Chapter 556: I'm hungry

After all, with his status and financial resources, it was possible for him to buy a house anywhere.

Perhaps he had guessed what she was thinking.

Huangfu Qiye continued, "I've set up houses in many places around the world, just in case I need them. When I'm free, I'll ask my secretary to prepare these property certificates and hand them over to you. In the future, wherever you want to go, you don't have to stay in a hotel. You can stay in our house."

He spoke very naturally and calmly, but there was a hint of indulgence in his tone.

However, when Tang Xiaowei heard this, she was very shocked.

He actually bought houses in many places all over the world. Wasn't this a little too crazy and willful?

Tang Xiaowei lightly hummed in agreement. She didn't dare to appear too shocked, afraid that he would say that she was a country bumpkin.

"You don't like it?" Her silence caused Huangfu Qiye's attention to rest on her face, and he looked at her with a heavy gaze.

", no, I still like it very much." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly shook her head, afraid that he would misunderstand.

"This is the expression of liking, huh?" Huangfu Qiye was not satisfied with her expression.

Could he not tell what the expressions of liking and disliking were like?

Being stared at and interrogated like this, Tang Xiaowei felt like she had nowhere to hide. She simply threw her entire body and head into his arms and muttered a few words, "Don't ask anymore. I like it very much anyway. Really, I won't lie to you."

Although Huangfu Qiye did not know what she was thinking just now, when she was like this, he could not continue to ask.

He held her close, his eyes dark.

In fact, a lot of times, he still can't see what she is thinking.

But it was enough to hold her in his arms.


When she arrived at the door of the house Huangfu Qiye mentioned, Tang Xiaowei saw the outside of the house from the car window and was shocked again.

How is this a house?

This is clearly an ancient castle, okay?

Moreover, it was two connected ancient castles, one big and one small. They were both very beautiful and gorgeous, and they occupied an area of at least tens of millions of square meters.

If he didn't live here for a long time, wouldn't it be a bit of a waste for him to buy such an ancient castle?

"What are you thinking about? It's time to get out of the car." Just as Tang Xiaowei's thoughts were running wild, Huangfu Qiye's voice came from the side.

Then, he reached out to carry her and walked out.

At the same time, Xiao Anan, who had been sitting in the front, had already gotten out of the car. At this moment, he was being carried by Yuan Qi. He stood on the lawn outside and waved his chubby hand happily in her direction.

Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei out of the car and placed her on the lawn. Then, he held her hand and walked forward.

A row of servants stood on the lawn of the ancient castle. All of them were smiling as they welcomed their arrival.

Huangfu Qiye completely ignored them. He hugged Tang Xiaowei and quickly walked into the two largest ancient castles that were connected together.

Xiao Anan was left behind by them and was carried by Yuan Qi.

Xiao Anan saw that his father and mother were walking so quickly. He anxiously urged Yuan Qi, "Uncle Yuan Qi, walk faster. You won't be able to catch up with my parents in a while."

This was the first time that the little guy had followed his parents to an unfamiliar place, so he was very afraid of being separated from them.

Yuan Qi was very helpless. Because young master was afraid that his son would always pester young madam, he had secretly warned him before that when he took care of An An, he had to keep some distance so that young master would not see young madam and immediately pester her.

Yuan Qi had worked by Huangfu Qiye's side for many years, so he naturally understood that his young master had been lonely and tormented by love for many years.

Therefore, now that the young master had finally been able to get his hands on a beauty and wanted to spend more time alone with the people he loved, Yuan Qi was very understanding and considerate.

Therefore, he immediately looked at Xiao Anan. He said in a serious manner, "Young master, this is your father's house. Your father and mother won't leave. I can bring you to see the fun places in this ancient castle. Do you want to take a look?"

When Xiao Anan heard this, he immediately widened his beautiful eyes and revealed a curious expression. "Fun places? What are they? Where are they?"

After all, he was only three years old. Of course, he liked fun.

Especially when he heard that this was his father's house, his father and mother would not get separated. Moreover, Yuan Qi was a trustworthy person, so Xiao Anan was not worried and nervous.

Yuan Qi saw that Xiao Anan was attracted by his suggestion and heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the young master did not insist on chasing after his parents. Otherwise, if he disturbed the young master and young madam's interaction, the young master would be angry again.

Hence, he brought Xiao Anan to the room that was specially set up for Xiao Anan to play in the castle.

Xiao Anan used to be by Tang Xiaowei's side, and his personality was more reclusive. Now, he had started to become more cheerful. Moreover, he was still young, so he especially liked to play.

After that, he naturally forgot to look for his mother and started to play happily.

On the other side.

After Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei entered the castle, he was prepared to bring her to the bedroom when Tang Xiaowei's stomach started to growl. She stopped in her tracks and said, "I'm hungry. Let's go to the kitchen to find something to eat."

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye wrapped his arm around her waist and walked towards the dining room. "There's no need to go to the kitchen. Let's go to the dining room first. I'll get someone to bring the food here."

He had just forgotten that they had not eaten yet because he did not feel hungry. He had almost forgotten that she would be hungry.

He frowned slightly and instructed the servant next to him to prepare the food. Then, he wrapped his arm around Tang Xiaowei and prepared to walk into the dining room.

Tang Xiaowei did not move. Her eyes were filled with anticipation. "I want to eat sour radish. It's the kind that can be brewed by oneself. I suddenly feel like eating it. I don't think there's any here. I'll go to the kitchen and make a pot myself."

Hearing her words, Huangfu Qiye immediately thought of the sour radish that she had made in the past. He had even secretly eaten it before.

To him, that kind of taste was something that he could not accept. It was sour and spicy.

However, it was good that she liked it.

He also knew that this was Australia. The chefs here must have prepared dinner for them, but they definitely did not prepare the sour radish to be made.

Therefore, he helplessly changed the direction and held her as they walked towards the kitchen. "You're right. There shouldn't be any food like that here. However, there are all kinds of ingredients here. Go and tell the chefs how to make it. There's no need for you to do it yourself."

"I want to do it myself. I like to make it myself." Tang Xiaowei felt that she didn't have to do anything during this period of time. She felt that she was going to be wasted and immediately refused to let the chef do it. She wanted to do it herself more.

Moreover, wouldn't it be more delicious if she made the food that she liked herself?