still long.


The next day, when Tang Xiaowei woke up, it was already noon.

The gentle sunlight shone into the room.

She sat up and found that she was the only one in the room, so she put on her clothes and prepared to get out of bed.

However, she soon found that she was not feeling well.

Her face was slightly red as she remembered what happened last night.

When Huangfu Qiye came in with lunch, he saw her sitting on the bed with her head lowered, doing something unknown.

"What's wrong?" Huangfu Qiye put down the food and sat next to her. He put his arm around her waist.

Tang Xiaowei was slightly shocked when she heard his voice.

She hurriedly shook her head. "Nothing."

"Are you hungry? I've prepared lunch for you. If you're hungry, eat it first." He saw that she was smiling. She should be fine, so he got up and brought the food over, ready to feed her.

Tang Xiaowei was nervous. "I haven't washed my face and brushed my teeth yet."

"Okay, then I'll carry you over to wash your face and brush your teeth first." Huangfu Qiye had no choice but to put down the food and bent over to carry her.

She felt very embarrassed, but she knew that she wanted to walk to the bathroom at this moment. The way she walked would definitely be very strange, so she could only reach out to hug his neck and obediently let him hug her.

Huangfu Qiye easily carried her up and walked to the bathroom.

However, he found that she was very quiet and her face was very red. His black eyes deepened.

"Why is your face so red? Are you sick?"

Hearing his voice, Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment. Then, she reached out to touch her face a few times. "It's nothing. I probably slept for too long."

"Well, it has indeed been a long time," he said with a double meaning. After he finished speaking, he lowered his head to look at her. When their gaze met, the air seemed to become ambiguous.

Her face became even redder.

"I didn't say that." She understood what he meant and suddenly felt very shy. After anxiously explaining, she wanted to escape from his embrace.

However, Huangfu Qiye hugged her very tightly and warned her in a deep voice, "Don't move, or else we won't be able to see An An today."

Only then did Tang Xiaowei remember that she had escaped from the cruise ship with Huangfu Qiye. At that time, the situation was urgent, so she forgot to tell Ling Yijue, who had boarded the cruise ship with her. Moreover, An An had been told by her to wait for her to return home on the second floor of the coffee shop. She had to go back as soon as possible.

Now, Ling Yijue could not find her, and she did not know if he had returned.

If he had returned to the coffee shop, he still would not have seen her. After he told An An about this matter, An An would definitely be very afraid.

Thinking of the child, her heart was instantly filled with her thoughts of him.

Her expression also became serious. "Put me down. I will go back to see An An in a while."

Huangfu Qiye had already carried her into the bathroom and put her down. However, seeing that she did not seem to be able to stand steadily, he could only hold her arm. "Don't worry, wash first. I'll go back with you after I eat."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded. Then, she took the toothbrush that he had squeezed the toothpaste for her and started brushing her teeth.

Huangfu Qiye was beside her, holding her and guarding her. His face was full of smiles and his expression was gentle.

Although she was not used to having a man beside her when she washed, Tang Xiaowei still felt very sweet in her heart.

However, in order to go back early to check on her son's condition, she hurriedly washed herself.

However, just as she put down the toothbrush and cup, she suddenly saw a big hand holding a clean towel. Huangfu Qiye gently lifted her chin with one hand and started to wipe the water and foam on her face with the towel in the other.

"Will you always treat me like this in the future?" Tang Xiaowei suddenly thought of how she had become very old. If he could still wipe her face like this, her heart would be tempted.

"Yes, of course." Huangfu Qiye nodded without thinking.

Then, he wiped her face even more carefully.

"You're so handsome today." She suddenly stretched out her hands and gave him a big bear hug.

"You're also very beautiful today." Although Huangfu Qiye was a little caught off guard, he threw the towel away a few seconds later and hugged her tightly.

"I haven't even put on makeup yet." She was happy in her heart, but she was very modest in her words.

"I don't like you putting on makeup. You look very natural and beautiful now." He actually wanted to say that the woman he liked was naturally the most beautiful in the world. So, no matter what other people were like, Tang Xiaowei was the most beautiful in his heart.

"I don't believe it. You've seen so many people, but you only think that I'm beautiful." Tang Xiaowei was quite happy at first, but when she thought of his identity, he had seen so many women. There must be some who were more beautiful than her.

Before they reconciled, she rarely paid attention to such small matters.

But now, she felt that these small matters were very important.

"What does it matter to me whether other people are beautiful or not?" Huangfu Qiye said in a deep voice. He solemnly carried her out and placed her on the sofa He stretched out his hand and flicked her forehead. "I only love you. Didn't I work hard enough last night so that you would feel it?"