Chapter 481: Daddy is an idol

However, he was only a three-year-old child after all. The moment he jumped onto the ground, the man in the couple suddenly reached out his hand, wanting to carry him away.

The couple were human traffickers.

They had just seen Xiao Anan alone here, so of course they wanted to make a move on him.

Initially, they thought that they could easily trick the child into leaving the park with them.

Who knew that the little boy would ignore them and still want to leave? The two human traffickers naturally could not easily let go of such a beautiful and cute little boy.

Thus, they were prepared to use violence to carry the child away.

However, when the man's hand was about to carry Xiao Anan, but before he could touch Xiao Anan, the human trafficker's body was suddenly kicked fiercely by someone. His body flew away and fell to the ground. He groaned in pain, "Ah!"

The sudden arrival of the man frightened the female trafficker.

At the same time, Xiao Anan was also frightened.

He saw with his own eyes that the bad man who was about to catch him was kicked to the ground handsomely.

His eyes suddenly lit up with worship. Looking at the handsome man who suddenly appeared, his mother said that this man was his father.

So, his father was actually so powerful.

He could actually beat the bad guy down in one go.

Xiao Anan suddenly felt that he didn't hate this father so much anymore.

Huangfu Qiye kicked the man who wanted to carry his son to the floor, then tore off the man's tie and tied the hands of the two human traffickers together. He immediately called the police station and explained the current situation. It was very likely that these two people were human traffickers.

After hanging up the phone, he kicked the human traffickers on the ground a few more times. When he saw that the two human traffickers no longer dared to escape, he strode to Xiao Anan, bent down slightly, and picked up the little guy.

"Little brat, it's okay if you don't like me, but you can't make your mother cry. Do you know that you're wrong?" Huangfu Qiye's expression was serious, and his voice was cold.

Xiao Anan had long been attracted by his kick. He no longer hated him so much Instead, he was very excited. "I know I'm wrong. I won't make mommy cry anymore. I'll apologize to mommy when I go back, but Daddy, can you teach me that kind of martial arts? I also want to kick people like this when they bully me."

"What did you call me?" Huangfu Qiye's attention was always alert to everything.

So far, he had just heard Xiao Anan calling him Daddy.

He wanted to hear it again, to be sure.

Xiao Anan was a little embarrassed. "Didn't mommy say that you're my daddy? Then of course I have to call you daddy."

After the little guy started to worship him, his attitude also started to change.

After hearing this, Huangfu Qiye immediately smiled.

He reached out and pinched his son's little face. He was in a great mood. "Yes, I'm your Daddy, and you're my son."

"Then, Daddy, will you teach me?" Xiao Anan now felt that this daddy was actually so good-looking when he smiled. Moreover, the feeling of his daddy hugging him was different from the feeling of his mommy hugging him.

When his mommy hugged him, he was always worried that he would be too heavy, afraid that his mommy would be tired.

However, when his father carried him, he felt that his father was like a huge mountain. Even if he was a little older, his father would definitely be able to carry him.

He could completely do whatever he wanted in his father's arms.

He suddenly felt that it was really good to have a new father.

"When you're older, I'll teach you personally." Huangfu Qiye reached out and tidied up his messy hair, then wiped away his tears Then, he warned, "Don't cry anymore, and don't run away from home. Don't make your mother angry. Otherwise, if you're taken away by bad people outside, I won't come to save you anymore."

"Yes, yes, An An knows. I won't do this again." Xiao Anan nodded hurriedly.

He was willing to listen to anything his idol said.

Huangfu Qiye saw that he had already coaxed the little guy, so he turned to look at the human traffickers.

At this time, a police car came from not far away.

Huangfu Qiye waited for a while, and after the police came to take the couple away, he carried Xiao Anan all the way back.

However, on the way back, he didn't stay idle.

"An An, tell Daddy, when daddy was not with you, did anyone pursue your mother?"

Xiao Anan was already willing to treat Huangfu Qiye as his father, and he even treated him as his idol. So, whenever he asked a question, the little guy would answer.

He thought for a while and said, "I don't think so. Because Mommy rarely goes out, she doesn't like to go out."

After hearing this, Huangfu Qiye was very satisfied. He continued to ask, "There's a man named Ling Yijue. Have you seen him pestering your mother?''

"Dad, is that uncle you're talking about?" Xiao Anan thought for a while before he remembered that his uncle's name was Ling Yijue.

"Uncle?" Huangfu Qiye was stunned when he heard this.

"Yes, grandpa and mom asked me to call him uncle every day." The little guy nodded obediently.

After Huangfu Qiye heard this, he was overjoyed. It turned out that in Ling Shitian and Tang Xiaowei's eyes, Ling Yijue was just like Xiaowei's older brother.

He had really thought too much before.

So that person was the little guy's uncle.

Since it was his uncle, that was good.

Thus, Huangfu Qiye's mood was even better.

After that, he asked about little rascal and Tang Xiaowei's past few years. However, because little rascal was still young, he only remembered some recent events, so he wanted to know something clearer, but he couldn't get anything out of him.

Huangfu Qiye carried the child. Under the night sky, the two of them chatted and laughed as they walked back.

On the way, they met some passersby. All of them stopped and stared at them because of his handsomeness and the child's cuteness.


At that moment, Tang Xiaowei, who was waiting for him at home to bring the child back, was complaining that she was too fierce to the child when she received a phone call.

The phone call was from her good friend Tao Yuyan.

In the past three years, she had often contacted Yuyan and occasionally met her.

This time, she came here to open a coffee shop. At the beginning, Yuyan had also come to visit her.

However, Yuyan had just graduated and was now preparing to start a business.

She opened a coffee shop while Yuyan opened a bookstore.

Yuyan opened a small but romantic bookstore next to the school. She still did not return to the Tao family. In the past few years, she had been earning money for herself.

Part of the money for opening the bookstore was borrowed from Tang Xiaowei, and part of it was earned by herself.

This time, she called and said in a light tone, "Xiaowei, the school here had its summer break a few days ago. My store doesn't have much business. The scenery there is so beautiful. I want to come over and take a look. Are you free?"