Chapter 553: "We can't just sit around and wait for death. "

She was stunned for a moment, then said faintly, "If this continues, will An An and I have to hide at home and not go out in the future?"

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye's eyes dimmed a little, and he hugged her tightly. "No, as long as I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you and the child. If you want to go out in the future, you can go anywhere with me."

"Don't be nervous, I'm just worried because I think too much." Tang Xiaowei knew that she had said the wrong thing when she heard the nervousness and seriousness in his tone.

She really shouldn't have said that at such a moment.

"Trust me. I'll soon be able to give you a safe and secure living environment. These days won't last long," he promised as he hugged her.

This was because he was not only avoiding the people from the Xiu family, he was also collecting some evidence that could control the Xiu family.

He knew that Xiu Zhongsheng was his biological grandfather, but they had never been together since they were young. The two of them did not have any feelings for each other, but because they were family, he could not do anything.

However, he could not sit still and wait for the other party to make a move. Only then would he know how to protect himself, Xiao Wei, and An An.

He first collected the evidence that could be used to control the other party. In the future, the other party would not come and threaten them, nor would they appear in front of them again. He would be able to give Xiao Wei and Xiao Anan a safe and non-dangerous living environment.

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei did not say anything more. She reached out with both hands and hugged him tightly, then closed her eyes.

However, she had already slept before. Now that she was awake and knew about these things, she did not feel sleepy at all.

The two of them hugged each other until the car stopped. Yuan Qi, who had stayed with the driver in the past, walked over and reported softly from outside the curtain, "Young master, we've arrived. You can get out now."

Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye looked at each other. At this time, the sky had already begun to brighten up.

Tang Xiaowei did not know where they had already reached. Huangfu Qiye got off the bed and carried her up. He said, "We've arrived at a relatively secluded airport. The Xiu family won't be able to find us here for the time being."

Tang Xiaowei nodded. Only then did she understand that they would really be going to Australia after they boarded the plane.

After that, Huangfu Qiye forcefully carried her onto his private plane. As for Xiao Anan, it was Yuan Qi who helped carry him onto the plane.

At first, Tang Xiaowei actually wanted to walk up on her own. However, Huangfu Qiye wasn't the only one who didn't allow it. After she got off the ground, she found out that she had been tormented by him in the bathroom last night. As a result, her legs were sore. It was very difficult to walk, and in the end, she could only let him carry her.

The three of them boarded the plane. Then, Yuan Qi arranged for the other bodyguards and servants to board the plane in the same order.

Half an hour later, the plane took off.


At the same time.

A black car took advantage of the fact that the sky hadn't completely lit up yet and secretly drove halfway up the forest manor.

Then, two men wearing hoods got out of the car. The two of them quickly hid the car in the forest with skillful movements. Then, they got out of the car and walked to the top of the mountain.

They were the people sent by Xiu Zhongsheng to monitor the forest manor. Today was the first time they had come.

However, when they reached the top of the mountain, the sky was already bright.

The two men realized that the security guards at the entrance of the forest manor and the anti-theft equipment here were not simple, so they did not rush forward.

After hiding in the forest for a while, they began to find a place and climbed up the tree branches. They used binoculars to peek into the situation in the forest manor.

Soon, they found that other than a few servants and bodyguards walking around, there was no one else in the manor.

They had seen pictures of Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei from their master. They came here today to monitor them.

So far, they had not seen Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei. The two men immediately felt that something was wrong. Then, they sneaked into the manor from the back of the forest manor.

Because there was no anti-theft device installed on the wall, they did not make any noise after they entered.

After the two men entered, they quickly stopped a servant who was alone in a corner. Then, they forced the servant into a corner and asked, "Where are your master, Huangfu Qiye, and his woman, Tang Xiaowei? Where did they go?"

This maid happened to not know any kung fu at all. She was almost scared to death when she was caught by two men in black clothes and headgear who suddenly appeared.

However, she did not dare to casually reveal her master's whereabouts. She shook her head hard and said, "I don't know. Please let me go."

"Are you going to tell me or not?" When the two men in headgear saw that the maid was unwilling to speak, they took out a gun and pointed the muzzle at the maid's forehead.

The maid was so scared that her whole body trembled. After all, she was not a trained bodyguard, so she immediately confessed in fear, "I'll tell you, I'll tell you. Please don't kill me. I'll tell you where the young master and young madam went."

"Okay, tell me." The two men did not put away their guns and continued to stare at the servant fiercely.

The servant hurriedly said while trembling, "The young master seems to be taking the young madam abroad, but I don't know which country he's going to."

"You really don't know?" The two men did not believe it and pointed their guns at the servant again. The servant was so scared that she started to cry, "I really don't know. I'm just a maid. It's impossible for the young master to tell us more about these things."

When the two men heard this, they believed the servant's words.

However, they still shot the servant and quickly returned over the wall and left the forest manor.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot in the forest manor, which immediately attracted the bodyguards and other servants who stayed to guard the manor. Therefore, a group of people immediately followed the source of the sound to look for where it originated.

However, when they came, the servant who had just spoken to the two men had already closed her eyes. A bodyguard came forward and touched the servant's nose. She was dead.

A few bodyguards sent the dead servant down. Then, a bodyguard immediately hid in the manor and quietly sent a message.

At the same time, Huangfu Qiye, who was on the plane, received a message from the bodyguard in the manor. When he saw that a servant in the manor was inexplicably shot to death, he knew that it was right for him to leave the forest manor early. Because the people from the Xiu family had already found him.

He put down his phone and temporarily did not want to pay attention to this matter.

Because, at the moment, the people from the Xiu family absolutely could not find them.

Wanting to find him was definitely not such a simple matter.

He had already deployed everything and could completely delay his whereabouts for a long time without being discovered by the Xiu family's people.