Chapter 558: "I was waiting for you. "

"Why don't we take a shower together?" This way, there was no need to fight over it. After Huangfu Qiye finished speaking, he felt that this suggestion was very good. Then, he held the child in one hand and held Tang Xiaowei's hand in the other. Then, they walked out of the child's room and went to the bathroom in his and Tang Xiaowei's bedroom.

Tang Xiaowei's face was red as she left with him. She couldn't refuse at all.

Xiao Anan was in Huangfu Qiye's arms with his eyes wide open. He was lying on Huangfu Qiye's shoulder curiously. He asked Tang Xiaowei in a low voice, "Mom, why is your face so red?"

Tang Xiaowei was so embarrassed that she couldn't say anything. "I... I..."

Huangfu Qiye heard his son's question and turned around to take a look. Sure enough, when he saw Tang Xiaowei's bashful look, his heart moved. He couldn't help but feel that his son today was really cute. Similarly, today's Xiaowei was also so cute that he wanted to pounce on her immediately.

Therefore, after entering the bathroom, he didn't need Tang Xiaowei's help at all. He immediately helped Xiao Anan to bathe properly. Then, he wrapped Xiao Anan in a large towel and carried the child up. He turned to Tang Xiaowei and said, "You bathe first. I'll send him back to his room."

Tang Xiaowei nodded. "Okay, but you have to read a story to An An. You can only come back when he's asleep."

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye was stunned for a second, then he nodded stiffly.

After that, he carried Xiao Anan and left.

Tang Xiaowei was alone in the bathroom. She turned on the hot water, took off her clothes, and began to bathe.

On the other side.

Huangfu Qiye originally thought that after helping the child bathe and sending him back, he would be able to come back and bathe with Tang Xiaowei.

Who knew that Xiaowei would actually ask him, a grown man, to read a bedtime story? When he saw the story his son had brought out, only then did he realize that it was actually a fairy tale. Huangfu Qiye's face became even more stiff.

He held the book in his hands and remained stiff in silence for a long time.

Xiao Anan had already put on his cute pajamas. He lay on the soft bed and covered himself with the blanket. He opened his eyes wide and blinked as he looked at his father. "Dad, why aren't you reading? Don't tell me you can't read?"

"Little brat, do I look like I can't read?" Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye frowned and pinched his son's little face.

"Daddy, you pinched me. I'm going to complain to Mommy." After spending time with his father, Xiao Anan knew that his father was most afraid of his mother. Therefore, even if his father was his idol, he would still threaten his idol, like now.

Unfortunately, if Tang Xiaowei was by his side, Huangfu Qiye would definitely coax his son.

But now, Tang Xiaowei was not by his side.

Hearing Xiao Anan's threat, Huangfu Qiye's face darkened. He pinched his little face even harder. "Tomorrow, I'm going to take your mother out to play. Do you not want to go with me, hmm?"

When Xiao Anan heard this, his big eyes immediately revealed a look of anticipation and excitement. Then, he hurriedly hugged Huangfu Qiye's big hand. "Daddy, An An knows he's wrong. An An is going tomorrow. I will not go and complain to mommy. Daddy must remember to bring me with you tomorrow, okay?"

"Then, do you still want me to read the story book?" Huangfu Qiye took the opportunity to threaten him.

"No, no, no. Actually, An An doesn't like these stories at all. I can sleep by myself. Daddy, go back and be with mommy." Xiao Anan understood what his father meant After saying this, he closed his eyes. "Look, An An is sleeping now."

Huangfu Qiye's gaze was deep as he looked at the child.

The child looked about 60% like Xiaowei and 40% like him.

As for the child's personality, when he was withdrawn, he looked like him and when he was lively, he looked like Xiaowei.

As expected, he was his and Xiaowei's child, so every part of him was like them.

He had only been scaring the child just now. Seeing that the little fellow had obediently closed his eyes and was about to sleep, he put down the storybook, lowered his head, and kissed him on the forehead. He softened his voice and said, "Sleep well."

Then, he got up and left a lamp in the room. After he went out, he let two servants come in to guard Xiao Anan.

Only then did he leave with peace of mind.

When he returned to his and Tang Xiaowei's bedroom, he found that Tang Xiaowei had already taken a bath and was sitting on the bed, drying her hair.

He had actually missed the chance to take a bath together with Xiaowei just for the sake of the child.

He was a little disappointed.

However, it wasn't like he didn't have the chance to take a bath together with Xiaowei in the future, so he didn't show it clearly.

He walked in and when Tang Xiaowei saw him, she immediately smiled gently and said, "You're back? Is An An asleep? Did you read a story to him?"

"Yes, he's asleep." Huangfu Qiye deliberately didn't answer the question of whether he read a story or not. In any case, as long as the child could fall asleep, reading a story or not was the same.

After saying that, he walked into the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower. If you're sleepy, go to sleep first."

Although he really didn't want her to sleep first, because if she fell asleep first, he wouldn't want to wake her up if he wanted to touch her.

But thinking that she had just come here today, she must be tired from the long journey. He would let her go today and let her have a good rest.

Tang Xiaowei watched him walk into the bathroom and was a little puzzled.

He actually said to let her sleep first.

Ever since they got back together, he wished that she didn't sleep first every day so that he could eat her up and wipe her clean. That was why he was a little strange today.

Originally, she was a little sleepy.

However, because she felt that he was a little strange, she kept thinking about it. In the end, she didn't fall asleep at all.

When Huangfu Qiye came out, it was already almost an hour later.

He came out with a towel wrapped around him. Water droplets were still dripping from his hair and chest.

When he came out, he thought that Tang Xiaowei should have fallen asleep.

Unexpectedly, when he looked over, he saw that her body was curled up in the quilt. However, her eyes were looking at him gently.

He still had a towel in his hand. He casually wiped his wet hair and strode over, asking in a deep voice, "Why aren't you asleep yet? Aren't you sleepy?"

"I'm waiting for you." Tang Xiaowei looked at him and answered calmly on the surface, but in fact, her hands were grabbing the blanket.

She hadn't fallen asleep all this time.

Now that she saw him come out...

He didn't wear a bathrobe or pajamas. Instead, he came out directly with a towel. She really didn't dare to look at him anymore. She really wanted to look away, but she was afraid that he would find out and tease her. She felt like she couldn't breathe anymore.

Why did he have such a good figure?

Huangfu Qiye's gaze never left her face. When he saw her eyes, he avoided them.