Chapter 513: The child is injured

"Yuyan, it's not because of my period. I have a conflict with Huangfu Qiye." Tang Xiaowei did not hide her situation from Tao Yuyan. Since her good friend asked about it, she told her. She sighed helplessly.

In fact, she did not know what exactly happened between them.

But from the current situation, she really felt that something must have gone wrong somewhere that she did not know about.

"A conflict? Why? Did he bully you?" Tao Yuyan was very shocked when she heard that.

Didn't Huangfu Qiye already know about the past?

Since that was the case, Huangfu Qiye wouldn't bully Xiaowei anymore?

Unless, he didn't love Xiaowei anymore.

Tao Yuyan was even more worried when she thought of this possibility.

Tang Xiaowei looked confused. "I don't know what went wrong, but he always gets angry for no reason. I find it too tiring to be with him, but I really love him. I don't want to leave him. It's not easy to be together with him, and I really don't want to let go. But he's always like this. I feel really bad. I don't understand why he's like this."

After Tang Xiaowei finished speaking, a pained expression crept onto her face.

She lowered her head and covered her face with her hand.

Tao Yuyan hurriedly hugged Tang Xiaowei. She comforted her, "Xiaowei, don't feel bad. It's not easy for you two to be together, yet you two are already at loggerheads. It's probably just a misunderstanding. Why don't you find a time to clarify things with him and ask him everything you want to know? Maybe everything will be fine."

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, she said helplessly, "I actually wanted to ask him, too, but I realized that when I was faced with his indifference, I really didn't have the courage to say anything."

"Then what should we do?" Tao Yuyan was also very worried, but she was not a lover. Her own matters were already messy enough to give her a headache, so Tao Yuyan was even more clueless about the matter between Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye.

"I..." Tang Xiaowei's mind was also in a mess, and she did not know what to do.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and the anxious voice of a servant came from outside, "Young madam, Young madam, please come out and take a look. Young master is injured..."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan were both shocked. Then, they hurriedly got up and rushed to the door to open it.

"What's going on?" After opening the door, Tang Xiaowei grabbed the servant's arm in worry.

Outside the door was the servant who had been taking care of Xiao Anan for the past two days. She was so anxious that her face was red. "Young madam, young master was injured in the martial arts classroom just now because of practice. He's crying now. Please go and take a look."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei felt as if her heart had been placed in the air by someone.

Her heart was hanging in the air, as if it would fall down in the next second.

She was extremely afraid.

She did not have the time to ask too many questions and rushed downstairs.

Tao Yuyan and the maid also hurriedly followed behind and ran downstairs.

Tang Xiaowei knew where An An was studying in the room. In the beginning, when An An wanted to study, she had come to see him a few times because she was worried, but because she did not want to disturb him or be afraid of affecting his learning she did not let him find out.

At that moment, when she ran to the door of the martial arts classroom, she could hear the little fellow's heartbreaking cries coming from the classroom.

Her heart tightened, and tears almost immediately rolled out of her eyes.

Bang! She pushed open the door of the martial arts classroom and saw Xiao Anan crying his eyes out on the chair inside. The teacher beside him was comforting him with fear and heartache.

"An An." She called out the child's name and immediately rushed over. She squatted down and hugged him tightly in her arms.

An an cried even louder when he saw his mother suddenly come.

He hugged his mother and cried so much that Tang Xiaowei's heart was about to break. "Mommy, my hand hurts so much. It's going to break..."

"An An, I'm sorry. Mommy didn't take good care of you. Don't learn from me anymore. Mommy will immediately bring you to a doctor." Tang Xiaowei was very afraid. She didn't dare to let the child learn martial arts anymore. She picked up the child and turned around to walk out.

The two bodyguards who taught Xiao Anan were the teachers. They were the most afraid at this moment. After all, they had injured the young master when they were teaching him.

Now that the young master was crying so hard and the young madam was also so sad, it was obvious that they would be in serious trouble when the young master came back tonight. They might even lose their lives.

Thus, the two of them suddenly knelt down in front of Tang Xiaowei.

"Young madam, it's all our fault. We won't dare to be so negligent in the future. Please punish us, young madam."

If the young madam was willing to punish them and forgive them, the young master might let them off.

Tang Xiaowei was worried about the child's injuries and could not care about anything else. However, for the sake of her child, she still wanted to figure it out. Her eyes were red with anxiety. "Later, when we check the surveillance cameras, it's not your fault. I won't blame you, but if it's your fault, I won't forgive you."

After she said that, she carried An An who was still crying and walked out.

Tao Yuyan also ran over. When she saw that An An and Tang Xiaowei were crying, her eyes were red as well. She hurriedly came forward to comfort them. "Xiaowei, someone has already called the doctor over there. Let's carry the child back to the room first."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded, tears continuously falling from her eyes.

Xiao Anan was still crying. His right hand was originally small, but now, one of his small arms had fallen limply. It was as if it was really broken. The little fellow's face was pale from the pain. If Tang Xiaowei had not carried him and kept comforting him in a gentle voice, he would have rolled around in pain long ago.

After Tang Xiaowei carried Xiao Anan back to his room, the family doctor arrived very quickly.

An hour later, the family doctor helped Xiao Anan reattach his arm. He said that it was just a dislocation. However, the child was still young and he could not bear the pain, which was why he was crying so loudly.

After all, an adult who suddenly dislocated his arm would also be in great pain, not to mention a child.

The family doctor helped Xiao Anan reattach his bones, then applied medicine on him. He used gauze to hang his arm up. Under Tang Xiaowei's repeated inquiries, he said that Xiao Anan did not have any other problems at the moment. If there were any problems, she could call him. Only then did Tang Xiaowei let the family doctor go.

Not long after the family doctor left, Xiao Anan slowly fell asleep because of the pain and exhaustion from before.

Tang Xiaowei stood by the bed, guarding the little guy. The tears on her face were dry, and she had long forgotten to wipe them away.

Tao Yuyan, who was beside her, watched silently. She felt very uncomfortable.

After a long time, the sky outside had gradually darkened.

Tang Xiaowei finally came back to her senses and looked at Tao Yuyan, who had been accompanying her, in embarrassment.