Chapter 507: Last night was too painful

The two servants silently thought that the young madam was so gentle and kind. She did not beat or insult the servants just because she became the young madam of the Huangfu family. Instead, she was very good to them.

Therefore, they all liked the young madam very much and felt happy that such a young madam could become the mistress of the Huangfu family.

However, young master was too heartless. Young madam was so nice and even gave birth to such a cute child for young master. How could young master bear to bully young madam?

Although the two servants were worried about Tang Xiaowei, they did not dare to come forward to comfort her.

In the end, Tang Xiaowei finally stopped crying and stood up from the ground.

She did not want to open the door, so she let the two servants rest on the sofa next to Xiao Anan's bedroom.

"You two go to the sofa and rest for a while. Remember not to open the door."

"Okay, young madam." The two maids nodded obediently and left slowly.

If it was in the past, even if the two maids were respectful to her, they would not completely listen to her. Therefore, it was very likely that they would immediately listen to Huangfu Qiye outside and open the door.

But now, the two maids liked her very much and felt that she was very sad from crying just now. Therefore, after knowing that the young master outside was not willing to use force on young madam, the two maids naturally would not open the door again.

Tang Xiaowei herself laid down beside Xiao Anan and hugged the child's small body.

She wasn't sleepy, but she didn't want to let her imagination run wild, so she could only force herself to sleep.

Because when she fell asleep, she could temporarily forget about the things that made her uncomfortable.


In the end, Tang Xiaowei slowly fell asleep.

When she woke up, the light in the room was very dim, but it could be seen that it was because the curtains were closed. In fact, the sky outside looked very bright. It was definitely daytime.

She sat up. Her eyes were red and swollen, and there was some pain. Her head was not very clear for a while.

"Xiaowei." At that moment, a familiar male voice sounded from the side.

When Tang Xiaowei heard the voice, her whole body trembled.

She turned around and found that Xiao Anan, who should have slept next to her last night, had disappeared. At this moment, Huangfu Qiye was sitting next to her.

She did not find it strange. This was his house. After she fell asleep, he could naturally come in easily.

She was too lazy to be angry, and didn't care that he said he wouldn't come in yesterday and would only come in after she forgave him.

Moreover, the child wasn't in the room now. He must have gotten him out.

She suddenly felt a headache, and the waves of pain made her feel suffocated.

Huangfu Qiye looked very dispirited, and he looked unusually painful and regretful.

After he called her name, he hugged her tightly the next second.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that you were the one who cooked dinner yesterday. I thought you didn't care about me. I thought that you asked someone else to cook it. I thought that you just took the food that someone else cooked and went to see me. That's why I was so angry and smashed the food." He hugged her tightly. It was as if he was afraid that she would struggle and escape.

"I really don't know why you're angry. I was afraid that I would disturb your work, so after taking good care of An An, I went to cook dinner for you. I went to the study. I saw that you were working, so I decided to leave. I didn't want to disturb you. I really don't know what I did wrong." Tang Xiaowei didn't struggle. She said quietly, "Huangfu Qiye, tell me, do you really think that I don't have you in my heart? What do you want me to say? Tell me, do you want me to dig out my heart and give it to you?"

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I didn't ask you to dig out your heart. Xiaowei, stop talking. It's my fault." Huangfu Qiye frowned when he heard that. He was afraid that she would say something that he could not accept, so he kept apologizing.

"I actually feel very sad. I thought that we would be very happy if we were in love. I don't even care about the secular world. I just want to be with you. But I realized that even if we confessed to each other, there is no trust between us. You can not trust me now, and I may not trust you in the future. I'm very afraid, Huangfu Qiye. Do you know that I'm really afraid? Can we really be together peacefully?" Tang Xiaowei's voice was faint. There was a hint of confusion in her ethereal voice.

She was very confused. Last night was too painful.

After crying for a long time, she gradually fell asleep.

When she woke up, she no longer felt like crying. Perhaps it was because he had come and his apology made her not feel like crying so much.

However, she felt very confused and unsure.

She didn't dare to enjoy the happiness she felt when she was with him like she did two days ago.

She was afraid that this happiness was only on the surface. Soon, there would be no trust between them. Their happiness, good feelings, and even their love for each other would gradually disappear.

She didn't want this feeling to disappear, but she was also afraid that if she continued to be with him, she would be stabbed by his distrust.

She was also afraid that if she did not trust him in the future, she would stab him.

In the past, she loved him and only wanted to be with him. However, after they got together, she realized that even though they were very in love, there were still accidents when they got along.

"It will definitely work. We will always be together. I was thinking too much yesterday. This won't happen again in the future. Xiaowei, don't let your imagination run wild. Can you forgive me for yesterday?" Huangfu Qiye held her face. He gently kissed her eyes.

"Xiaowei, don't cry anymore in the future. Do you know how painful it was for me when I heard others say that you were crying? "

Tang Xiaowei's eyes were moist, and a drop of tears fell again.

She wasn't a person who liked to cry, but she was a person who cried easily.

Things related to Huangfu Qiye always caused her tears.

If she didn't care about him, she wouldn't have been in so much pain yesterday. Naturally, she wouldn't have shed a single drop of tears.

Seeing her tears, his heart ached as he kissed her tears away. Then, he kissed her more and more, and finally, he kissed her lips.

She began to struggle and pushed his chest away. "I'm still in a bad mood. Don't be like this. "

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye gently kissed the corner of her lips.

"Can I still trust you?" She suddenly raised her head and looked at him.

She had been in so much pain and sadness yesterday, but now that she had calmed down, she remembered that he could quickly find out the truth and come over to apologize to her. Since she had brought the child back to live a good life with him, it was impossible for her not to give him a chance.

Even though what had happened yesterday had really hurt her heart.

However, she still could not really not forgive him.

"I will make you believe me."