Chapter 527: I love someone else

The driver and his daughter looked at each other in shock and fear.

But now, no one cared what they thought.

They had privately damaged Huangfu Qiye's reputation because of their vanity.

How could a person like Huangfu Qiye be at a disadvantage?

They would just wait here for the consequences of provoking someone they shouldn't have provoked.

After all, in the beginning, the driver was greedy and brought his daughter here.

He was only taking her up the mountain. After taking her up, his work was done and he could leave.

However, the next day, he brought his daughter to Huangfu Qiye's territory. He even wanted to make use of Huangfu Qiye. His daughter had sent a photo of Huangfu Qiye. What was more terrifying was that she secretly kissed Huangfu Qiye.

Therefore, don't blame Huangfu Qiye for being cold-blooded. If they didn't take the initiative to provoke Huangfu Qiye, nobody would have come to find trouble with them for no reason!

No one owed them anything. They would bear the consequences for what they had done!


Huangfu Qiye entered the study room after he promised Tang Xiaowei that he would clean up the matter.

Because he didn't have Tang Xiaowei by his side, he was more able to calm down and go to work or do things.

Therefore, after entering the study room, his entire temperament completely changed.

Strong, capable, and cold.

As long as his Xiaowei was willing to believe in him and didn't doubt him, he wouldn't care about anything else that might come out of nowhere.

Therefore, after he calmly checked the news on the internet, he could immediately confirm that this was the father and daughter that he met today.

And from the looks of it, it was indeed the photo that they took when he was unconscious.

After seeing the photo of him being kissed, Huangfu Qiye's gaze became colder and colder.

He immediately got someone to contact the Weibo authorities and they deleted all the popular Weibo posts. After leaving evidence, he deleted these Weibo posts, including those of the driver's daughter.

After doing all this, he got the bodyguard to contact the detention center where the driver and his daughter were being held today.

Unfortunately, when the bodyguard called, only then did he know that the police thought that the driver's daughter and Huangfu Qiye were really a couple, and actually let the driver's daughter go. After the bodyguard's explanation, the police realized that Huangfu Qiye had nothing to do with the driver's daughter, and then ran out to chase the father and daughter back.

Huangfu Qiye would never show mercy to someone who secretly took photos of others and put them out to pretend to be weak, and even tarnished his reputation, and even secretly kissed him.

If this had happened in the past, he would have made the father and daughter disappear from this world.

Unfortunately, the incident this time was very big, and almost all the netizens knew about it.

He could only choose to sue the father and daughter in court.

Therefore, after knowing that the father and daughter had been arrested and brought back to the detention center, Huangfu Qiye made a call to the high-level lawyer in his company. He then handed the matter over to the lawyer, who immediately went to prepare. It was best to sue the father and daughter in court immediately, so that they would know the consequences of provoking him.

Thinking about how the woman actually kissed his cheek while he was unconscious, Huangfu Qiye really wanted to tear the other party's mouth apart and cut off the part of his face that had been kissed by the woman.

After dealing with these matters.

He called everyone out of the study room and turned on the computer alone in the study room. He logged into his official Weibo and recorded a video himself.

Soon, he uploaded the video he had recorded onto his Weibo.

As soon as his video was posted, a large number of netizens who had been waiting for him immediately left comments.

"Prince Charming, I didn't expect you to look so handsome in your video. "

"President Huangfu, I knew it was impossible for you to like that kind of woman, but I didn't expect you to be cheated by that kind of woman. You have to be careful in the future."

"President Huangfu has finally come out to explain. Everyone, come and take a look."

"So this is the reason why those Weibo posts were deleted just now. As expected, it's impossible for the president to like that kind of vain woman."

"President Huangfu, then who exactly is the person you love? "

"Yes, yes, can you make her come out and let us take a look?"

"The woman that President Huangfu loves must be even more beautiful than the vain woman from before."


In the video that Huangfu Qiye recorded, he was the only one sitting on the boss' chair coldly. The light in the room was dim, but he was still so handsome that it seemed like he would shine.

He only said one sentence coldly, "I love someone else. See you at the press conference tomorrow!"

After posting this Weibo post with a video, President Huangfu did not care about the gossipy netizens' comments. He switched accounts and logged into his alternate account, Black Cloud. Then, he went to check on the only person he followed.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei had returned to An An's room.

The little fellow was still sleeping.

She chatted with Yuyan and told her about the situation. Yuyan was stunned for a moment. Then, she smiled. "Xiaowei, you guys are in a good state now. You have to continue to maintain this state. This way, even if something bad happens, as long as you can understand each other and trust each other, there won't be any misunderstandings."

Tang Xiaowei also nodded. "Yeah, I think so, too."

So, the two of them looked as if they were watching someone else's news. They started to see how the netizens were commenting on this incident.

Finally, when she saw that all the news about Huangfu Qiye's disappearance had been deleted, Tang Xiaowei was surprised for a moment.

She wrote on her Weibo: "He's so awesome, but why does he feel more secure like this?" He-he.

Soon, there was a comment under her Weibo.

Black Cloud: "Looks like you're very happy, then it's good that you like it."

Tang Xiaowei had just posted on Weibo when she saw the comment. Naturally, she wanted to click on it to take a look. With one look, she realized that there was something wrong.

Could this Black Cloud be Huangfu Qiye?

Thinking of his nickname and her nickname, it was completely a couple's name. Moreover, the words were said in Huangfu Qiye's tone. It couldn't be anyone else but him.

It seemed that after he settled the matter, she would have to find an opportunity to ask if this was really him.

She replied to the Black Cloud with a smiling emoji.

Then she thought that this should be his alternate account, so she started to search for his official account.

When she searched, she was shocked.

His official account was certified, but usually he would only post things from the company. However, he actually had more than ten million fans, and each Weibo post had tens of thousands of comments.

Wasn't this a little too crazy?

He wasn't a star, so why would so many people like him?