Chapter 500: Right now, she's very happy

"I want you to know what I'm thinking. I don't want to see you by my side and feel insecure."

Huangfu Qiye's expression couldn't be more serious.

Although it wasn't a proposal, she was a little disappointed.

However, he said this because he wanted to give her a sense of security. Tang Xiaowei was really touched.

She threw herself into his arms and hugged him. "I'm really at ease now and feel very safe. You don't have to say anything."

"Okay, let's rest." Huangfu Qiye carried her up and prepared to put her on the bed.

Just as he was about to press her down, she hurriedly reached out and pushed his chest. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "You haven't taken a bath yet."

Huangfu Qiye's body froze. Yes, he hadn't taken a bath yet. In order to deal with the aftermath of what had happened in lovers' valley, he had stayed downstairs for a long time.

Also, he had been stained with rain and the smell of other people in lovers' valley.

He really needed to take a shower to wash away the scent of other people on his body.

He immediately stood up. "Wait for me for a while. I'm going to take a shower. I'll be out soon."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Huangfu Qiye immediately got off the bed and quickly walked into the bathroom.

The bathroom door was not closed tightly. Soon, Tang Xiaowei heard the sound of water coming from inside.

She laid lazily on the spacious bed. This room was still the same as before. She had stayed here for a few short days. It turned out that he had not changed his preferences even after such a long time. The feeling that this room gave her was not unfamiliar at all.

When she thought of the room, she naturally thought of him in person.

She had once thought that it was impossible for them to be together anymore.

However, she did not expect that after the two of them had talked it out, they would realize that they loved each other.

She felt that she was a little stupid in the past. She had not taken the initiative to tell him everything.

At the same time, she also felt that he was very childish. If it was not for him being angry and deliberately appearing on the news with another woman, she would definitely have come to him immediately after she recovered and told him the truth.

However, everything was over now. She smiled. In any case, she was very happy now. She did not want to care about the past anymore.

What he had just said made her feel extremely at ease.

She waited for him in bed for a long time. It was almost an hour. She was almost sleepy when he came out of the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of him walking to the bed, she yawned and looked at him with hazy eyes. "Why did you shower for so long? I was almost asleep."

"I want to wash myself clean." He wanted to wash away the smell of blood on his body. Even though he had just killed someone in lovers' valley and his body was not stained with blood, he still felt dirty, so he wanted to wash himself clean.

She was drowsy and did not think much about it. She nodded randomly and said, "I'm so sleepy. Let's just sleep tonight, okay?"

Huangfu Qiye lifted the blanket and lay down beside her. He reached out and hugged her. He felt her lean into his arms and curled up into a ball. He replied in a deep voice, "Okay."

He had insisted on bringing her back from Xiao Anan's room just now, but it wasn't because he wanted to do something. In fact, he couldn't bear to be separated from her anymore, so he had to occupy all of her time every day and night from now on.

Even if it was just sleep, it had to be in his arms.

Tang Xiaowei leaned into his arms, and soon, she became more and more sleepy.

Huangfu Qiye hugged her and closed his eyes. Tonight had been too thrilling and exciting, and it was too tiring.


In the wee hours of the next day, Tang Xiaowei slept soundly because of the commotion last night. However, in the wee hours of the morning, she heard knocking on the door.

She instantly remembered what had happened last night and immediately woke up in shock.

The moment she woke up, she saw Huangfu Qiye get out of bed with a dark face. He strode to the door and opened it with a click. "What's the matter?"

He roared angrily and looked at the person who was knocking on the door.

However, just as he finished shouting, a small ball beside his feet suddenly ran into the room. When it saw Tang Xiaowei, it immediately cried. The little guy began to cry. "Mom, you lied to An An. Didn't you say that you wanted to sleep with me? Why were there a few unfamiliar people in the room when I just woke up?"

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly got out of bed and squatted in front of her son. She reached out to wipe away his tears. "An An, don't cry. Mom came over yesterday because she saw that you slept too deeply. Mom won't do this again in the future. Don't be angry with mom, okay?"

Tang Xiaowei couldn't tell An An that it was because his father was pretending to be pitiful, so she felt sorry for Huangfu Qiye and abandoned An An. If she said that, it would hurt his feelings.

"Okay, then I'll believe mommy. I won't cry anymore." An An obediently stopped crying.

Only then did Tang Xiaowei let out a sigh of relief and hugged An An tightly.

Then, her gaze moved from An An's shoulder to Huangfu Qiye at the door.

Ever since Huangfu Qiye realized that the little guy had rushed into the room, he glared at the servants who had accompanied the little guy and knocked on the door for him before closing the door.

At this moment, he was striding over.

Then, he reached out to pull the little guy out of Tang Xiaowei's arms and looked down at his son.

The little guy also looked at him a little unhappily. "Dad, to think that I treated you as my idol, but how could you compete with me for Mommy?"

There was nothing wrong with Xiao Anan idolizing Huangfu Qiye before.

However, when Huangfu Qiye fought with him for Mommy, the little guy felt really unhappy.

Therefore, he put the matter of his idol aside for a moment.

Huangfu Qiye looked at Xiao Anan, and his lips curled into an ambiguous smile.

Then, just when Tang Xiaowei thought that he was going to teach the child a lesson, Huangfu Qiye looked at Tang Xiaowei and asked her gently, "Are you still sleepy? Do you want to continue sleeping?"

Tang Xiaowei was not sleepy at all now. She was more worried that her man and son would fight.

"I'm not sleepy. But An An is still young. Don't be angry because of his words." She hurriedly spoke for her son, afraid that her son would make him angry.

After all, when Huangfu Qiye was angry, she was actually a little afraid.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to him. Since you don't want to sleep anymore, go to the bathroom and wash. I have something to say to him in private." This was the first time that Huangfu Qiye wanted to send Tang Xiaowei away. Then, he wanted to talk to Xiao Anan in private.

Although Tang Xiaowei was worried that they would have an argument, because they were father and son, they indeed needed to have a private chat.